1. #25361
    Not something I consider personally, but still worth discussing. Found this on TVTropes' WMG page:

    It is possible he (Tyr) believed that the relationship between the Aspects and the Incarnates would lead the former away from Order (and thus to corruption, which, as emphasized in 10.1, he feared most) and decided to infuse the eggs on purpose to drive a decisive wedge between them.

  2. #25362
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    I have a feeling the descriptions of the land being in ruin and the people being heretics is Titan propaganda. It's a land not of their influence/design, I don't think it necessarily has to be fucked up and corrupted and voided out, I think it's just the Titans being sour.
    I get the impression they want Tyr to be more compassionate to the dragons so he might be genuine and either correct OR fed propaganda from Odyn and repeating it ignorantly

  3. #25363
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, I don't believe that that texture is from the heroic mount. It appeared in 10.1.7 and is likely for something else entirely. While entirely possible, I don't believe that Blizzard is doing a Dwarven expansion, and I don't believe a gryphon mount is in the cards. We'll see soon enough, but that would be a bit too race-centric for an expansion theme IMO. Elemental makes more sense as an overarching expansion theme, and is supported by other pieces of evidence we have.
    1- Everything is pointing to dwarves, datamined cosmetics, ingame books and lore talking about dwarves, is kaz-algor, pairing that with the "aglarian" phrase.
    2- "I don't beleive a grpyhonj mount is in the cards"
    so then why do you think we have a new high rez grpyhon mount, and the ability for said mount to dragon ride?
    3- "Elemental makes more sense"
    this expansion is elemental based.

  4. #25364
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    The algarian stormrider is likely the dragon riding storm gyprhon we datamined. It is a grpyhon model that is covered in a stormy aeshtetic and with lightning visuals attached, that was datamined alongside the ability for grpyhons to dragon ride.
    pair that with multiple dwarf based "Storm rider" cosmetics datamined as well.
    The algarian stormrider is NOT the elemental we see in the blizzcon promoitional material, that is a giant frost elemental, I highly doubt you would call a frost elemental a "storm rider".
    Also I don't feel it is flashy enough to be an expansion tie in bonus mount.

  5. #25365
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Also I don't feel it is flashy enough to be an expansion tie in bonus mount.
    I wouldn't call the dread raven, or the emerald dragon which can't even be used for dragon riding which is bullshit it shoulda been a skin for the highlands drake, or the kultiran horse very flashy either.

  6. #25366
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    I wouldn't call the dread raven, or the emerald dragon which can't even be used for dragon riding which is bullshit it shoulda been a skin for the highlands drake, or the kultiran horse very flashy either.
    Anima worm was also lame ... Most expansion mounts are lame

  7. #25367
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Imagine looking at Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, and thinking "yeah this Odyn guy must be evil".

    He's an arrogant, pompous prick for sure. But that dude isn't evil. He represents justice, valor, and rightenousness. He's WoW's version of Imperius from Diablo, while Tyr is Tyrael.

    I want to see his Valarjar arrive in full force and kick Old God bottoms in the next expansion. The Lord of Ravens will turn the key to Uldaz, blasting Xal'atath into oblivion after Vyranoth betrayed us all and made fools of the meek Dragon Aspects.

  8. #25368
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Also I don't feel it is flashy enough to be an expansion tie in bonus mount.
    Compared to the anima worm it'll be glorious lmao

  9. #25369
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Imagine looking at Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, and thinking "yeah this Odyn guy must be evil".

    He's an arrogant, pompous prick for sure. But that dude isn't evil. He represents justice, valor, and rightenousness. He's WoW's version of Imperius from Diablo, while Tyr is Tyrael.

    I want to see his Valarjar arrive in full force and kick Old God bottoms in the next expansion. The Lord of Ravens will turn the key to Uldaz, blasting Xal'atath into oblivion after Vyranoth betrayed us all and made fools of the meek Dragon Aspects.
    Odyn, the guy who was so righteous, that he forced Helya, who he saw basically as his daughter to turn into the first Val'kyr, basically shattering her body and twisting her very soul into a new form. Her crime was saying that forcing vrykul to turn into undead servants would be wrong.

  10. #25370
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    We could definitely hurt them with the right amount of power. We hurt the Jailer right?
    Don't cite trash writing.
    Because as I said earlier, there's no reasonable way to rebut nonsensical writing that an opposing argument readily accepts as "canon."

  11. #25371
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Compared to the anima worm it'll be glorious lmao
    That random elemental on the picture? Ehhhh.

  12. #25372
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    Odyn, the guy who was so righteous, that he forced Helya, who he saw basically as his daughter to turn into the first Val'kyr, basically shattering her body and twisting her very soul into a new form. Her crime was saying that forcing vrykul to turn into undead servants would be wrong.
    Like Imperius, his pride and arrogance was his downfall.

