1. #2761
    By the way I didn't see a lot of people talking about it but I like the new ingame cutscenes that we've had since the end of shadowlands. They probably developped a software for performance capture that makes the creation of facial movement for their character less tedious thus why we have many of these scenes.

    I'm quite pleased with the result and really wish to see more in the future patches and expansions

  2. #2762
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    The idea of "All authority is evil", similar to anti-intellectualism are just the natural conclusions of Western individualism.
    I think there is honestly an anti-intellectual undercurrent in the approach we're sharing our gripes about in itself on top of that, drawing those two problems together, but though it's tempting, if I were to go too far into that, it may be quite superfluous to the relevant topic.

  3. #2763
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    That's a bold statement
    It's kinda true though. The MMO aspect of FFXIV is the weakest link. All the things it does well could be done as good, if not better as a single player game. The most significant thing the MMO aspect adds is the byproducts, like customization options and expansions.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  4. #2764
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    It's kinda true though. The MMO aspect of FFXIV is the weakest link. All the things it does well could be done as good, if not better as a single player game. The most significant thing the MMO aspect adds is the byproducts, like customization options and expansions.
    Those add longevity though.

  5. #2765
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Oh damn. Someone better tell Ishikawa that her writing is not appropriate for MMORPGs. Granted she got nearly universal praise for the expansions she wrote from players and critics alike, so maybe it is too late to tell her that.
    WoW and FFXIV are entirely different beasts, you can't put FFXIV's storytelling in WoW, especially with its more combat-focused audience and systems.

  6. #2766
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    FFXIV is a completely different game and fails as an MMO.
    How is the most successful contemporary MMO failing as a MMO?

  7. #2767
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    How is the most successful contemporary MMO failing as a MMO?
    That would still be wow.

  8. #2768
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    How is the most successful contemporary MMO failing as a MMO?
    I guess you forgot your source, so adding it would be nice.

  9. #2769
    Careening away from the off topic MMO wars, my primary issue with "what if Light/Turalyon bad" is that it feels like a subversion for the sake of it that is desperately searching for supporting material and, at worst, wants to take the absolute worst of the Horde writing from MoP and BfA and hang it around the Alliance's neck. Turalyon going evil at this point would feel like pandering to out of character requests rather than something appropriately foreshadowed in-game, aside from a dracthyr saying that he is a zealot in classic tell, don't show fashion. That could send me on a whole other tirade about wishy washy, noncommittal "both sides are bad" writing that characters like Ebyssian represent, or Jaina and Tyrande having their respective peoples wiped out overnight and the framing of it being that they're just crazy and need to really get over it already.

  10. #2770
    Maybe don't overspeculate about Avaloren.
    All we know is that it is inhabited by a faction of rebel titanic constructs, possibly with a relation or identical to the Earthen of Khaz Algar.
    It's probably gonna be a 10.2 zone akin to Mechagon.

    There's nothing to suggest it's related to the Scarlets, and no, "using the same RL myth as name inspiration" doesn't count.
    A mention in one ingame text also doesn't suggest it could be an expansion area. Since these books were found in a DF dungeon released early, they likely pertain to themes relevant to Dragonflight.

    Just saying, don't predict a full expansion out of three lines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Those add longevity though.
    However, that's not even a defining characteristic of MMORPGs, if we're counting the many ended ones.
    Some games in other genres can claim longevities topped only by WoW itself.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  11. #2771
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    Careening away from the off topic MMO wars, my primary issue with "what if Light/Turalyon bad" is that it feels like a subversion for the sake of it that is desperately searching for supporting material and, at worst, wants to take the absolute worst of the Horde writing from MoP and BfA and hang it around the Alliance's neck. Turalyon going evil at this point would feel like pandering to out of character requests rather than something appropriately foreshadowed in-game, aside from a dracthyr saying that he is a zealot in classic tell, don't show fashion. That could send me on a whole other tirade about wishy washy, noncommittal "both sides are bad" writing that characters like Ebyssian represent, or Jaina and Tyrande having their respective peoples wiped out overnight and the framing of it being that they're just crazy and need to really get over it already.
    My feelings more effectively and concisely summarized than I could dare to summarize them.

  12. #2772
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Maybe don't overspeculate about Avaloren.
    . . . this is the purpose of the thread?

