I actually think Shadowlands as a setting is really cool, they just absolutely shat up the story and having Sylvanas and Malganis be the only (still living) characters from Warcraft that really made a difference there was a massive mistake. Hiding the Nathrezim reveal was the dumbest thing they ever did and I'm baffled why they did it, they should've been front and center.
Imagine if it was more like TBC, with a big Azeroth story going on and us going back to Northrend at the end to fuck up Zovaal. Or hell, Denny would've been a better final boss, considering the influence the Nathrezim have had over so much of Warcraft. (I wonder if that's where they are going with him, he and Azshara have Final Final Boss material written all over them)
Sylvanas wouldn't fit imo. She was a righteous character in WC3 and then became angry in TFT. Vanessa could've been that but it would also be kinda weird because she was only 16 in Cata iirc? I should really make a human and do the heritage quests btw, since I've heard she's a part of them. Pretty nice.
Xal'atath is very interesting, but she could just be an avatar of an Old God.
Explore cavern zones under new old-world zones.
Expansion starts in Silithus and you enter first zone near existing damaged earth.
Strongholds (not d4). Endgame shared pve area. 3 available on launch. Alternative to m+ but no time. 5 players attack stronghold mobs and get loot and currency the stronghold commander. Take place in castles in old world (think a bigger Stonewatch) and phasing system for up to 3 parties together. Puzzles and a trapdoor in one.
No new race but class modifications are coming that involve a rebuilt glyph system.
Jump function on ground mounts different
“Going to Argus has nothing to do with an Azshara expansion” -Teriz after the “eye of azshara” trademark is registered.
We don’t know WHY we’re going to a lost continent west of Kalimdor.
It must be pretty bad for us to want to sail/fly through storms that nobody except Nightsquall was able to do and return.
A void invasion COULD be that driving force along with whatever macguffin blizzard has planned for that area.
And by your logic, going to K’aresh would make as much sense in a void invasion expansion as going to Argus in a legion expansion.
I like this; it's the "dark"/"shocking" type of story event we need in the game, which makes me think they wouldn't go all the way with it if they did go in that direction. They'd throw in some "titans are defeated but they come to their senses finally" stuff we've always gotten in WoW.
Google doc with all plate mogs complete with import codes! PLATE TRANSMOG-O-RAMA
I want strong faction presence in next expansion on "simple" looking lands(hopefully with open spaces), not just very few big lore figures but all races under these factions being there in some capacity and showing their factions colors.
I also hope that we won't be going just as "explorers" party again, like we did go to dragon isles, usually with some annoying npcs screaming to our ears.
No, I actually want all of it to be bleak and scary. Maybe it's Diablo's Influence creeping im, but dark zones like Duskwood, Drustvar or Revendredt are always amazing. I want more dark shit. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it will please those who actually want that. Which is miles better than little bit of everything all of the time, that pleases absolutely bugger all.
Considering how they're seeding ideas for 11.0 into these random logs. Sure, there's no connection between Avaloren & Khaz Algar in universe, but there is a connection to in how they're being introduced to the audience. There's a decent chance we get Khaz Algar & its part of entirely new contenent & they throw in some detail like "Before they scoured the influence of the Titans from their land, it was called Avaloren"
Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-04 at 03:42 PM.