Really? Dang. It seemed longer for me. Guess my brain was tricked by so much stuff happening. I swear it seemed several weeks to me.
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Got scratched is not the same as killed. And the scratch was certainly helped by the axe being super effin magical. Still even that in mind I think his ego was bruised more than his foot.
I just checked and his first posts related to the topic at all were on April 12th. That is when he started posting about the fact there would be leaks soon because of press packets, and within the next three days he had posted the riddles and the thread had solved them.
Here is his first post after the press packet.
It was weird that Raszageth was sealed away in her own prison, and the other 3 primalists were somewhere else. Maybe the titans kept her there as a battery to power the super storm, and upon her release it disappeared or was weakened?
Well, yeah I guess.
Maybe whatever she did isn't instant, who knows?
Perhaps that's what the flashback would be and she'll be in visage form for it.
Maybe that's where the world soul is, (uldaz maybe) which is why it's so protected. So perhaps as per iridikron's plan, she was to prioritize destabilizing that storm before releasing her siblings.
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Well death wing imprisoned her there since she was dumb enough to launch an attack by herself. At least that's how I understand it. But who knows, maybe she was.
They didn't catch her when they caught the other three. Her imprisonment was a desperation move by Neltharion. That's why she was on the Forbidden Isle, not in the prison. She likely stayed there because Neltharion didn't want the other flights to know about the Dracthyr. The Titans and Keepers had nothing to do with it at all.
Since none of the people involved in her imprisonment were still alive when the Dragons returned to the Isles, the Primalists had a relatively easy time freeing her. But it still only happened after the return.
Last edited by huth; 2023-10-05 at 04:11 PM.
oh man, going back thru people's reactions to scaleface's DF leaks is HILARIOUS. no shot anyone will accept any real 11.0 leaks as legitimate until we're all watching the reveal trailer next month and the cycle will continue for 12.0. but that's all part of the fun c: