1. #25161
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    Probably just the roman empire meme thats going around. (But wold love Kaldorei Empire stuff)
    People thinking about the Roman Empire.
    Blizzard: We've got Roman Empire at home.
    The Roman Empire:

    Quote Originally Posted by TeamWorldRevamp View Post
    Kalimdor Revamp confirmed
    Well, we haven't seen old Zin Azshari and Diremaul as they are depicted in the Chronicles (breath-takingly beautiful)

    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I just think that’s Blizz trying to stay with their finger on the pulse in regards to current trends, with Kaldorei empire being the most similar to the Roman Empire for this sort of meme.
    But, we do have Roman Empire. They're called Ogres.

  2. #25162
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    the aspecs als were rather intelligent pre-empowerment, you can even hear it in the mega-dungeon
    Maybe compared to others around them, but they were shown to be very simple creatures previously. I haven't done the dungeon yet to see how much they retconned. Point is the Incarnates must have undergone a transformation just like the aspects did, that changed them into more intelligent, more elemental beings.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  3. #25163
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    But we know who the elemental lords were during the Black Empire, and they were still the elemental lords by the time World of Warcraft began. If there were others before Rag and them, they were long gone before the protodragons existed.
    I think I know the answer to where the Incarnates got their powers.

    The Incarnates paid $49.99 to unlock the power of Storm Riding. This primal power allows flying mounts to rival the power of the Titans themselves! Plus they got a free level 70 Character Boost for any character of their choosing. In-game items and Dragonflight-Level Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft®: Classic and Dragonflight-Level Character boost only usable on the WoW® game account on which it was purchased or redeemed as a gift. Requires Battlenet app to play.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-05 at 05:00 PM.

  4. #25164
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yzmor View Post
    This thread has spiraled out of control :| 100 pages in 2 days, I'm like not even trying to follow at this point. :|

    And the tons of fake "leaks" we get daily. Now that's a fever dream.

    I should prolly just wait for the official announcement of "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Dwarves of the Stormy Depths of Khaz Algar, Home of the Elements, Gryphons & Some Titans -- an Adventurous Thrall Story; Deluxe Edition"
    Yeah you haven't missed anything juicy.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  5. #25165
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yzmor View Post
    This thread has spiraled out of control :| 100 pages in 2 days, I'm like not even trying to follow at this point. :|
    This is nothing.

    Wait till we get to Blizzcon week, this thread will enter hyperdrive mode and continue to increase in speed until announcement day.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #25166
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The Incarnates paid $49.99 to unlock the power of Storm Riding. This primal power allows flying mounts to rival the power of the Titans themselves! Plus they got a free level 70 Character Boost for any character of their choosing. In-game items and Dragonflight-Level Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft®: Classic and Dragonflight-Level Character boost only usable on the WoW® game account on which it was purchased or redeemed as a gift. Requires Battlenet app to play.
    Damn, here I was thinking all strings were encrypted!

  7. #25167
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Well, we haven't seen old Zin Azshari and Diremaul as they are depicted in the Chronicles (breath-takingly beautiful)
    Tbh i am quite done with Night Elves. I am suffering from night elf fatigue already.

  8. #25168

  9. #25169
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I sort of doubt the Wildhammer are involved. They are a pretty specific region. Unless that frontier stuff is coming back around and we're taking an entire settler group across the ocean, but that seems unlikely what with the apparently 15,000+ year old everlasting storms or something.
    I also doubt their home turf will be involved but I can absolutely see them being the new "face" of the Alliance part of whatever expedition punches through the storm and be a key player that way with a presence on the new landmass.

    What would the Horde equivalent be though? I personally think Dragonmaw, would be a nice little touch to see those two factions fly side by side now instead of being basically mortal enemies like in the 2nd war etc.

  10. #25170
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    I also doubt their home turf will be involved but I can absolutely see them being the new "face" of the Alliance part of whatever expedition punches through the storm and be a key player that way with a presence on the new landmass.

