1. #26881
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    But we also don’t know that it will be a stormy-vibe expansion.
    Well there is very little we know.
    At least not to the extent how we knew about the Shadowlands. Back then it was pretty much 100% knew that is where the story is heading.

  2. #26882
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Man, people spend more time ridiculing Teriz than they do speculating. Sure, it's important to be humble and open-minded but I think some people need to relax.


    Anyway, I'm really excited about the prospect of a new timeline right now. "Classic +" as a name doesn't do it justice imo.

    Retail is currently about to head into a big clash with the Void in 11.0, which means we will have defeated all the major threats that have been relevant since the RTS games. The Burning Legion. The Scourge and the Lich King. The Old Gods. All of that will effectively be resolved. In one sense, the story of WoW will be over.

    So there's a huge opportunity for drastic measures on both fronts here.

    Classic could open up a new timeline for us to explore, a big "what if" where they get to start over and resolve a bunch of problems. High Elves for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde as a fun pre-order bonus. But it'll remain largely on the two original continents, and avoid issues that arose with cosmic lore, lore power creep, etc.

    HD texture update for Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms for both versions of the game.

    Retail, meanwhile, embraces the fun and new era of Warcraft, symbolically leaving the old world behind when we travel west to the other side of Azeroth. It'll try quirky new things, explore new stories, and break some rules.

    I could see myself playing both of these games, but in different ways/mindsets. Old school Warcraft experience in "Classic +", but one that keeps going for years, and just keeping up with the latest in Retail.

    Ooh, they should definitely have Thrall say something like "The winds of change sweep over Azeroth" in the cinematic.

  3. #26883
    What if the storms are storms of decay created by Iridikron by using the essence of Galakrond? It doesn’t have to be a a thunder storm or gale force winds. That would also fit opposing the presumed theme of Life that will be present next expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Man, people spend more time ridiculing Teriz than they do speculating. Sure, it's important to be humble and open-minded but I think some people need to relax.

    Very few people are ridiculing him. They’re responding to him. The posting defending Teriz is getting just as tiresome as the arguing with him. Speculation is still rife.

  4. #26884
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    What evidence?

    I’ve not seen the evidence in your reply to Makorus above. Just that the Dwarves themselves are known as Stormriders and not the Gryphons. But that isn’t evidence that the Algarian Stormrider isn’t a Gryphon. Is your evidence the Stirmrider Elemental from content around 15 years old? Why does that have more credence than content that’s more recent at 5 years old. What makes a Stormrider a Stormrider? We don’t know. We do have evidence that’s been datamined from the Trading Post in regards to the Stormrider’s Arsenal. Is your belief that it will deck us out to look like the below?
    Again, because the Elemental is actually called a Stormrider, and it also utilizes the proper wording; i.e. Stormrider vs Storm Rider.

    As I said in another post, it is entirely possible that the Dwarven stuff in the trading post could be something completely unrelated, because there are several transmogs in the trading post that are not related to anything. It should be noted that the heroic mounts that you get via pre-order have never been interwoven into the game at that level. The only thing they do is look nice and relate to the general thematic of the upcoming expansion. It would be rather odd for the heroic pre-order mount to be related to trading post gear, achievements, and a feature in the current expansion. Perhaps Blizzard is integrating it at a higher level in order to get more pre-orders? Possible, but unlikely.

    Let me reiterate before I am misquoted again; I'm not saying that it is IMPOSSIBLE that the heroic pre-purchase mount could be a gryphon that is related to the trading post gear AND the achievements, I'm simply saying it would be unprecedented, and it leads me to doubt that that is the case.


    It’s likely the concept of Dragonriding will carry over, so it’s likely the pre order mount will have those mechanics. Can you see the above elemental not looking silly whilst using the current dragonriding abilities & mechanics?
    Supposedly all mounts will get dynamic flying enabled at some point, so that isn't really an issue.

  5. #26885
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post

    Anyway, I'm really excited about the prospect of a new timeline right now. "Classic +" as a name doesn't do it justice imo.

