Very neat idea! Love it.
Altough I think Dragonflight is kinda boring for my taste, they still made some bold decisions on rehauling UI, talent trees, remaking flying mode. These are all small steps in adapting WoW for a new era I think. The missing part is making the world more immersive and replayable, making it more of an organic, living thing. That fits perfectly with your idea, really nice.
To a degree, I think that making the "Other Side of Azeroth" available to players and expanding the continents organically could serve as an intersection between WoW 2.0 and world revamp.
Interesting, because I didn’t feel claustrophobic in Deepholme or Zaralek. There’s not much that can be done for people with phobias. We can’t avoid having huge spiders in the game because someone has arachnophobia. We can’t avoid aerial zones because someone has a fear of heights. We shouldn’t avoid an underground expansion because people have claustrophobia. In the end, diversity of themes should be paramount, or else the game becomes stale.
Bobby Kotick leaves ABK on January First!
My idea was that the locals found a way to contain the Void in half the continent using Titan tech after expelling the titans so the first xpac would be exploring Avaloren and meeting the local cultures and helping resolve local issues as well as how the rest of the world would interact with them and the second xpac would be void focused, fully using the NPC roster the first one established with us having a chance to explore the past of those cultures as found in the ruins of their land. Odyn, Xal'atath and Azshara would be driving the story.
I think Azshara is wasted as a typical villain. She could fill the role of a character that is clearly a villain but is willing to work with us as and when she needs to.
I’d love to have her present for several expansions where we begrudgingly work with each other before the inevitable betrayal. I don’t think that’s a villain that’s been explored yet in WoW?
Last edited by Santandame; 2023-10-13 at 01:37 PM.
Hard to find my post about that expac concept but I think I had Azshara help us find the xpac's McGuffin and guide us through the final raid so we'd save the world together . . . and then after the fight she steals the McGuffin and leads us to the next xpac. So we wouldn't be fighting her, we'd be working for her and she would ofc stab us in the back![]()
Oh, didn't mean people with claustrophobia specifically, just the visual feeling of somewhat closed, limited space, at least that's my experience. It doesn't matter how far to the sky you can fly with dragonriding, I personally feel more "open" whenever I have an illusion of a unreachable sky above my head
It's just difficult for me to grasp how much diversity one can provide with the underground theme. It's pretty difficult to explain a lushy green forests without a sun. Skyboxes are a very important factor to sell the vibe of a particular zone - green skybox: Legion; morning, sunny sky - a chill, Nagrand-like area; stormy weather - dangerous and unpleasent, etc. Obviously it doesn't have to be stalactites in every zone possible, but it feels like there's only so much you can do.
Well, in the end, you can justify greenery with titan machines / close to Azeroth soul or stuff like that I guess?![]()
Starfield is considered by most to be a very, very good game. It sits in a genre of its own, and if Bethesda games aren't your style then it might not fit your tastes. But to imply that it's a bad game, or a commercial failure, is just silly.
Even if Starfield was a flop, then it would also have been worth remembering that the Bethesda acquisition happened some time into its development. The core structure was already set in place at that point.
What I'm talking about here is Xbox's ability to bring back dead franchises, because they've got money to spend and want to make Game Pass as appealing as it can be, to as many people as possible. There's room for Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft, and Warcraft strategy games. But they'll likely also want to pump money into whatever else Blizzard might be up to, if it builds their brand. For example films and TV shows.
Maybe they could do something like the Genesis device in The Wrath of Khan; the Titans used a form of the reorginiation device to create a "perfect" world beneath the surface/inside Azeroth, aka a "Hollow Earth", as "practice" for the surface? Or maybe just for themselves, and that's what they've been hiding all along? AFAIK, reorigination doesn't destroy the terrain, just the lifeforms.
If Danuser is still fully in charge of the story, considering the esoteric subjects Dragonflight has hinted at which he clearly leans towards, a hollow earth would fit right in.
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I really hope we don't get underground zones. I really don't understand the obsession some people seem to have with them. "Oh you liked being inside caves and such? Here, you'll be stuck in them for a whole expansion!"
In Cata, and with Zaralek it's ok because there is enough of a difference between the zones. You can go to coastal areas, you can go to snow areas, you can go underground. With a whole Deepholme style expansion? "Here are caves, and look! some more caves. What's around the corner you ask? CAVES!"
Interesting how in this video devoted to merge with Microsoft they only show Warlord of Draenor footage and then Gromm mostly as well. May mean nothing but its interesting how they chose not WotlK (most popular overall), or Legion (acknowledged last years) or DF (current expansion), but WoD to use footage from.
It's considered good by Bethesda fans.. you know, the same people who:
Bash EA/Ubisoft/Blizzard for fixing broken games
Praise Bethesda for releasing broken games because the fans will fix it
And then keep praising Bethesda for keeping the game broken until fans fix it.
Sorry, I hope you don't mind I will not take these people seriously.