    What would the Horde equivalent be though? I personally think Dragonmaw, would be a nice little touch to see those two factions fly side by side now instead of being basically mortal enemies like in the 2nd war etc.
    They would be the premiere Alliance side choice when it is about flying somewhere difficult to access. That's kinda their thing.

  11. #25171
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Also is it confirmed they are actually Galakrond's kids?
    Probably not. I mean Onyxia is the aunt of Wrathion and not his sister so child is probably a more loose term with Dragons. Same with brother and sister.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    Tbh i am quite done with Night Elves. I am suffering from night elf fatigue already.
    Probably the Nelfs as well because most of the time they just fet fucked by the story. Like most recently Maflurion essentially commiting sudoku just to let Ysera come back and become irrelevant as soon as the story moves away from the Dragon Isles.

  12. #25172
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I guess. I think that probably leans too close to Dragonscale Expedition though.

    My assumption is that unlike DF, where the Dragons showed up and went "hey, we're dragons, we're going to the dragon place, come help us look at dragon stuff". Hypothetical Avaloren is gonna be some place where we (that is, the heroes of the Horde and Alliance) don't really know what's at the place we're going to. Like Pandaria. And at that point why would the Wildhammer be the ones volunteering to lead the charge from Kalimdor west across the ocean? They've always been sort of homebodies as a group, protecting their own lands and occasionally sending a couple people for Alliance collaboration stuff.
    My guess, assuming this is the expansion coming up, is that something attacks from said storm (lmao rip Night Elf lands... again ) and we push the attack back but decide to punch through the storms to invade and pacify whatever attacked us.

    And Wildhammers are the tie-in for alliance characters and Dragonmaw are the tie-in for horde characters to do it.

  13. #25173
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    People thinking about the Roman Empire.
    Blizzard: We've got Roman Empire at home.
    The Roman Empire:

    Well, we haven't seen old Zin Azshari and Diremaul as they are depicted in the Chronicles (breath-takingly beautiful)

    But, we do have Roman Empire. They're called Ogres.
    In one kind of aesthetic that’s where the similarities end.

  14. #25174
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    They would be the premiere Alliance side choice when it is about flying somewhere difficult to access. That's kinda their thing.
    Absolutely and well deserved considering the entire faction going from being a critical core part of the Alliance during the 2nd War to being tucked away in the Hinterlands since Vanilla (Twilight Highlands doesn't count > )

    My Wildhammer Flight Master transmog is ready.

  15. #25175
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    That doesn't matter. My point is that Titans are clearly not invincible, and the more powerful the weapon, the more prone beings like the Titans are to getting killed. The Progenitor tier stuff should be the most powerful weapons/armor we've had canonically ngl.
    this is the part that confused me - arent the titans dead? Whats up with that? I know in legion they seemed live and imprisoned Sargeras in the throne room thingy. So why would they stop the imprisonment of Sargeras to come visit us again?

    I think we will see Keepers interactions in the next xpack but not the titans besides elune/azeroth.

  16. #25176
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    The First Ones aren't Order aligned. They made Order, sure, but they're not aligned to the force itself in any major way. That's just silly. The Titans are the embodiments of Order, and therefore take from the Progenitors in certain, unique ways. However, even they lack every Progenitor gift, as the Progenitors granted the different Cosmic Pantheons with different types of gifts.
    The First Ones created the Zereths, created the Pantheons, gave them their jobs then got fired for sexual misconduct. Their design is perfectly balanced.

  17. #25177
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    The Design is balanced, and that is also why Order as a force exists, to aid in providing the design with a structure, to give the Cosmos law, etc.

