Yes it sound a bit like Stormblood isn't it?
But as a title how clear Wrath of the Lich King or Mists of Pandaria really are? Arthas being angry wasn't really that crucial to the plot. Yes we knew who the Lich King is, the same way we know what a Storm is.
Also was Burning Crusade ever used for the Legion's activities before TBC?
I think we are way obsessed with patterns when it comes to logos and expansion names. Patterns that may not be there at all.
People are hanging onto the image being a fake due to the U being slightly thinner, but isnt the image on an angle which would warp the view and size of the letters?
I'm personally hoping Stormbreaker is real...
Last edited by Kiria; 2023-10-13 at 07:46 AM.
Yeah, I take people's reasons on why something is fake because of visual artifacts entirely per the meme
Not saying it is not fake, but I only bother with arguments about the content.
I mean, I like to think I have a pretty good eye for BS. In my leak spreadsheet for last year, I assigned a "credibility score" (on a scale of 0 to 5) to each leak and only the real leaks ended up having a score above 3.5, everything else was below 2 (closer to 0 most of the time).
And to my eye, everything about the Stormbreaker "leak" is sending my BS detectors into overdrive. I would probably give it a 0.5 out of 5.
It's not that angled. The U is very clearly not the one with the squared off bit.
If the argument is that they use a different font for this one then sure. But this isn't the case where you can argue the image being too blurry or angled to notice it.
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I can only assume going all blue would be even more weird, and there were not any good angles for when he was all red. At least not dynamic poses like what we got, only slouched on the throne.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I'm not saying I have some kind of superpower to be able to instantly tell between real and fake, and I could just as easily be mistaken the same as anyone else, but as someone who was engaged in making these fake leaks for years, when I look at some of these images I can recognize the same methods I used to try and make my leaks look more credible. The angles, the cropping, the fonts, the HTML edits, and the subtle weaving of established lore and facts into new but seemingly plausible BS...
But as @Merryck said, it mostly comes down to a vibe. It's hard for me to give a detailed analysis as I'm not the best with words and I don't know the exact terminology for all of this stuff. But I'll continue to trust my gut on this stuff, for better or for worse. I'm okay with being told that I was wrong.
Last edited by ercarp; 2023-10-13 at 08:23 AM.
People looked at it and were 100% convinced the figure in it was Garrosh due to it being a copy-paste of his model.
Now we know G-man is nowhere near the expansion.
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Well hard to argue with vibes and gut feelings. All I know is I have no idea how HTML edits work and I'm always open to new stuff from people more knowledgable than I.
At any rate to me it seems much more plausible than the one before with the Agarrians or however they were called.
I also think a bit of pre-conceived bias can come into it as well when determining if something is fake or legit.
The Stormbreaker ''leak'' implies seafaring content, which would ultimately mean pirates in some form. Going off this thread when pirates were being theorised, a lot of people were vehemently against the idea, and were all too willing to accept ''no pirates'' as gospel. If you're not a fan of something, you're going to subconsciously be more sceptical of a leak because you wont want the idea to come to pass.
On the other hand, I'm more leaning towards it being real, and admittedly part of that is because I would love a seafaring/pirate/south seas expansion - so it goes both ways.
Alternatively, we've seen it when we've had world revamp leaks, some cling onto that possible leak as being the more likely one. And so on with other concepts such as underground, elements, Lightbound etc.
For what its worth in my heart of hearts I still believe ultimately that its just going to be a mysterious island to the west shrouded in storms, voila its Avaloren with Iridikron and Xal'atath and just essentially DF 2.0 with a fresh lick of paint with new zones, and no real big defining features.
It's called they're on huge amounts of copium
Every legitimate leak that has come through here throughout the years had these same people picking apart everything down to the pixel and it still came out to be true lol.
"No way a dragon race would look like this"
"Look at the clipping!"
"Oh the D in dragonflight looks off compared to other fonts"
Folks came up with some wild reasons why they thought scaleface was false.