    Retail is currently about to head into a big clash with the Void in 11.0, which means we will have defeated all the major threats that have been relevant since the RTS games. The Burning Legion. The Scourge and the Lich King. The Old Gods. All of that will effectively be resolved. In one sense, the story of WoW will be over.

    So there's a huge opportunity for drastic measures on both fronts here.
    I actually hope something like this happens. That would give us a chance for Naz'jatar as a continent. Or the Emerald Dream. Gilneas that isn't half missing. Hell, if we go by its original size it could almost be its own continent.
    If they really want to do something ballsy, they would do something like Garrosh not being defeated at the end of MoP and maintaining his control of the Horde.

  6. #26886
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I'll repeat; The BlizzCon mount is possibly a hint at the theme of the next expansion because it's an elemental.
    Doubtful because the mount has been in the files since SL according to the birdman.
    If anything it would’ve been a hint for DF with the expansion’s elemental themes. (And NPCs in the Azure Span using its model)
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2023-10-10 at 11:51 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  7. #26887
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, because the Elemental is actually called a Stormrider, and it also utilizes the proper wording; i.e. Stormrider vs Storm Rider.

    As I said in another post, it is entirely possible that the Dwarven stuff in the trading post could be something completely unrelated, because there are several transmogs in the trading post that are not related to anything. It should be noted that the heroic mounts that you get via pre-order have never been interwoven into the game at that level. The only thing they do is look nice and relate to the general thematic of the upcoming expansion. It would be rather odd for the heroic pre-order mount to be related to trading post gear, achievements, and a feature in the current expansion. Perhaps Blizzard is integrating it at a higher level in order to get more pre-orders? Possible, but unlikely.

    Let me reiterate before I am misquoted again; I'm not saying that it is IMPOSSIBLE that the heroic pre-purchase mount could be a gryphon that is related to the trading post gear AND the achievements, I'm simply saying it would be unprecedented, and it leads me to doubt that that is the case.

    Supposedly all mounts will get dynamic flying enabled at some point, so that isn't really an issue.
    Wasn’t the Dwarf character Makorus linked a Stormrider as opposed to Storm Rider? Same with the trading post items?

    We know the mount is called the Algarian Stormrider. We know that the trading post items are also named with Stormrider present. Isn’t it far more likely that they will be linked to the mount and Dwarven Stormrider NPC in Stormsong Valley, instead of decking us out to look like a Stormrider elemental from 15 years prior that Blizzard have likely forgotten about. Unless you’re suggesting the Stormrider gear in the Trading Post is themed around Dwarves but isn’t themed around the expansion mount if it is infact the Stormrider elemental in Northrend - but then why on earth would they have two completely separate, unrelated things in game with the exact same name and released around the same time as each other?

    Yeah, it’s likely we’re going to get dynamic flying for all mounts eventually. It’s also pretty much accepted that it’s going to look silly on some mounts. Do you really think the new shiny expansion pre-order mount is going to use a rig that looks completely stupid when utilising dynamic flying? Especially when it might have a focal role in some of the upcoming expansion content? Be real here. It will very much be an issue if we’re given a brand new mount that we’ve paid ti pre-order that looks completely ridiculous when dynamically flying.

  8. #26888
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    So we have Elementals called Storm Riders. This is where it ends for the Storm Rider = Elemental connection.
    No, we have elementals called Stomrider, we have a heroic pre-order mount called Stormrider, and we have Dwarven gryphon riders called Storm Riders.

    A minor difference, but something that we should take into account. Now the Trading post weapons do call the riders Stormriders which is an interesting change. However, it is again referring to the rider and not the gryphon.

    We have a dwarf called a Storm Rider who is accompanied by two Gryphons.
    It's the Algarian Stormrider -> Khaz Algar has dwarves (Earthen are literally called dwarves so don't even bring up that argument).
    We have a weapon pack called the "Stormrider's Stormhammers", weapons used by Gryphon Riders. Additionally, there were loads of other Gryphon Rider cosmetics added.
    The Preorder mount is under the same encryption key as a flying race, called "Storm Rider". Obviously, a race would mean Dragonriding-compatible. Gryphons are the first mount with a different skeleton that were made Dragonriding compatible, in 10.1.7.
    We have datamined textures of a gryphon with customization options.
    And once again, Blizzard has never integrated the heroic pre-purchase mount into the game at that level. We're talking about creating a transmog set and achievements for an item that is traditionally only for vanity purposes. Not saying it is impossible that they've changed how they utilize pre-purchase mounts, but it would be rather unprecedented.

