1. #2521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    To some! I quite like Chromie
    Fair enough, but I do agree with what some one said earlier and that is, that she isn't suited to be the main figure of the Bronze Dragonflight. There are still a couple of named bronze drakes we know, that could come forward with a powerfull pressence. Chromie is just not it.

    Honestly if anything, I hope we get to keep Nozdormu, hes cool and he has a very powerfull pressence/aura and kinda mysterious, which suits the aspect of time.

  2. #2522
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Yeah an underground expansion following an underground major patch is unlikely haha
    Well the last patch of MoP was about killing orcs in Durotar and it was followed by an orc centric expansion. Oh and that expansion ended with a Fel zone and a raid where we killed Archimonde, soooooo

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    I could also see them doing a Kalimdor only Revamp for the Expansion with something nature related as the main expansion plot. (Elune, Garden of Life, An'she, Botani, Saberon, New World Tree, hidden secrets in Eldre'thalas, Giant Sword...)
    True. The Night Elves don't have a starting zone at the moment and every development recently just makes them progressively more fucked. They need a win. Same with the Worgens who are half night elf as well. Funny that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Woobels View Post
    Avaloren expansion actually seems really obvious when you think about it lol.
    Question is, does that make it more likely or less?

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    There's so much more speculation and talks about next expansion already compared to shadowlands start, that it feels like many people already bored out of their mind in this first part of DF.
    What is there to speculate? Bad dragons want to kill good dragons because the latter work for the Titans and not the Old Gods. It is a pretty basic ass story. Which is probably for the better because if Danuser tries writing something complicated (like the origin of the Dracthyr) things go downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    The problem is.. she isn't fun.
    Not in large doses, anyway.

  3. #2523
    I think it would be cool to see more npc's migrating from outland to kalimdor etc, since it's probably fading more and more away, breaking like they said in Thrall-Saurfang cinematic.

    With little of world revamp, they could add some more places where for example Mok'nathal clan could live closer to Orgrimmar and many others.

  4. #2524
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I think it would be cool to see more npc's migrating from outland to kalimdor etc, since it's probably fading more and more away, breaking like they said in Thrall-Saurfang cinematic.

    With little of world revamp, they could add some more places where for example Mok'nathal clan could live closer to Orgrimmar and many others.
    I'm wondering if that's part of why the Orc heritage quest is encrypted. The reveal that the MU Mag'har and other Outland races are actually immigrating to Kalimdor would be a huge reveal.

  5. #2525
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Fair enough, but I do agree with what some one said earlier and that is, that she isn't suited to be the main figure of the Bronze Dragonflight. There are still a couple of named bronze drakes we know, that could come forward with a powerfull pressence. Chromie is just not it.

    Honestly if anything, I hope we get to keep Nozdormu, hes cool and he has a very powerfull pressence/aura and kinda mysterious, which suits the aspect of time.
    On that I agree, Anachronos should be next in line if Nozdormu disappears (I hope he doesn't)!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I'm wondering if that's part of why the Orc heritage quest is encrypted. The reveal that the MU Mag'har and other Outland races are actually immigrating to Kalimdor would be a huge reveal.
    This would be super interesting indeed!

  6. #2526
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I'm wondering if that's part of why the Orc heritage quest is encrypted. The reveal that the MU Mag'har and other Outland races are actually immigrating to Kalimdor would be a huge reveal.
    Really hope they don’t go through with moving the night elfs to the dragon isle that they are seemingly building up if this do this.

    The idea of the night elfs driven out of there ancestral home and the orcs of all people moving in on mass is fucked up.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  7. #2527
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    The idea of the night elfs driven out of there ancestral home and the orcs of all people moving in on mass is fucked up.
    Stop giving them reasons to go ahead and do it.
    Battle for Azeroth
    Best focking Axpansion!

  8. #2528
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Well the last patch of MoP was about killing orcs in Durotar and it was followed by an orc centric expansion. Oh and that expansion ended with a Fel zone and a raid where we killed Archimonde, soooooo

    True. The Night Elves don't have a starting zone at the moment and every development recently just makes them progressively more fucked. They need a win. Same with the Worgens who are half night elf as well. Funny that.

    Question is, does that make it more likely or less?

    What is there to speculate? Bad dragons want to kill good dragons because the latter work for the Titans and not the Old Gods. It is a pretty basic ass story. Which is probably for the better because if Danuser tries writing something complicated (like the origin of the Dracthyr) things go downhill.