  13. #2773
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    . . . this is the purpose of the thread?
    To overhype stuff? Not really, but we all know it happens all the time anyway.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #2774
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    To overhype stuff? Not really, but we all know it happens all the time anyway.
    Talking about scenarios on what Avaloren could be is not overhyping it. If that's how you interpret speculation, that is on you. Most people here seem to speculate to think of fun and engaging scenarios.

  15. #2775
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Talking about scenarios on what Avaloren could be is not overhyping it. If that's how you interpret speculation, that is on you. Most people here seem to speculate to think of fun and engaging scenarios.
    And then rage about it later when their vision doesn't happen or get mad at Blizzard. Its happened before.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  16. #2776
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Talking about scenarios on what Avaloren could be is not overhyping it. If that's how you interpret speculation, that is on you. Most people here seem to speculate to think of fun and engaging scenarios.
    Next expansion we DEFO getting world revamp/tinkers/void vs light/etc.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  17. #2777
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    Careening away from the off topic MMO wars, my primary issue with "what if Light/Turalyon bad" is that it feels like a subversion for the sake of it that is desperately searching for supporting material and, at worst, wants to take the absolute worst of the Horde writing from MoP and BfA and hang it around the Alliance's neck. Turalyon going evil at this point would feel like pandering to out of character requests rather than something appropriately foreshadowed in-game, aside from a dracthyr saying that he is a zealot in classic tell, don't show fashion. That could send me on a whole other tirade about wishy washy, noncommittal "both sides are bad" writing that characters like Ebyssian represent, or Jaina and Tyrande having their respective peoples wiped out overnight and the framing of it being that they're just crazy and need to really get over it already.
    I agree that Turalyon isn't the zealot type. All the Light is bad theories feed on three things.
    1. That one Naaru who wanted to lightify Illdan.
    2. Yrel going full zealot. At least according to the Orc who hunted her kind for sport back in the Iron Horde times.
    3. Their wish for an Alliance member to go rogue instead of another Horde racial leader.

    Granted this storyline would go against the entire cosmology of WarCraft, but some people aren't that bothered by the prospect.

  18. #2778
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    Careening away from the off topic MMO wars, my primary issue with "what if Light/Turalyon bad" is that it feels like a subversion for the sake of it that is desperately searching for supporting material and, at worst, wants to take the absolute worst of the Horde writing from MoP and BfA and hang it around the Alliance's neck. Turalyon going evil at this point would feel like pandering to out of character requests rather than something appropriately foreshadowed in-game, aside from a dracthyr saying that he is a zealot in classic tell, don't show fashion. That could send me on a whole other tirade about wishy washy, noncommittal "both sides are bad" writing that characters like Ebyssian represent, or Jaina and Tyrande having their respective peoples wiped out overnight and the framing of it being that they're just crazy and need to really get over it already.
    Who is the scaly who accused Turalyon of being a zealot btw?

  19. #2779
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I agree that Turalyon isn't the zealot type. All the Light is bad theories feed on three things.
    1. That one Naaru who wanted to lightify Illdan.
    2. Yrel going full zealot. At least according to the Orc who hunted her kind for sport back in the Iron Horde times.
    3. Their wish for an Alliance member to go rogue instead of another Horde racial leader.

    Granted this storyline would go against the entire cosmology of WarCraft, but some people aren't that bothered by the prospect.
    I think Turalyon could be evil. Though it would have to be a complete brainwash, not one where he genuinely believes it.
    If the story worked in such a way that lightforged could function similarly to sleeping agents then a believable conflict against Turalyon could happen.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  20. #2780
    Quote Originally Posted by Utsuko View Post
    11.0 will be a revamp of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. This would be a great opportunity to use 20 years of WoW and its 10th expansion as a selling point for the anniversary by bringing the old world back to the current standard. The ideal time to add a feature that was supposed to be available in vanilla already and which is expected since, the housing (in the capitals).

    It would be ridiculous not to take advantage of this selling point anyway. They have enormous potential to be seized.
    Not only because the Anniversary/Milestones stuff, but also based on all the new HD assets made in recent expansions. However, if they don't announce a Revamp this time the likelyhood for it happening in 12.0 or later decreases dramatically for the very same reasons.

    So, hold your breath carefully, otherwise the next expansion will be the greatest disappointment to date. =/

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