Same could be said for fully underwater zones like Vashj'ir, or even weird compromise zones like Nazjatar, but that doesn't make it a good idea to base an entire expansion around them.
Make one or two really good underground areas, and have the rest be more standard stuff to not make players burn out.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Which can be replicated with Underground zones.
Again, they enjoyed the disconnected zones of KT and Zandalar just fine.People still won’t like several disconnected zones.
Maybe, but like I said, I don’t think Blizzard is going to do the mysterious continent off the coast of an established continent back to back. They tend to go a different route.Chances are we’re going west of Kalimdor & having the standard large continents. At most we might have one or two underground zones.
I think the main city will be like Ironforge being built into Khaz Algar.
In addition, all the dwarf stuff has me thinking that Khaz Algar is located beneath the Eastern Kingdoms. Perhaps north of Arathi Highlands.
But your original point was Undermine beneath Kezan, Azjol Nerub beneath Northrend, Khaz Algar beneath the Eastern Kingdoms.
It’s very likely we only get 4/5 zones again this expansion. So that’s 3 zones already that are massive amounts of distance apart so how do you make that feel cohesive without doing another SL?
It’s nothing like KT/Zandalar. Because despite what you say, they were still their own continents despite being the smallest continents we’ve had. Each continent was cohesive with their zones.
So how do you propose zones as spread out as you’ve suggested, three of which are on three separate continents, are made to feel cohesive without making it similar to Oribos with the SL zones?
I'll say again, Hollow World. You have 4-5 zones which have a vertical part going from the surface to the underground and then they all have a flat part inside the Hollow world and they all have connected parts within the Hollow World area.
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Every time someone calls them Tendies I wonder where humanity went wrong.
I’m not really in the know with the Hollow Earth idea, just the aesthetic I’ve seen.
Would you be able to make this work in terms of several zones spread out geographically? I have no idea of the physics side of it.
I love the idea of an underground expansion, just not how Teriz is presenting it.
That's where I stumble as well; the physics are the hard part because you effectively have to inverse gravity at some point (and then have a curved gravity plane).
How I'd imagine it is this:
You enter Azjol Nerub from Northrend, you get a largely vertical zone where the subzones are stacked vertically (possibly with little hidden areas in small side caverns) then at some point the zone bottoms up and there is a transition into the Hollow World part. Problem is how do you do gravity; is everything still falling towards the center? then the inside of the Hollow world cannot really be used.
At the same time, Kalimdor, Northrend, EK are all within less than a hemisphere. So instead of a Hollow world with a full sphere inside you could have a half sphere inside the planet, Light coming from the core in the middle and effectively just a very large zone on the ground with the World Soul in the middle and access to the other zones through breaks in the zone ceiling.
Wish I had access to autoCad, I could give you a proper schematic.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-10-13 at 12:26 PM.
They should make chicken tendies a new currency in next expansion for cooking profession.
What would be the idea for skyboxes in the underground zones? This seems to be tricky to pull-off I think. It needs to be implemented the way, you are barely able to recognize being underground. Otherwise, it's pretty claustrophobic, and as far as a single location, i.e. Deepholm or Zaralek, it might work, but as an overall theme, it's a risky thing from the environmental and artistic point of view.
When I think of "the other side of Azeroth" I want them to avoid the idea of collection of islands, but adapt the huge continent of Kalimdor / EK vibe, somehow blocking parts of the continent for future expansions. With dragonriding it might be difficult, but I guess it's doable - magical barrier / mist / void blockade, massive mountain range, higher than the dragonriding is able to go for, etc. Islands make the world feel disjointed, and it simply looks stupid
The world revamp dream will never die!
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You can always do them in the oven. Far less cleaning and quite healthier.
And that’s exactly what I’m proposing; two underground continents the size of KT and Zandalar; disconnected from each other, but having connected zones within themselves with more zones coming in each patch, just like every expansion.
Conversely, “hollow earth” works as well.
Not sure why people think WoW would go F2P. PC only gamepass costs 9.99 euros. Even people who want to play just WoW would have to pay that.
I love how people instinctively started calling them tendies. Me and my friends did that without seeing anyone else do it, and I see that other people just do that as well.