    It's not a matter of perspective.

    You are aware that you can have the creature they ride be called "Stormriders" and the faction itself? They probably named the creature Stormriders because they were gryphons good at traversing storms. But "Stormrider Rider" would be a shitty name for a faction.
    They could, but we already have creatures being called that currently, and they relate to the concept of the next expansion since they are storm elementals themselves. Again you could be completely right that these are gryphones tied to multiple aspects of 10.2, but I'm quite skeptical that that's the case.

  9. #26889
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Wasn’t the Dwarf character Makorus linked a Stormrider as opposed to Storm Rider? Same with the trading post items?

    We know the mount is called the Algarian Stormrider. We know that the trading post items are also named with Stormrider present. Isn’t it far more likely that they will be linked to the mount and Dwarven Stormrider NPC in Stormsong Valley, instead of decking us out to look like a Stormrider elemental from 15 years prior that Blizzard have likely forgotten about. Unless you’re suggesting the Stormrider gear in the Trading Post is themed around Dwarves but isn’t themed around the expansion mount if it is infact the Stormrider elemental in Northrend - but then why on earth would they have two completely separate, unrelated things in game with the exact same name and released around the same time as each other?

    Yeah, it’s likely we’re going to get dynamic flying for all mounts eventually. It’s also pretty much accepted that it’s going to look silly on some mounts. Do you really think the new shiny expansion pre-order mount is going to use a rig that looks completely stupid when utilising dynamic flying? Especially when it might have a focal role in some of the upcoming expansion content? Be real here. It will very much be an issue if we’re given a brand new mount that we’ve paid ti pre-order that looks completely ridiculous when dynamically flying.
    I mean we do call both the rider & the wyvern “Wind riders” on the horde side. Not too far fetched to assume the same for the stormrider thing.
    (That or it’s just a fancy name for the gryphon that doesn’t have much connection to the lore because “Algarian Gryphon” doesn’t have a nice ring to it.)

    I’m assuming that the trading post stuff is connected to the announcement, they seem to try to go for themes almost every month with the trading post.
    Would make sense to have dwarven themed stuff following the announcement of an expansion where we’re going to a dwarven themed place.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    And once again, Blizzard has never integrated the heroic pre-purchase mount into the game at that level. We're talking about creating a transmog set and achievements for an item that is traditionally only for vanity purposes. Not saying it is impossible that they've changed how they utilize pre-purchase mounts, but it would be rather unprecedented.
    Didn’t the SL mount have quests attached to it to unlock a whole transmog set?
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2023-10-10 at 12:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  10. #26890
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Wasn’t the Dwarf character Makorus linked a Stormrider as opposed to Storm Rider? Same with the trading post items?
    Oh man this is Voidlors vs Void Lords again, isn't it?

  11. #26891
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Wasn’t the Dwarf character Makorus linked a Stormrider as opposed to Storm Rider? Same with the trading post items?
    Yes, but that's the Dwarf rider themselves, not the gryphon they ride on.

    We know the mount is called the Algarian Stormrider. We know that the trading post items are also named with Stormrider present. Isn’t it far more likely that they will be linked to the mount and Dwarven Stormrider NPC in Stormsong Valley, instead of decking us out to look like a Stormrider elemental from 15 years prior that Blizzard have likely forgotten about. Unless you’re suggesting the Stormrider gear in the Trading Post is themed around Dwarves but isn’t themed around the expansion mount if it is infact the Stormrider elemental in Northrend - but then why on earth would they have two completely separate, unrelated things in game with the exact same name and released around the same time as each other?
    Because one (the achievements and trading post gear) is for 10.2 and the other (the mount) is for the next expansion which is quite possibly completely unrelated to each other.

