1. #25401
    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    Because it's Teriz. Contrarian opinions to the max, and always convinced they are 100% correct and the rest is wrong.

    I don't know what it'll be, and I'll see. Could it be a gryphon? Jep! Could it be an elemental? Unlikely, but blizzard has done weirder stuff.

    as long as Teriz' deluded "Yrel is the villain for sure bro!" theory doesn't happen, I am happy. We had to survive that drivel with the pre SL leaks, pre DF leaks. And I can't wait for him to start it now /s
    Personally I just need a better gryphon model for my dwarf lmao. Ever since they released the Alabaster one I've been wondering when they'd give me that mount but you know, not stone.

  2. #25402
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    That first image is actually kind of insanely good ngl. Replace the bland landscape with some recognisable part of Azeroth and that very much looks like how I'd imagine a Void Lord entering our reality would appear.
    For sure lol , here is the last one i'm posting which i found interesting.
    The circle behind even reminds me of the relic that Iridikron get at the end of the Dawn of the Infinity

    Really hope we get something similar in theme / feeling

  3. #25403
    Looks like Thousand Needles as well.

    Void Lords were after the Racing Car blueprints this whole time!

  4. #25404
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beerplz View Post
    For sure lol , here is the last one i'm posting which i found interesting.
    The circle behind even reminds me of the relic that Iridikron get at the end of the Dawn of the Infinity

    Really hope we get something similar in theme / feeling
    I would play these three, ngl.

  5. #25405
    Quote Originally Posted by Beerplz View Post
    For sure lol , here is the last one i'm posting which i found interesting.
    The circle behind even reminds me of the relic that Iridikron get at the end of the Dawn of the Infinity

    Really hope we get something similar in theme / feeling
    Can't wait for Vodestorm
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  6. #25406
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Let's not turn this into a Voidstorm / AI spam thread.

    Voidstorm discussions are a waste of time, because we already know that I came up with the name as a harmless hoax back in August.

    Then some dude decided to hitch a ride on its brand recognition a few days ago, since he knows Bellular and others made videos about it. Now he's using AI to try and convince people, because Void-related themes are probably the easiest to make convincing using AI (there are few typical WoW-elements present in the image for us to compare with).

    Will the expansion deal with the Void? Yes, most likely.
    Does it seem like storms will be a theme as well? Yes.

    Is the name Voidstorm made up? Yes. Therefore, any discussions about "Voidstorm" should just be name-agnostic discussions about the Void and storms, which we're already doing in this thread.

  7. #25407
    Quote Originally Posted by Beerplz View Post
    Maybe not the design, but I really like the color palette of this one, the light blues, dark blues, hues of pink and purples are well mixed there. If Void Lords are ever going to be a real, material thing in WoW, I hope they go for some really scary, disturbing sh*t, rather than Voidwalkers.
    Nice prompts though, gj

  8. #25408
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaggler View Post
    If Amirdrassil wasn't so fire heavy it wouldn't be as bad i think. Like. If the last three bosses were fire themed, i'd be totally fine but the raid has like what, 2 bosses that aren't based on lava, flames etc.?
    Which works because that is the concept; setting the tree on fire. I do think there should have been a side dungeon but I think that for all raids (M+ by going evergreen is missing the theme of the expansion like BGs do which is a shame)
    I think they just tend to default to filling empty spaces with lava far too often.

  9. #25409
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Imagine looking at Stormheim and the Halls of Valor, and thinking "yeah this Odyn guy must be evil".

    He's an arrogant, pompous prick for sure. But that dude isn't evil. He represents justice, valor, and rightenousness. He's WoW's version of Imperius from Diablo, while Tyr is Tyrael.

    I want to see his Valarjar arrive in full force and kick Old God bottoms in the next expansion. The Lord of Ravens will turn the key to Uldaz, blasting Xal'atath into oblivion after Vyranoth betrayed us all and made fools of the meek Dragon Aspects.
    Just because someone is righteous and values justice doesn't mean that they are a good person. Many dictators throughout history, as well as in fiction exhume these values. The same applies to the aesthetic.

  10. #25410
    Odyn is just a cooler Tyr tbh

  11. #25411
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Which works because that is the concept; setting the tree on fire. I do think there should have been a side dungeon but I think that for all raids (M+ by going evergreen is missing the theme of the expansion like BGs do which is a shame)
    I think they just tend to default to filling empty spaces with lava far too often.
    Yeah, of course it fits the raid in terms of story etc, i am not arguing that. it's just a bit much fire atm for me, personally

  12. #25412
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beerplz View Post
    Ok the ai image thing despite fucking up the logo creates some really awesome images when being instructed to do some "Voidstorm" expansion releated stuff.

    This one is really really cool!

