1. #26301
    I am Murloc! Auxis's Avatar
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    I think the earliest was MoP. At 32:30 in this vid you can see a demon hunter behind the admiral, which would have to be a player character.

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  2. #26302
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Let's steady the course here.

    If the Aspects manage to get their Aspect powers returned to them, how often do we think they will be involved in further storylines?
    If they do, it better be only in dragon forms doing something badass from time to time and not taking a lot of screentime again in their visage forms just talking..

  3. #26303
    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    so legion, because no demon hunters in MoP
    What? The cutscene obviously existed in Mists and wasn't added in Legion. Doesn't matter what player character is being used lmao.

    Also, this one was already mentioned earlier in the thread, which is Cata.

  4. #26304
    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    Ahh this thread is back to being miserable again.
    Many people are waiting for a World Revamp confirmation.

  5. #26305
    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    I think Legion is the first time they started to add them. Certainly not in Cata (13 years ago)
    The in-engine cinematics that can feature the player character were added in Legion; most cataclysm zones featured them

  6. #26306
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Wow works best in the middle ground, where the narrative only mentions us in passing, but we get actively recognized while in the process of interacting with the relevant characters directly.

    Obviously Thrall or Jaina shouldn't treat us like a random nobodies, after all the work, but the narrative itself shouldn't put us in a focal position.
    Wow is not narratively built for that, as there is no ubiquitous "Champion of Azeroth/Adventurer" persona as there is for the WoL in FF14.

    The PC in wow is a voicless, descriptionless, bipedal plot device to kill the bad guy, whoever it may currently be.

    Which is always an issue whenever we are getting the focus.
    As our own characters feel completely detached due to the reason above and the story can never actually make up its mind on how many of us even exist.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #26307
    Quote Originally Posted by TeamWorldRevamp View Post
    Many people are waiting for a World Revamp confirmation.
    I think it will be pretty wild to see comments if it won't happen in 11.0.

  8. #26308
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeamWorldRevamp View Post
    Many people are waiting for a World Revamp confirmation.
    Existing leak already makes revamp extremely unlikely. It's very minor, but focus your attention to completely different direction.

  9. #26309
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I think it will be pretty wild to see comments if it won't happen in 11.0.
    It'll just be like the last three times people were convinced it was happening. If anything I feel like it's milder this time because the sea stiff and Algarian thing dealt a significant blow to the revamp people's confidence.

  10. #26310
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Existing leak already makes revamp extremely unlikely. It's very minor, but focus your attention to completely different direction.
    I mean, not necessarily. Chances are that a revamp would be made from scratch and not all at once. I can see them revamping some zones while giving us a few zones of the new continent in the Other Side of Azeroth / The West / Avaloren. In such a way, we will always be eager to see new zones in both old and new continents.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  11. #26311
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    It'll just be like the last three times people were convinced it was happening. If anything I feel like it's milder this time because the sea stiff and Algarian thing dealt a significant blow to the revamp people's confidence.
    Honestly i no longer believe it but when i resubbed recently, the people that still play in my guild or IRL that dropped wow in SL are so hyped and convinced because they were watching youtube videos about it and that big wow devs hyping blizzcon so much, metzen returning..
    It might died kinda here, but i think it's still going strong overall.

    It's likely the only scenario they see for now and i don't really want to be a buzzkiller by saying that youtubeers will do what youtubers do, which is trying to sell something before expansion reveal and then making videos about the disappointment that it didnt happen after the reveal.

  12. #26312
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    It may not be for everyone. But I think FFXIV's storytelling is amazing. And I know I am not alone in that. Yes, it's much more about the journey and the experience than reaching endgame quickly. But there is a place for that in the MMO landscape, I think. You don't complain about all the pages you have to read through to reach the end of a fantasy novel. They are part of the story itself.
    The way I see it people in WoW are sort of conditioned to find the fastest leveling route to max and start to enjoy the endgame. FFXIV is certainly not for everyone and definitely not for those who rush.

  13. #26313
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post

    We've had them since cata.

    They just weren't any good until recently.
    Or this one


    When I think about it, there was no mention of Rhea, the one who saved Wrathion and allowed him to be freed from corruption.

  14. #26314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I mean, not necessarily. Chances are that a revamp would be made from scratch and not all at once. I can see them revamping some zones while giving us a few zones of the new continent in the Other Side of Azeroth / The West / Avaloren. In such a way, we will always be eager to see new zones in both old and new continents.
    As I said before, if revamp is just hd textures, it's not even worth anyones attention. If it's new quests, it's nonsense to not focus expansion on them.

    WoW doesn't need Cata style revamp. It happened because they learned a lot during TBC/Wrath and wanted refresh extremely outdated questing experience. Now WoW has new leveling system with builded fix - they can revamp intro zone and/or switch default 10-X expansion when they want.

  15. #26315
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    I mean, not necessarily. Chances are that a revamp would be made from scratch and not all at once. I can see them revamping some zones while giving us a few zones of the new continent in the Other Side of Azeroth / The West / Avaloren. In such a way, we will always be eager to see new zones in both old and new continents.
    I can't see them revamping this way. It would not offer any substantial benefits compared to one or two manageable chunks of revamp that allows them to use the zones to their fullest.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #26316
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Existing leak already makes revamp extremely unlikely. It's very minor, but focus your attention to completely different direction.
    Existing leaks dont lean towards anything other than us knowing the heroic edition mount is an Algarian Stormrider. We have no context for it. No concept of it. The only thing close is that one Gryphon skin and as far as Ive seen nothing at all actually indicates that it's the Algarian Stormrider.

  17. #26317
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    Existing leaks dont lean towards anything other than us knowing the heroic edition mount is an Algarian Stormrider. We have no context for it. No concept of it. The only thing close is that one Gryphon skin and as far as Ive seen nothing at all actually indicates that it's the Algarian Stormrider.
    Well, not quite. The actually close thing is Khaz Algar, since it seems the best bet for the source of the name Algar-ian. But since Khaz Algar is not a known place located in EK/Kalimdor, it seems to lean away from revamp.

  18. #26318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Pros to making it cosmetic and baking the 10% into the spec:

    - Extra Customization Option
    - No potential to lose damage by it randomly falling off

    Cons to making it cosmetic:

    - It has been in the game for a long time
    How does it randomly fall off?

    We still have a very undersused glyph system, which is already in place and works, nothing is stopping them to add more options there. Altho shadowform could also be a barber thing, with a dropdown menu. Older shadowforms or perhaps new ones could be options.

    I dont see how, how making it passive will increase our changes at getting more options tho. I also like to opt in and out when I feel like it, would this also be lost?
    Last edited by Alanar; 2023-10-08 at 06:28 PM.

  19. #26319
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Existing leak already makes revamp extremely unlikely. It's very minor, but focus your attention to completely different direction.
    I think people who are here and believe this are clearly failing reading comprehension. People who occasionally watch some WoW youtuber though probably think it is likely.

  20. #26320
    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    apparently the outdoor team is ahead of schedule according to @Marlamin

    so there's a good chance they'll focus on a revamp from 0
    I mean, that's reading a lot into that, just saying the zones are way more polished when they go into public testing compared to before Shadowlands.

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