    But people like that will shine in very particular situations. His strong characteristics, such as his might, valor, and loyalty to Azeroth, are the qualities which redeem him and will come in handy in the upcoming battle.

  13. #25373
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Imagine looking at Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, and thinking "yeah this Odyn guy must be evil".

    He's an arrogant, pompous prick for sure. But that dude isn't evil. He represents justice, valor, and rightenousness. He's WoW's version of Imperius from Diablo, while Tyr is Tyrael.

    I want to see his Valarjar arrive in full force and kick Old God bottoms in the next expansion. The Lord of Ravens will turn the key to Uldaz, blasting Xal'atath into oblivion after Vyranoth betrayed us all and made fools of the meek Dragon Aspects.
    Imperius is more Wrath than Valor. And he would have wiped out humanity.

  14. #25374
    We reached Leet numbers of pages !

  15. #25375
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    The algarian stormrider is likely the dragon riding storm gyprhon we datamined. It is a grpyhon model that is covered in a stormy aeshtetic and with lightning visuals attached, that was datamined alongside the ability for grpyhons to dragon ride.
    pair that with multiple dwarf based "Storm rider" cosmetics datamined as well.
    Be careful not to become that which you argue against. Only a Teriz speaks in absolutes when things are yet to be actually confirmed; the stormrider is a pretty decent chance of being the (or at least a) gryphon, but nothing has confirmed that beyond us putting the dots together yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Imagine looking at Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, and thinking "yeah this Odyn guy must be evil".

    He's an arrogant, pompous prick for sure. But that dude isn't evil. He represents justice, valor, and rightenousness. He's WoW's version of Imperius from Diablo, while Tyr is Tyrael.

    I want to see his Valarjar arrive in full force and kick Old God bottoms in the next expansion. The Lord of Ravens will turn the key to Uldaz, blasting Xal'atath into oblivion after Vyranoth betrayed us all and made fools of the meek Dragon Aspects.
    Agree he's not evil, just drinking deep from his own cool aid. I'm not sure I'd agree he represents righteousness, valor etc - in my opinion he just exalts in promoting those things, particularly to his own followers. Odyn himself has been mega dodge since he was first introduced (his views on dragons are not out of character based on the Helya stuff). Again, not evil; he acted according to his own beliefs on Order but also disregarded justice and valor in doing so. Similar to Imperius but maybe a bit more caught up in his own bullshit. So a genuinely interesting character, honestly.

  16. #25376
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    That random elemental on the picture? Ehhhh.
    Only Teriz believes that to be the Stormrider, most of us seem to think it might be that stormy gryphon instead.

    Why would a snowman elemental be a stormrider etc etc

  17. #25377
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Be careful not to become that which you argue against. Only a Teriz speaks in absolutes when things are yet to be actually confirmed; the stormrider is a pretty decent chance of being the (or at least a) gryphon, but nothing has confirmed that beyond us putting the dots together yet.

    Agree he's not evil, just drinking deep from his own cool aid. I'm not sure I'd agree he represents righteousness, valor etc - in my opinion he just exalts in promoting those things, particularly to his own followers. Odyn himself has been mega dodge since he was first introduced (his views on dragons are not out of character based on the Helya stuff). Again, not evil; he acted according to his own beliefs on Order but also disregarded justice and valor in doing so. Similar to Imperius but maybe a bit more caught up in his own bullshit. So a genuinely interesting character, honestly.
    While i mostly agree, i don't know about that bit. Just because you are doing things due to your own view on justice and "how things should be" doesn't prevent you from not being evil. By that logic for example Sylvanas and the Jailer weren't evil because they were just setting things right.

  18. #25378
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Only Teriz believes that to be the Stormrider, most of us seem to think it might be that stormy gryphon instead.

    Why would a snowman elemental be a stormrider etc etc
    I mean that is exactly my point. The elemental in the pic is not nearly flashy enough to be the Stormrider mount.

  19. #25379
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Only Teriz believes that to be the Stormrider, most of us seem to think it might be that stormy gryphon instead.

    Why would a snowman elemental be a stormrider etc etc
    The elemental is also the blizzcon mount.
    The heroic edition mount is something else entirely as well.

    To compare: Blizzcon polar bear from 2022 would be the equal to the snow elemental
    Tangled dreamweaver would be the equal to whatever this "stormrider' is.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  20. #25380
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    The elemental is also the blizzcon mount.
    The heroic edition mount is something else entirely as well.

    To compare: Blizzcon polar bear from 2022 would be the equal to the snow elemental
    Tangled dreamweaver would be the equal to whatever this "stormrider' is.
    Snowstorm the bear elemental was clearly a hint that we would be going to the Bear Isles to reawaken the 5 bear aspects of azeroth.

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