WoW on Game Pass let's go!
what ever it is old blizzard is awful.
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it is if we are discussing about old vs new blizzard hope that helps If you like we can discuss what kind of other things discovered in the future patches regarding the sexual assault cases maybe new ones found XD
Can we get a mod in here please? This really isn’t the place to be discussing prospective/potential sexual assault references. It’s really weird that this is an avenue you’re going down and if you actually cared about sexual assault you wouldn’t be using it as some sort of “gotcha” in a thread that’s completely separate to it. People are here to discuss expansion speculation and for their own reasons won’t want to see this sort of chat discussed here. You are being ridiculously insensitive.
He did? Wow. I wonder if he was joking or something.
For those of you who didn't see it, it was a screenshot of the Xbox Game Pass website, featuring a few games as thumbnails. Basically a "subscribe to Game Pass and gain access to all of this" type of deal.
Dragonflight was featured in two locations of the page.
I also read somewhere on Twitter earlier that the deal would officially close two hours from me typing this post. Some marketing people from Xbox seem pretty excited on Twitter as well, so I'd say there's a chance of some cool news soon.