1. #28681
    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    What hits me is the mention of a troll/nightelf mixed race in one Zone and the specific Loa mention, with that Loa of Change Owl and all the mystery surrounding that one. As far back as July, that's a pretty wild one to hit even with just very generic info.

    The Leak itself doesn't look bad either at all. Not sure what people are saying. Done right, building up a city could come with a lot of Content on it's own. Very New World-y. And Multiclass Challenges sound lit. Multiclassing is a big thing, but doing it as an actual thing would just throw balance completely out the window, but in a limited fashion? NP.
    Multispec- challenge modes (next mage tower/visions i hope) - I think we heard smth like this before - like silver theme of spells for paladins etc, anyway cool idea.

    Building up a city with some form of player housing? - nice - but I hope it gona work better than garrisons one (instace not found :X tranfer aborted- but in the middle of next exp pack) //Isle of thunder realm progress

    and God pls no more augment specs in game...

    and 1 or two new races would be a nice icing on the cake ;^
    Last edited by vintage79; 2023-10-14 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #28682
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post

    Imagine a 30-45 year old dude with a family and stressful job.

    15-20 years ago, he and his mates used to play WoW all the time in college, or after school. They ran a raiding guild and defeated C'Thun, Illidan, and Arthas together. But somewhere down the line, things fell apart. A few lost interest during Cataclysm or Mists of Pandaria. One or two kept going through Warlords of Draenor or Legion, but by the time Shadowlands came around most had quit. These days, WoW is just a nostalgic memory to them. They look up videos on YouTube every now and then, listening to the music and getting all teary eyed.

    What scenario do you think is the most likely to pique their interests, causing them to look up more information online and possibly even return to the game?

    A) Our dude is on lunch break at work and hears somebody mention that there's a new WoW expansion coming: "Return of the Lich King". Or he's just aimlessly browsing YouTube on the toilet and sees an ad with the Lich King's glowing eyes, and a logo with this name.

    B) Our dude is on lunch break at work and hears somebody mention that there's a new WoW expansion coming: "Stormbreak". Or he's just aimlessly browsing YouTube on the toilet and sees an ad with some random Iridikron dude he's never heard of, and a logo with this name.
    35 year old dude on lunch break on the toilet test.

    10/10 (unironically)

  3. #28683
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I don’t believe in any way that the Warcraft narrative team are planning out trilogies of expansions set decades apart, or are retroactively assigning them as trilogies. There’s going to be plenty of overlap with themes and enemies because of the longevity of the game and how many expansions are made.

    Just because something utilises demons or llidan doesn’t mean it’s a TBC sequel. Demons are one of the most prominent Warcraft enemies and Illidan as a character is intrinsically tied to the Legion. Outside of Illidan and Kil’jaeden, there is nothing that harkens back to TBC from Legion (Arakkoa, Ethereals, Blood Elves etc).

    Likewise with anything featuring dragons in a prominent role meaning that it’s a sequel to Cataclysm as that expansion also featured dragons prominently. And so on with the Scourge etc.

    I honestly think it’s one of the sillier theories out there.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It’s pretty much what Metzen here is saying.
    I never said I agreed with the theory I do agree with you that it's a bit silly. I hope from more originality from Blizzard

  4. #28684
    Quote Originally Posted by vintage79 View Post
    Multispec- challenge modes (next mage tower/visions i hope) - I think we heard smth like this before - like silver theme of spells for paladins etc, anyway cool idea.

    Building up a city with some form of player housing? - nice - but I hope it gona work better than garrisons one (instace not found :X tranfer aborted- but in the middle of next exp pack) //Isle of thunder realm progress

    and God pls no more augment specs in game...

    and 1 or two new races would be a nice icing on the cake ;^
    I cant even imagine how multiclassing would work with how the classes are designed today, with each their own resource etc.

  5. #28685
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    I cant even imagine how multiclassing would work with how the classes are designed today, with each their own resource etc.
    Quite easily actually cause there is very little difference in how they are generated or consumed. Just cause one calls it combo points, the other calls ir chi, and another names it holy power, they are not that different in practice.

  6. #28686
    Eclipse is too "dark" or "end timesy" of a name, imo.

    If true, maybe the new moon darkens all of Azeroth and we're forced underground for some reason, only to pop our heads out now and then for quest-related needs.

    I prefer the "hollow earth" idea...so maybe with no sun on the surface during an extended, Elune-enduced eclipse, we discover Azeroth's inner light and have sunlit adventures without needing to go up top for a while.
    Last edited by Gloriandus; 2023-10-14 at 12:48 PM.
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  7. #28687
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloriandus View Post
    Eclipse is too "dark" or "end timesy" of a name, imo.
    As opposed to Cataclysm or Shadowlands which were both super cheerful titles?

