1. #2481
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It actually varies by profession. Some have as much as 13 per week (3x3 from quests plus 4 from treasures). Plus 10.1 is a knowledge bump by itself (3 new one time treasures per profession for 3 points each).
    I wonder if we will ever get more profession abilities. Maybe have them require a certain amount of points spent in order to not make them overpowered, or generally just to have more fun stuff to farm once you are done filling out the rest of the tree.
    Might be a mistake, but who knows.

    Or if nothing else, make the Masters Hammer you get as a Blacksmith fix all your eligible gear, or better yet make repairing the relevant item free if you have it in your inventory. Having to individually repair stuff is not fun.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #2482
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Do we have a view on 10.1 new recipes or professions updates so far? I missed the train with 10.0 and was a bit behind to make gold, I'd like to make it up for it in 10.1.
    enchanters will be making a bunch otherwise it is mostly recrafts

    - - - Updated - - -

    also with the nerf to the lariat i think you might be able to make some gold from embellishments

  3. #2483
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Do we have a view on 10.1 new recipes or professions updates so far? I missed the train with 10.0 and was a bit behind to make gold, I'd like to make it up for it in 10.1.
    This is all me browsing through the data mined and checking professions in the PTR but we seem to be getting at least three treasures for each profession (including engineering) for 9 skill points in total and there are also a few new crafts for every profession; some are weird (e.g. BS has a 2h mace with both stats and an effect yet no "Embellished" tag which is bound to be wrong). There is also a belt buckle but no description (getting back that consumable would be nice).

    But yeah most of your work as a crafter in 10.1 will be recrafting already popular crafts at higher ilvls and ofc consumables.

  4. #2484
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    Quote Originally Posted by GabrielKnight View Post
    Nowadays, with that silly voice and constant presence everywhere, she became rather annoying. The cutscene between her and Nozdormu felt so Disney-ish that almost made me vomit rainbows.
    This is exactly why I dont like chromie. Her voice is so annoying and on top of that she is rather childish in a way.

    I felt that disney vibe ye,.. its bad.

  5. #2485
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    This is exactly why I dont like chromie. Her voice is so annoying and on top of that she is rather childish in a way.

    I felt that disney vibe ye,.. its bad.
    She's good as a fun side character, but does not work as a main character.

    Also, question: At what point do we migrate to a full 11.0 speculation patch? It's always a fun race to see how long we can go till the announcement.
    On that note, when will we get it? 10.2 is suppossed to arrive sometimes during or after next Fall. I would guess after because 24 months for the expansion would clock in at the November of 2024. And I don't really believe they want to do a 12 months last raid patch. I mean we had worse, but that can't be the aim. Dragonflight had the quickest release with 7 months since announcement, That would give us a May announcement next year if they want Dragonflight to last two years.
    Give or take one or two months, but it sounds to me we will get a reveal a year from now.

  6. #2486
    Quote Originally Posted by Polybius View Post
    Sabellian, the guy that never changed where he set his hearthstone and was expansions behind. He couldn’t even clean up his father’s mess.
    ...No one could, like the world literally has not recovered in the slightest from that mess.
    Wrathion made attempts but between setting the Iron Horde on us and nearly ending us all via the Legion invasion he might be one of the very few who could rival his father in terms of how disastrous one dragon can be for the world.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
    Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.

    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  7. #2487
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    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    ...No one could, like the world literally has not recovered in the slightest from that mess.
    Wrathion made attempts but between setting the Iron Horde on us and nearly ending us all via the Legion invasion he might be one of the very few who could rival his father in terms of how disastrous one dragon can be for the world.
    Wrathion would actually make a pretty refreshing villain. He really believes he is doing the world something good and isn't just: Deeeeath and deeeestructiooooon, becaaaaause an ooooooctopuuuuuus toooooold meeee tooo kiiiilllllllllllll

  8. #2488
    Quote Originally Posted by loras View Post
    ...No one could, like the world literally has not recovered in the slightest from that mess.
    Wrathion made attempts but between setting the Iron Horde on us and nearly ending us all via the Legion invasion he might be one of the very few who could rival his father in terms of how disastrous one dragon can be for the world.
    We are as much to blame for the Legion invasion as he is.

