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Towellie has done this bit the last two expansions and I don't know why people even bother to pay him any mind.
He vastly overhyped the DF expac reveal, heavily hinting it was a revamp and repeatedly calling it "huge" and "alot of people will be very happy".
While I love Dragonflight and it's my favorite expansion, it's announcement was very mild. It scaling down and not announcing a ton of features to be abandoned was good, but Towelie hyping all that up for what amounted to "talent trees and a UI revamp" really showed he didn't know shit. He was hyping things up, being vague and cold reading what he thought was going to happen, so after the fact it would seem like he had inside knowledge if it panned out. He did the same thing with Shadowlands, going ALL in on the fake map and fake leaks, and then tried to spin that he was right all along when a different expansion entirely but also called Shadowlands came out.
Bellular also has 17 videos in the past 30 days claiming a variation of knowing the expansion theme/the expansion has leaked bouncing from Voidstorm to Pirates to Dwarfs on a whime, so I wouldn't give him much attention either.