    Not in large doses, anyway.
    Hard to say, but all the breadcrumbs Blizzard dropped all over the place that tie in with all the "is Order actually bad, too?(Odyn books, Tyr's whole deal, Primordials in general even though they're kind of cartoon villainy.)" hints they're constantly dropping make it seem like a very obvious place to go next. Especially if they want to stay moderately grounded but still setup a jump off point for something on a grander scale eventually. (IE, Void stuff again). But it's impossible to really call obviously.

  9. #2529
    Quote Originally Posted by Woobels View Post
    Avaloren expansion actually seems really obvious when you think about it lol.
    Yeah, and it's kinda sad. =/

    Especially, if we take into the account the "FRONTIER" string names that fits an "edge of the world" continent/island, and the datamined HD ships/warships that would be needed to reach and stom that place that's said to be very hostile:
    Thousands of years ago, Prime Designate Odyn sent three unsuccessful expeditions there in order to pursuit a group of "heretics" to answer for their crimes against Innaria and other Titan keepers. The wreckage of the third expedition was found by Watcher Perethales in the shores of Kalimdor, who was afraid a fourth expedition would be sent to their demise. Perethales stated that the "heretics" defenses were too strong and trying to attack them would jeopardize the prisoners in the keepers' charge. Instead, Perethales suggested to wait for them to turn on each other, as it was in their nature to do so.
    I'm going to keep the sparks of hope of a World Revamp lit until Blizzcon happens later this year, but this Avaloren stuff resembles too much how Dragon Isles was seeded.

  10. #2530
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Really hope they don’t go through with moving the night elfs to the dragon isle that they are seemingly building up if this do this.

    The idea of the night elfs driven out of there ancestral home and the orcs of all people moving in on mass is fucked up.
    Continuing the glorious legacy of Garrosh!

    And to little surprise ("Explore Neltharions descent into madness in 10.1!"), N'zoth fishy pokemon has been spotted in new zone.

    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-03-14 at 06:40 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  11. #2531
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    It's hard to speculate about DF patches, cause Blizzard is really open book this time. Not only we know rough dates from roadmap (which is great), but also we get ton of not-so-subtle 'hints'. We could see underground patch from miles way, now story start to repeating with 10.2 and emerald dream. Hell, even DF itself was leaked so bad I refuse to think it wasn't deliberate, like Blizzard was scared we would get something unexpected.

    I hope they gain more confidence after DF and stable patch cycle. I want to be surprised again on Blizzcon.

  12. #2532
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    It's hard to speculate about DF patches, cause Blizzard is really open book this time. Not only we know rough dates from roadmap (which is great), but also we get ton of not-so-subtle 'hints'. We could see underground patch from miles way, now story start to repeating with 10.2 and emerald dream. Hell, even DF itself was leaked so bad I refuse to think it wasn't deliberate, like Blizzard was scared we would get something unexpected.

    I hope they gain more confidence after DF and stable patch cycle. I want to be surprised again on Blizzcon.
    It was already said but I concur, with NEs staying on Kalimdor. If that development happens on its own I'm happy.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  13. #2533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    It was already said but I concur, with NEs staying on Kalimdor. If that development happens on its own I'm happy.
    There is also empty space in western Ohn'ahran that perfectly fits for something large like, you know, world tree.

  14. #2534
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    There is also empty space in western Ohn'ahran that perfectly fits for something large like, you know, world tree.
    Now that it's been hinted through filenames that the next zone is going to be the Dream itself, that may be the new landmass as opposed to the World Tree. It could be a portal to the Dream there or some chunk of the dream that gets spit out.

    We have no hints that the Nelves are moving, only that a new tree has been planted in the Dream. Hell, even if the new zone IS the tree, they may not live there in the end.

  15. #2535
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    There is also empty space in western Ohn'ahran that perfectly fits for something large like, you know, world tree.
    I don't want them to be on the Dragon Isles. They should stay on Kalimdor.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  16. #2536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Now that it's been hinted through filenames that the next zone is going to be the Dream itself, that may be the new landmass as opposed to the World Tree. It could be a portal to the Dream there or some chunk of the dream that gets spit out.

    We have no hints that the Nelves are moving, only that a new tree has been planted in the Dream. Hell, even if the new zone IS the tree, they may not live there in the end.
    Maybe that's the point, in our reality it's empty spot, in Dream we will have tree there, besieged by Vyranoth. And we will enter Dream every time we zone in.

    It would give DF nice structure:

    1) On launch we had Alextrasza and Kalecgos facing Raszageth (Alex during leveling, Kalec in raid).