  13. #25413
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    Personally I just need a better gryphon model for my dwarf lmao. Ever since they released the Alabaster one I've been wondering when they'd give me that mount but you know, not stone.
    For sure yea. A lot of "classic" style mounts can use an upgrade tbh. But yea, let's start with the Gryphons. I mean, we even had a more updated model in Pandaria with that "PVP" lite faction.

  14. #25414
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Just because someone is righteous and values justice doesn't mean that they are a good person. Many dictators throughout history, as well as in fiction exhume these values. The same applies to the aesthetic.
    This is true, but I admittedly think he has a point about Odyn. While Odyn is an awful person, it is true that he is supposed to be a relatively valorous one who also shares a common enemy with us. Plus, I actually think there's more nuance to his and Tyr's positions than we've seen: Odyn seems more of a micromanager, but also strikes me as respecting the mortal races more. While Tyr is more indirect, he is also more hierarchical and entrusts a great deal of power to his own pet projects. If this dynamic were handled well,—which I unfortunately doubt it will be,—it could be very interesting.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  15. #25415
    Quote Originally Posted by Beerplz View Post
    For sure lol , here is the last one i'm posting which i found interesting.
    The circle behind even reminds me of the relic that Iridikron get at the end of the Dawn of the Infinity

    Really hope we get something similar in theme / feeling
    That looks great! Can't wait to see the sequel to Voidstorm, Vodestorm!

    Vodestorm will be amazing!

    Also, I've been out of the loop for a bit. But when did people decide Voidstorm makes the most sense for the next expansion? Or is it just meme-ing?

  16. #25416
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    1- Everything is pointing to dwarves, datamined cosmetics, ingame books and lore talking about dwarves, is kaz-algor, pairing that with the "aglarian" phrase.
    2- "I don't beleive a grpyhonj mount is in the cards"
    so then why do you think we have a new high rez grpyhon mount, and the ability for said mount to dragon ride?
    3- "Elemental makes more sense"
    this expansion is elemental based.
    Yeah, everything is not pointing towards dwarves. We got a couple of trading post items, some “Storm rider” Dragonriding achievements, and the story of Khaz Algar which comes from the Algarian Stormrider. The only thing in that bunch that actually applies to the next expansion is the Algarian Stormrider.

    The Storm rider achievements could be something for 10.2 and not apply to 11.0 at all, and the gear is just some cool trading post items that allow you to live out your Storm rider dwarf fantasy.

    As for the mount being an elemental, I didn’t say it was the ice elemental from the blizzard ad, I said it’s likely a variation of this;


    Which would make sense given that these also exist near Titan facilities in Northrend.

  17. #25417
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, everything is not pointing towards dwarves. We got a couple of trading post items, some “Storm rider” Dragonriding achievements, and the story of Khaz Algar which comes from the Algarian Stormrider. The only thing in that bunch that actually applies to the next expansion is the Algarian Stormrider.

    The Storm rider achievements could be something for 10.2 and not apply to 11.0 at all, and the gear is just some cool trading post items that allow you to live out your Storm rider dwarf fantasy.

    As for the mount being an elemental, I didn’t say it was the ice elemental from the blizzard ad, I said it’s likely a variation of this;


    Which would make sense given that these also exist near Titan facilities in Northrend.
    "Near titan facilities" Exactly 1.. there is nothing in Sholazar that is named Stormrider. They are not even near Ulduar. Yea "In the same zone is close bruh" doesn't work here.

    You are reaching now..

  18. #25418
    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    That looks great! Can't wait to see the sequel to Voidstorm, Vodestorm!

    Vodestorm will be amazing!

    Also, I've been out of the loop for a bit. But when did people decide Voidstorm makes the most sense for the next expansion? Or is it just meme-ing?
    Voidstorm was the most recent thing i saw floating around so that's why i decided to choose it for the AI images So yeah meme-ing around.
    Next expansion could be Westworld for all i care just make the story good and keep the Dragonflight gearing systems

  19. #25419
    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    That looks great! Can't wait to see the sequel to Voidstorm, Vodestorm!
    I'm kind of surprised it did that well.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    Also, I've been out of the loop for a bit. But when did people decide Voidstorm makes the most sense for the next expansion? Or is it just meme-ing?
    Just memery. It's already confirmed fake.
    "We will soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four."
    — G.K. Chesterton, 1926
    The frozen Mind cracks between the mineral staves which close upon it. The fault lies with your mouldy systems, your logic of 2 + 2 = 4.
    — Antonin Artaud, 1956

  20. #25420
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Just because someone is righteous and values justice doesn't mean that they are a good person. Many dictators throughout history, as well as in fiction exhume these values. The same applies to the aesthetic.
    Plus if he's based off Odin in Norse Mythology, wasn't Odin also a bit of an asshole in mythology as well? If so, then yeah Odyn is likely to go down that route as well.

    I wouldn't be shocked if this leads to a possible Ragnarok plot thread.

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