    Hell, Order isn't even the only force that does this. Light and Death do the same thing, based on what's told in Zereth Mortis. That doesn't mean the First Ones are heavily connected with Order however.
    Since it's described that the Titans Ordered the universe, I have always taken this to mean they separated the forces into 6 distinct groupings, with the added context of Shadowlands being they did this under the instruction of the First Ones. So the Titans were made to embody Order to carry out the First One's design.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Their physical forms were "destroyed" by Sargeras, but their spirits were still around (And were primarily placed within the Keepers). Sargeras and his Legion seemingly took the spirits from Ulduar, likely during early Legion, and were torturing said spirits into becoming part of Sargeras' new Dark Pantheon of Order. We saved them, and then they went to the Seat of the Pantheon, where their spirits were able to take the form of their regular physical selves (Likely due to it being full of Order energies, as it is their seat within the Dark Beyond).
    The Antorus storyline backs up the idea The Titans were made the same way the Eternal Ones were: At the sepulcher (or possibly Zereth Ordus) their physical bodies were created & loaded with an individual world soul. The world soul is vulnerable outside of a body. This is also why the Jailer's plan revolved around Argus' world soul being the only one in the Afterlife so it would be loaded into the New Arbiter's body.

  18. #25178
    The problem I have with the Cosmology Chart and the representation of each army is that it's way too ambiguous and intertwined.

    You'd think the Cosmology is divided clearly, but it's not. You have Titans who are Order, but certain Titans also dabble in Chaos (Sargeras) or Life (Eonar) or Death (Argus). Or the Legion is supposed to be the epitomy of Chaos, but they're absolutely organized under a heirarchy defined by a (former) Titan. The Legion itself is an example of an army of Order, not representative of primal Chaos. The ones who should be representing Chaos are actually the Old Gods, who aren't actually organized and whose corrupting influence spreads from them merely existing. Their minions also tend to fight each other, like we see with Blackrock Spire having Black Dragonflight and Elemental Lords fighting each other for control of the domain, even though they are both servants to the Old Gods. That is true chaos. But the Old Gods aren't Chaos, they're Shadow/Void for whatever reason.

    And then you have the weird situation with Shadow/Void being commonly associated with both Death and Chaos. You have the 'Shadowlands' which is a property of Death. Necromancy and Warlock Afflictions are also both related to being 'Shadow' spells. The lines aren't really defined, and they're way too blurred to make any real sense of it. The Cosmic Forces don't really mean anything if we're just looking at the Old Gods or the Legion or the Titans as what they're supposed to be and what themes they represent.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-10-05 at 05:41 PM.

  19. #25179
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Yeah you haven't missed anything juicy.
    Thanks for the confirmation <3

  20. #25180
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Well Titans and First Ones are both Order aligned in some way. Its definitely possible the Titans are connected to the First ones in a way that the other cosmic big boys aren't. Not saying they are the same thing, but perhaps the First Ones took special care in creating the Titans or whatever.
    The First Ones made all 6 forces. They aren't aligned with one in particular. There is no reason to believe the Titans have a special connection at this point. They're just the force we know the most about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    The problem I have with the Cosmology Chart and the representation of each army is that it's way too ambiguous and intertwined.

    You'd think the Cosmology is divided clearly, but it's not. You have Titans who are Order, but certain Titans also dabble in Chaos (Sargeras) or Life (Eonar) or other such elements. Or the Legion is supposed to be the epitomy of Chaos, but they're absolutely organized and ruled by a heirarchy dictated by a Titan. The Legion itself is an example of Order, not chaos. The ones who should be representing Chaos is actually the Old Gods, who aren't actually organized and whose corrupting influence spreads from them merely existing. Their minions also tend to fight each other, like we see with Blackrock Spire having Black Dragonflight and Elemental Lords fighting each other for control of the domain, even though they are both servants to the Old Gods. That is true chaos.

    And then you have the weird situation with Shadow/Void being commonly associated with both Death and Chaos. You have the 'Shadowlands' which is a property of Death. Necromancy and Warlock Afflictions are also both related to being 'Shadow' spells. The lines aren't really defined, and they're way too blurred to make any real sense of it. The Cosmic Forces don't really mean anything if we're just looking at the Old Gods or the Legion or the Titans as what they're supposed to be and what themes they represent.
    Because all of those are really just parts of a larger whole. They aren't actually independent.

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