1. #28041
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Well if storm breaker is real, I wonder who or what is the storm breaker.

    My money is on tyr
    Tyr or Alexstraza. Odyn being the storm i'd imagine....or its just elementals which is cool too.

  2. #28042
    If they do an underground Silithus zone with qiraji, think it would be cool to have the tip of the sword protruding through the top of the zone. And directly below it is something like a Titan machine, implying that was what Sargeras was trying to destroy. Yeah the sword is still there, but the broad implication is that he was just trying to destroy Azeroth, hoping we find out he was being more deliberate.

  3. #28043
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Everyone remember "Empire of Dragons?"
    I remember Explosion of Dragons.

    I don't think we had one like that this season so far.

  4. #28044
    It's a shame that Golganneth the Thunderer is the titan with power over the sea and sky (and thus storms), and yet there's no way to work him in to this.

  5. #28045
    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    It's a shame that Golganneth the Thunderer is the titan with power over the sea and sky (and thus storms), and yet there's no way to work him in to this.
    Thorim and Hodir supposedly have the powers right? Or did him getting rez'd in Legion change that?

  6. #28046
    Quote Originally Posted by Well Done Steak View Post
    Well if storm breaker is real, I wonder who or what is the storm breaker.

    My money is on tyr
    Think of it more as an event like Cataclysm. Unveiling the other side of Azeroth has to be some bombastic event after all, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But if they read the terrain like I do instead of going off of personal desires then they'd understand and wouldn't get their jimmies rustled. Again, I have no intention of maining a tinker, I just know with 100% certainty that they're wow's next playable class. It's so God damn obvious all things considered.

    If that triggers people then oh well.

  7. #28047
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Everyone remember "Empire of Dragons?"
    This logo has the exact same problem, btw. Entirely vague what is it even supposed to be? Old god tentacles? Sea horses? Elven architecture? Silver plants? Really can't see Blizzard ever putting out a logo that doesn't immediately, clearly communicate to the viewer what the expansion is.

    Also I feel like Blizzard art team wouldn't allow for the light on light tangent crap that's going on with the top of WORLD and bottom of Warcraft, but that's just nitpicking.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2023-10-13 at 01:59 AM.

  8. #28048
    The Lightbringer
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    Stormbreaker is too weak of the title.
    Every WoW title pointed at global theme. Burning Legion, Cataclysm, Battle for Azeroth, Dragon flight etc, each of them pointed at the whole spectrum of themes United by one title.
    Stormbreaker is the first time since Lich King when the title points at single figure.
    And while Lich King ment many things so the title beared the whole bunch of themes behind, Stormbreaker is literally who and means literally nothing.
    I'm positive they won't name expansion like that.
    Also it was already compromised by that shitty gryphon rider fake leak with the same name.
    It's most likely someone had fun picking up the idea and trying to dive deeper with it.
    Have fun but I won't buy Stormbreaker leaks.

  9. #28049
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    The "leak" you are referring to was "Stormbreak" NOT "Stormbreaker."
    And even if the title had been exactly the same, it's always possible for a fake leak to get lucky and accidentally use the actual title. It happened for Shadowlands and Dragonflight- iirc, last cycle the Dragonflight title leak convinced a lot of people that an earlier leak talking about mini-classes was real because it used the same title.

  10. #28050
    To me the mention of a "Carrack Escort" seems so specific as to either be real or an incredible left-field detail added by the faker to bolster its authenticity.
    Google doc with all plate mogs complete with import codes! PLATE TRANSMOG-O-RAMA

  11. #28051
    The Lightbringer
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    Carrack Escort sounds too small for a expansion level feature to present during announcement.
    Escort is escort. Players will escort something from A to B. No way they are going to build something big around such a uninspiring concept. On paper it sounds like ten times worse idea than Warfronts or Island Expeditions. I think they learned their lesson already.

  12. #28052
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Looks like it says StormbreakeR lol
    But, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt. Might be real.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  13. #28053
    The "tentacles" looking a lot like roots is a clever idea. If it wasn't for the purple portal it kind of looks Elune themed.

  14. #28054
    My money is still on tge expansion being called Shadow of Azeroth

  15. #28055
    Quote Originally Posted by Therougetitan View Post
    Think of it more as an event like Cataclysm. Unveiling the other side of Azeroth has to be some bombastic event after all, right?
    Yeah but the ER makes it should like someone's title. An event would probably be just stormbreak

  16. #28056
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    What carracks are you guys talking about? what did i miss in the last 12 hours?

  17. #28057
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon ANX View Post
    What carracks are you guys talking about? what did i miss in the last 12 hours?
    https://i.imgur.com/Z4kC6vW.jpg It was posted with a logo as well

  18. #28058
    Honestly the Carrack Escorts makes me think it is more real than not. Something a lot of leaks lack is a surprise factor because Blizzard always has some random feature we don't expect like Warfronts or Torghast. Dragonflight was a bit of a departure because they spent a lot of time revamping existing systems ex: talents, flying, professions but now they can start expanding.

    Carrack Escorts make me think of helping ships cross the Storming Seas and potential attackers like kraken or Azshara's naga or even just elementals.
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    But if they read the terrain like I do instead of going off of personal desires then they'd understand and wouldn't get their jimmies rustled. Again, I have no intention of maining a tinker, I just know with 100% certainty that they're wow's next playable class. It's so God damn obvious all things considered.

    If that triggers people then oh well.

  19. #28059
    Remember, no pirates...

    I kind of believe the leak, though the logo doesn't really tell you what the expac is about just looking at it.

  20. #28060
    If that leak is real, I think carrack escort is the name of the transmog set.

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