  9. #2489
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    She's good as a fun side character, but does not work as a main character.

    Also, question: At what point do we migrate to a full 11.0 speculation patch? It's always a fun race to see how long we can go till the announcement.
    On that note, when will we get it? 10.2 is suppossed to arrive sometimes during or after next Fall. I would guess after because 24 months for the expansion would clock in at the November of 2024. And I don't really believe they want to do a 12 months last raid patch. I mean we had worse, but that can't be the aim. Dragonflight had the quickest release with 7 months since announcement, That would give us a May announcement next year if they want Dragonflight to last two years.
    Give or take one or two months, but it sounds to me we will get a reveal a year from now.
    12 month of last patch? Where it was stated DF is two -patch expansion? The roadmap is for 2023 only I'm pretty sure they will announce more at the end of the year.

  10. #2490
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Also, question: At what point do we migrate to a full 11.0 speculation patch? It's always a fun race to see how long we can go till the announcement.
    On that note, when will we get it? 10.2 is suppossed to arrive sometimes during or after next Fall.
    10.2 PTR may have some hint on 11.0. The reveal is almost certainly going to be out at Blizzcon. I think it's entirely possible to have 10.2 out in late October with the race finishing right before Blizzcon and the major 10.2 cinematics out so Blizzcon would reveal 10.3 and 11.0 So I'd say we are likely to transition to full speculation by late August as long as at least some type of hint is out there from the 10.2 PTR.

  11. #2491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    12 month of last patch? Where it was stated DF is two -patch expansion? The roadmap is for 2023 only I'm pretty sure they will announce more at the end of the year.
    I guess we will learn in December. For the record a 12 months last patch wouldn't be extremely long, but it depends on what features 10.2 arrives with, because there needs to be some meaty shit to keep people occupied for a long time.
    A fun thing to consider is that the two longest expansions were Wrath and MoP. Wrath preluded the revamp expansion and MoP preluded WoD which was light on features, but had a shitton of system updates. Considering we now have a level squish, level scaling, a UI revamp, a profession revamp and a Talent System revamp and will soon have a gearing revamp, a big systems expansion is pretty much out of the question.
    So if DF ends up lasting over the two year long, a world revamp expansion becomes all that more likely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    10.2 PTR may have some hint on 11.0. The reveal is almost certainly going to be out at Blizzcon. I think it's entirely possible to have 10.2 out in late October with the race finishing right before Blizzcon and the major 10.2 cinematics out so Blizzcon would reveal 10.3 and 11.0 So I'd say we are likely to transition to full speculation by late August as long as at least some type of hint is out there from the 10.2 PTR.
    Yeah that is usually when we go wild cause we will have something more tangible to focus our speculation.

  12. #2492
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    She's good as a fun side character, but does not work as a main character.

    Also, question: At what point do we migrate to a full 11.0 speculation patch? It's always a fun race to see how long we can go till the announcement.
    On that note, when will we get it? 10.2 is suppossed to arrive sometimes during or after next Fall. I would guess after because 24 months for the expansion would clock in at the November of 2024. And I don't really believe they want to do a 12 months last raid patch. I mean we had worse, but that can't be the aim. Dragonflight had the quickest release with 7 months since announcement, That would give us a May announcement next year if they want Dragonflight to last two years.
    Give or take one or two months, but it sounds to me we will get a reveal a year from now.
    We'll migrate towards a full 11.0 speculation patch once the last patch of DF is announced, and is announced as such (as in we know it's the last major .X patch)

    I can definitely see a 10.3 on the horizon, they would have to wrap a loooooot of things for the story to end with 10.2 and I don't think they will go towards that direction.