    Yeah, it’s likely we’re going to get dynamic flying for all mounts eventually. It’s also pretty much accepted that it’s going to look silly on some mounts. Do you really think the new shiny expansion pre-order mount is going to use a rig that looks completely stupid when utilising dynamic flying? Especially when it might have a focal role in some of the upcoming expansion content? Be real here. It will very much be an issue if we’re given a brand new mount that we’ve paid ti pre-order that looks completely ridiculous when dynamically flying.
    Whether it looks silly or not via dynamic flying isn't really an issue, because that probably won't be implemented until next expansion anyway. The goal of heroic pre-purchase editions is to entice players to buy the next expansion with a few goodies attached, so Blizzard's only goal here would be to make a cool looking mount. Now, if that transmog gear was included with the heroic edition purchase, there would be no argument from me, because clearly Blizzard's goal would be to have the player be some storm riding dwarf on back of a gryphon. However, the fact that its in the trading post makes me skeptical that it has anything to do with the heroic pre-purchase mount at all.

    Again, if Blizzard is entering new territory here and integrating the heroic pre-purchase mount into previous expansion content on a level never seen before, so be it.

  12. #26892
    Okay.. so I looked at the list of promotional achievements that were leaked.

    Confirmed: Ysergle the Dreamurk, Lil' Maggz, and Lil' Frostwing (Putting this one in spoiler because it seems like the next promotional item for this week. Found out based on a search in Wowhead.) Along with all the Mini Rumble figure stuff as part of the Rumble promotional event.

    Yet to be revealed: S.A.F.E, Survey Bot, Storm Rider: (Bronze, Silver, and Gold), Squally (likely the new expansion battle pet), Fyrn, and finally [Heroic Edition]: Algarian Stormrider.

    S.A.F.E could be related to Warcraft Rumble's launch (or if by chance it is related to something IN WoW, one can only assume it'll involve gnomes or Gnomergan)
    Storm Rider: (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) could be in relation to a race, but where it is remains to be seen.
    Squally and the Algarian Stormrider could be connected to the next expansion, (with Squally being the Pre-Order Bonus). [Still no clue on what the expansion's theme will be.]

    This just only leaves the Survey Bot and Fyrn as complete mysteries.

  13. #26893
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Didn’t the SL mount have quests attached to it to unlock a whole transmog set?
    Yeah, but that was something that you got specifically from the mount. It wasn't available to people who did not purchase the mount.

    Like I said, the transmog gear is coming via the trading post and is available to everyone.

    The achievements are possibly related to the mount though, so I can't write off a gryphon completely.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-10-10 at 12:12 PM.

  14. #26894
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, but that was something that you got specifically from the mount. It wasn't available to people who did not purchase the mount.

    Like I said, the transmog gear is coming via the trading post and is available to everyone.
    As said earlier, blizzard likes to theme almost each monthly trading post.
    Not far fetched to think they’d theme something after an expansion announcement the month they announce it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  15. #26895
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, but that was something that you got specifically from the mount. It wasn't available to people who did not purchase the mount.

    Like I said, the transmog gear is coming via the trading post and is available to everyone.

    The achievements are possibly related to the mount though, so I can't write off a gryphon completely.
    You could get the transmog without having the mount.

  16. #26896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    As said earlier, blizzard likes to theme almost each monthly trading post.
    Not far fetched to think they’d theme something after an expansion announcement the month they announce it.
    Yeah, but we're getting those items before the announcement at BlizzCon.

  17. #26897
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, but we're getting those items before the announcement at BlizzCon.
    You can theme a month around Dwarves without going "These items were selected because of the expansion!!!" on November 1st.

  18. #26898
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, but we're getting those items before the announcement at BlizzCon.
    They’d only be coming maybe a day or two early.
    Plus I’d imagine they could delay the release of those specific items if they really wanted to.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  19. #26899
    Are there no mods on this forum? The amount of times ppl in this thread go completely off-topic and forget that this an 11.0/DF SPECULATION thread….

  20. #26900
    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    Someone in Twitter (I think it was a WoW dev) pointed to more customization next PTR build.
    I think it was more about next ptr after 10.2 but you might be right too.

    Hopefully it's not elves only.

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