1. #28101
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    We may have some special item or macguffin that breaks the storm for us. It doesn't need to be a character or person.
    No Expansion was every named after a macguffin. It was always about a theme, place or villain

  2. #28102
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    No Expansion was every named after a macguffin. It was always about a theme, place or villain
    That doesn't mean that it can't happen.

  3. #28103
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    The acquisition has now been cleared by the UK's CMA.

  4. #28104
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    That doesn't mean that it can't happen.
    sure, it could happen. But even so, imagine you go to a random WoW Player and say the next Expansion is: Dragonflight, Shadowlands, Legion, BfA. They will have instantly something they can imagine what it is. Stormbreaker is a nothing in Warcraft. Would it be Lightbreaker/Voidbreaker, sure i could see it. But there is nothing in game or lore that makes Stormbreaker exciting. At most a Quest name (that was used in DF for the finale of the Ohn'ahra quest chain) and the Title you get from Isle of Thunder.

    It could at most, if you really stretch it relate to the Maelstrom, but that is a STROM not a STORM. (R and O in different places)

  5. #28105
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    sure, it could happen. But even so, imagine you go to a random WoW Player and say the next Expansion is: Dragonflight, Shadowlands, Legion, BfA. They will have instantly something they can imagine what it is. Stormbreaker is a nothing in Warcraft. Would it be Lightbreaker/Voidbreaker, sure i could see it. But there is nothing in game or lore that makes Stormbreaker exciting. At most a Quest name (that was used in DF for the finale of the Ohn'ahra quest chain) and the Title you get from Isle of Thunder.

    It could at most, if you really stretch it relate to the Maelstrom, but that is a STROM not a STORM. (R and O in different places)
    I think you're massively overthinking this. Stormbreaker sounds cool, it sounds exciting. That's all.

  6. #28106
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Legion had Broken Shore, as well as the three smaller zones on Argus.
    BfA had Nazjatar and Uldum/Vale of Eternal Blossoms as full sized zones.
    DF will with 10.2 have Zaralek and the Emerald Dream.

    Even with the two large DF zones being better than BfA and it's two revamped zones. Or Legion with Broken Shore and three smaller Argus zones. I still don't agree that it's such a massive step forward that it warrants the removal of a raid tier.
    While I don't necessarily disagree, in all fairness Uldum, Vale and Broken Shore were already existing zones given a splash of new content compared to brand new zones like Zaralek/Dream/Nazjatar etc.

    But I definitely think DF should have *something* to cap it off properly, be that a miniraid, one boss raid or a dungeon.

  7. #28107
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I think you're massively overthinking this. Stormbreaker sounds cool, it sounds exciting. That's all.
    does it though? Excitement is in relation to something, it doesn't exist in a vacuum.

  8. #28108
    Quote Originally Posted by Akhinos View Post
    Damn dude, good job. Another fake debunked.
    I don't think this one is fake... who comes up with "carrack escort"? Come on now.

    I remember the same folks swearing up and down the DF leaks being fake and picking everything and anything apart on the font and other stuff and we all know what was announced.

  9. #28109
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    sure, it could happen. But even so, imagine you go to a random WoW Player and say the next Expansion is: Dragonflight, Shadowlands, Legion, BfA. They will have instantly something they can imagine what it is. Stormbreaker is a nothing in Warcraft. Would it be Lightbreaker/Voidbreaker, sure i could see it. But there is nothing in game or lore that makes Stormbreaker exciting. At most a Quest name (that was used in DF for the finale of the Ohn'ahra quest chain) and the Title you get from Isle of Thunder.

    It could at most, if you really stretch it relate to the Maelstrom, but that is a STROM not a STORM. (R and O in different places)
    I don't think blizzard needs to cater to players who need a detailed explanation of what a storm is.

  10. #28110
    Quote Originally Posted by Syphin33 View Post
    I don't think this one is fake... who comes up with "carrack escort"? Come on now.

    I remember the same folks swearing up and down the DF leaks being fake and picking everything and anything apart on the font and other stuff and we all know what was announced.
    If Blizzard could come up with it then someone else could come up with it as well. It's honestly not even that out there.
    Make a leak implying ships, go to Wikipedia and look for obscure ship types. Pick one that sounds vaguely right for WoW.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #28111
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    Quote Originally Posted by vintage79 View Post
    Nothing, nothing, nothing, I go to sleep and this happens.

  12. #28112
    Just realized the leak has the wrong U as well. It is quite a subtle difference even knowing what to look for.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  13. #28113
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    If Blizzard could come up with it then someone else could come up with it as well. It's honestly not even that out there.
    Make a leak implying ships, go to Wikipedia and look for obscure ship types. Pick one that sounds vaguely right for WoW.
    People could, but it really isn't the norm for fake leaks. There isn't a single thing advertised on that pic that would really hype up people. A fake leaker would include vrykul or naga allied race or something like that.

  14. #28114
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    People could, but it really isn't the norm for fake leaks. There isn't a single thing advertised on that pic that would really hype up people. A fake leaker would include vrykul or naga allied race or something like that.
    Bad leaks tend to do that. Good ones are usually more selective about what they "reveal".
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  15. #28115
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Bad leaks tend to do that. Good ones are usually more selective about what they "reveal".
    Well at the very least this is a good one.

  16. #28116
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    "Stormbreaker" wouldn't make any sense as an expansion name. WoW expansion names have always made it very clear what they're about. "Stormbreaker" doesn't say anything to anyone and sounds much more like an FFXIV expansion name. And the reason FFXIV gets away with it is that they've been doing these kind of vague expansion titles since day one. It's their thing.

  17. #28117
    Carrack escort could be a toy, a small boat to put your pets in.

  18. #28118
    Seems fake.

    If there was new transmog set it would be seen on the right side and not mashup of this solemn* shop set and some legion pieces etc and it and also the figure on the side looks gigantic, look at the boots.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-10-13 at 07:28 AM.

  19. #28119
    Do you all think we will have someone from Microsoft on the Blizzcon stage? Something tells me with the merger closing we might get Phil Spencer and . . . I'd rather not.

  20. #28120
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Do you all think we will have someone from Microsoft on the Blizzcon stage? Something tells me with the merger closing we might get Phil Spencer and . . . I'd rather not.
    He was just at the NA Fanfest for FFXIV coming to Xbox. Surely he'll be there to welcome Blizzard to the Microsoft family.

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