    My guess so far is 10.2 Emerald Dream Raid / 10.3 Infinite Dragonflight Raid (possibly including the narrative of an Galakronised Iridikrond)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I guess we will learn in December. For the record a 12 months last patch wouldn't be extremely long, but it depends on what features 10.2 arrives with, because there needs to be some meaty shit to keep people occupied for a long time.
    A fun thing to consider is that the two longest expansions were Wrath and MoP. Wrath preluded the revamp expansion and MoP preluded WoD which was light on features, but had a shitton of system updates. Considering we now have a level squish, level scaling, a UI revamp, a profession revamp and a Talent System revamp and will soon have a gearing revamp, a big systems expansion is pretty much out of the question.
    So if DF ends up lasting over the two year long, a world revamp expansion becomes all that more likely.

    Yeah that is usually when we go wild cause we will have something more tangible to focus our speculation.
    Crunch crunch crunch

  13. #2493
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    We'll migrate towards a full 11.0 speculation patch once the last patch of DF is announced, and is announced as such (as in we know it's the last major .X patch)

    I can definitely see a 10.3 on the horizon, they would have to wrap a loooooot of things for the story to end with 10.2 and I don't think they will go towards that direction.
    The way I see it a 10.3 would be a soft confirmation of a massive 11.0 especially if it comes a substantial time (3-4 months at least) after 10.2

  14. #2494
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    The way I see it a 10.3 would be a soft confirmation of a massive 11.0 especially if it comes a substantial time (3-4 months at least) after 10.2
    I think 11.0 should come at Nov 23 2024 (yes, I know it's a Saturday) to coincide with the 20 year anniversary or alternatively, pre-expansion events can start at that date together with a massive anniversary event. Not using the anniversary to market the expansion would make no sense.

  15. #2495
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I think 11.0 should come at Nov 23 2024 (yes, I know it's a Saturday) to coincide with the 20-year anniversary or alternatively, pre-expansion events can start at that date together with a massive anniversary event. Not using the anniversary to market the expansion would make no sense.
    That is actually very clever. An anniversary celebration as WoW leaves behind the first ten expansions. I like that.

  16. #2496
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    That is actually very clever. An anniversary celebration as WoW leaves behind the first ten expansions. I like that.
    They will have Microsoft budget and access to do marketing for the 20th anniversary. If they don't go full out with commercials, I don't know what they are doing.

  17. #2497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    They will have Microsoft budget and access to do marketing for the 20th anniversary. If they don't go full out with commercials, I don't know what they are doing.
    Seems like a reasonable conclusion? Any idea about the main theme of 11.0? I think we can rule out Emerald Dream safely at this point. Avaloren is certainly possible if we don't get a revamp. But I do think we really need a revamp.

  18. #2498
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Seems like a reasonable conclusion? Any idea about the main theme of 11.0? I think we can rule out Emerald Dream safely at this point. Avaloren is certainly possible if we don't get a revamp. But I do think we really need a revamp.
    I think its split between a revamp or Avaloren. Whatever continent(s) it is, an overall Light vs Void theme seems like it's going to happen.

    However I think a revamp could definitely still have new areas: we have Khaz Algar somewhere, as well as Undermine for starters.

    Points towards Avaloren:
    -Newly introduced in DF
    -Pirate lore book implies traveling there

    Points towards revamp:
    -Timeskip (why else would aging characters up matter? it doesn't matter in DF so far)
    -lots of old world asset updates currently not relevant to DF
    Last edited by Cheezits; 2023-03-14 at 01:48 PM.

  19. #2499
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Seems like a reasonable conclusion? Any idea about the main theme of 11.0? I think we can rule out Emerald Dream safely at this point. Avaloren is certainly possible if we don't get a revamp. But I do think we really need a revamp.
    For me it's either gonna be one of these:
    1. Avaloren / Other Side of Azeroth
    2. Full Old World revamp (Kalimdor + Eastern Kingdoms)
    3. Partial Old World Revamp (Northern Eastern Kingdoms + missing zones through patches)
    4. South Seas (for real this time!)
    5. K'aresh

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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    My underground expansion or we throw tomatoes at Blizz HQ.
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