    2) 2nd season is centered about Neltharion stuff, so obviously Wrathion/Sabellian will have huge role; Fyrakk is not a boss, I speculate he could be boss of megadungeon, but it's clearly 'his' patch out of 3 remaining Incarnates.

    3) 3rd season would be Merithra/Ysera facing Vyranoth; her calm presence kinda fits theme here.

    4) 4th season would be time travel with expanded Thaldraszus hub, Nozdormu vs Iridikron, maybe expac ending with Murozond as final boss (or just 'birth' of Murozond who would become villain for future expacs).

  17. #2537
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I used to think the same regarding the South Seas islands... but Blizzard has a capacity (successfully or not, that's not for me to judge) to milk smaller zones and make them support a whole expansion (Legion and SL are both good and bad examples of that). There are plenty of islands we have not explored properly or even at all in the South Seas: Plunder Isles, Hiji, Tel'abim, Kezan & the Undermine, Darkspear Islands... throw in some naga action and you've got yourself a whole expansion! I don't think it's going to happen, but it very much could.
    Hi five! Throw in revised Gadgetzan and Un'goro Crater inspired by the Hearhstone incarnations, and tie it all together with some over-arching threat.

    People also seem a bit burned out on the cosmic scene, but I think there's potential there. Whatever the objections about the First Ones lore, they have established that there is a common structure of the six powers having a ruling pantheon, and I want to see what the Disorder pantheon is about. They must have been overthrown by Sargeras for him to have taken over the demon races, and there's been hints of a prison world called Tarratus somewhere in the Twisting Nether - they're bound to be locked up there. Break them out and you have another potentially great pack of villains in the vein of the Incarnates.

  18. #2538
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Maybe that's the point, in our reality it's empty spot, in Dream we will have tree there, besieged by Vyranoth. And we will enter Dream every time we zone in.

    It would give DF nice structure:

    1) On launch we had Alextrasza and Kalecgos facing Raszageth (Alex during leveling, Kalec in raid).

    2) 2nd season is centered about Neltharion stuff, so obviously Wrathion/Sabellian will have huge role; Fyrakk is not a boss, I speculate he could be boss of megadungeon, but it's clearly 'his' patch out of 3 remaining Incarnates.

    3) 3rd season would be Merithra/Ysera facing Vyranoth; her calm presence kinda fits theme here.

    4) 4th season would be time travel with expanded Thaldraszus hub, Nozdormu vs Iridikron, maybe expac ending with Murozond as final boss (or just 'birth' of Murozond who would become villain for future expacs).
    The Tree being in the dream absolutely goes against the idea of the world trees in the first place, they are on Azeroth and not in another dimension.

    The new zone should be a chunk of the Dream, not a world tree that is meant to be a place for civilization.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I used to think the same regarding the South Seas islands... but Blizzard has a capacity (successfully or not, that's not for me to judge) to milk smaller zones and make them support a whole expansion (Legion and SL are both good and bad examples of that). There are plenty of islands we have not explored properly or even at all in the South Seas: Plunder Isles, Hiji, Tel'abim, Kezan & the Undermine, Darkspear Islands... throw in some naga action and you've got yourself a whole expansion! I don't think it's going to happen, but it very much could.
    Tel'abim is specifically mentioned in the Pirate lore book about "The Nightsquall", even before Plunder Isle, so I think that is definitely connected to the pirates and directly foreshadowed as something else. The "Underground tech" was also mentioned to be used for the future which points to Undermine above anything else, AND it's a southern island, so it would fit the bill. Plunder Isle hasn't been mentioned in ages but I think it would be bundled with any true pirate expansion... so those 3 areas will probably all ship together.

  19. #2539
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    What if we get both an outdoor ED zone and Avaloren for patch 10.2?

    Formerly known as Arafal

  20. #2540
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    What if we get both an outdoor ED zone and Avaloren for patch 10.2?
    That would be very Blizzard like. All this setup for a potential expansion setting wasted on a patch.
    (Yes, I am still salty about the Dream, Nazjatar and Ny'alotha. How can you tell? )

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post

    The idea of the night elfs driven out of there ancestral home and the orcs of all people moving in on mass is fucked up.
    Didn't that happen already? I mean Nelves used to live on all of Kalimdor and now the orcs live on the border to Ashenvale.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    N'zoth fishy pokemon has been spotted in new zone.

    Is it just me or N'zoth is much more creepier as a small but immensely powerful fish than as a huge mass of tentacles?

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