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The problem I have with the Cosmology Chart and the representation of each army is that it's way too ambiguous and intertwined.
You'd think the Cosmology is divided clearly, but it's not. You have Titans who are Order, but certain Titans also dabble in Chaos (Sargeras) or Life (Eonar) or other such elements. Or the Legion is supposed to be the epitomy of Chaos, but they're absolutely organized and ruled by a heirarchy dictated by a Titan. The Legion itself is an example of Order, not chaos. The ones who should be representing Chaos is actually the Old Gods, who aren't actually organized and whose corrupting influence spreads from them merely existing. Their minions also tend to fight each other, like we see with Blackrock Spire having Black Dragonflight and Elemental Lords fighting each other for control of the domain, even though they are both servants to the Old Gods. That is true chaos.
And then you have the weird situation with Shadow/Void being commonly associated with both Death and Chaos. You have the 'Shadowlands' which is a property of Death. Necromancy and Warlock Afflictions are also both related to being 'Shadow' spells. The lines aren't really defined, and they're way too blurred to make any real sense of it. The Cosmic Forces don't really mean anything if we're just looking at the Old Gods or the Legion or the Titans as what they're supposed to be and what themes they represent.