  8. #28688
    Quote Originally Posted by Gloriandus View Post
    Eclipse is too "dark" or "end timesy" of a name, imo.

    If true, maybe the new moon darkens all of Azeroth and we're forced underground for some reason, only to pop our heads out now and then for quest-related needs.

    I prefer the "hollow earth" idea...so maybe with no sun on the surface during an extended, Elune-enduced eclipse, we discover Azeroth's inner light and have sunlit adventures without needing to go up top for a while.
    Eclipse suggests Elune, Elune suggests night elves.. but maybe Elune is more than just night elves on Azeroth.

    If they tie ELune to Loa - or the person who created the Loa, they rope in the Trolls. If Elune is somehow tied to An'she and the sun too, in come the Tauren, and possibly the blood elves too.

    IF Elune is linked to Azeroth somehow, as the one to have embued and empowered Azeroth and the catalyst to both the curse of flesh, and moulding of the titanforge - then Elune is tied to every race.

    Elune as both light side and void side - also ties her to every religion too.

    Elune will auto transition from being associated primarily with the Night elves to related to every one.

    Elune also seems to be shifting from an Arcane orientated goddess to a nature one. Too many links to nature and trees now, when she had ZERO in all of wow's original lore. Like none. Elune was simply in love with Marlone and Cenarius was produced/created. Cenarius is the nature/druid expert - when it comes to night elves and nature - it's Cenarius, Malfurion... Elune has always been part of the Dark Elf side of the night elves, as has been Tyrande, Azshara, the pre-sundering empire, the Well etc.

    But Cenarius and Malfurion are not female. Elune and Tyrande are. And if you want the night elves to be primairly about nature, and about women - then Elune and Tyrande have to transition from dark elf lore to forest elf lore.

    Tyrande has to replace Malfurion when it comes to nature. And ELune must be the heart of nature, the loa, life (as it pertains to flora and fauna - i.e. nature), green magic, green dragons. Out goes the arcane, the light and the void. The spirit of Aessina is ditched, when she gets fleshed out to actually be Elune - that surprise the night elves never realised. And now the night elves can be all about that.

    But what about the dwarves, the trolls and other races? Well they can now fit into the box.

    It's very exciting times for warcraft, we get completely new lore every expansion, as the story is written and re-written with every re cast. I wish I had realised this sooner, I wouldn't have bothered buying all those books if I knew the lore they suggested would be completely retconned only a few years down the line. Oh silly me, I should have reliased it was only valid for the expansion cycle it was released.

    Would anyone like to buy my wow collection? I have all 3 valumes of Chronicles. And I'm relieved to say I have stopped buying them too.

  9. #28689
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Eclipse suggests Elune, Elune suggests night elves.. but maybe Elune is more than just night elves on Azeroth.

    If they tie ELune to Loa
    I'm farely confident DeviantArt already did that.

  10. #28690
    "Hollow earth" has too much overlap with the conspiracy crew and their tinfoil hat hypotheses. It's basically like asking for a "flat earth" expansion.

    It would be like making an expansion themed around the TV show "Ancient Aliens" or Bigfoot hunting.

  11. #28691
    Quote Originally Posted by Revamp Man View Post
    WoD to Legion
    BfA to SL
    DF to 11.0

    The tie to the SL from BfA was Sylvanas
    Just like in WoD it was a single cutscene but expanded on in the story of SL and the books
    So unlike WoD to Legion where the connection was actually established, there's Azerite & the sword, where the connection isn't actually established until the following expansion comes out? That doesn't help us predict anything. (IE: The dark portal randomly opening was as random in TBC as it was in WoD, Why the alliance is attacking lordaeron, what syvlanas was doing, what azerite is, etc.)
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-14 at 02:00 PM.

  12. #28692
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    "Hollow earth" has too much overlap with the conspiracy crew and their tinfoil hat hypotheses. It's basically like asking for a "flat earth" expansion.
    That would certainly explain the lack of "Other side of Azeroth" expansion

  13. #28693
    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    From the leak:

    First Zone: Khaz Algar
    A giant underground cove, with a landmass atop of it. both places are full with quests and activities. Residents are dwarf like creatures, the Azgar. They are the descendants of Earthen that got lost ages ago while forming the underground. New Dungeons: Archives of Ul, Defense of Algar.

    Azgar - a mob in Revendreth, and I would say if the mount is the Algarian Stormrider, one could infer the name of the people coul be Algarian instead of Azgar

    while forming the underground - the leaker is so informed but got the story of theese Earthens all wrong
    Azgar is a rare.

    Did you know there is a quest npc called Algar too?

    So, algar is also used. But could be a just a misspelling, the whole text has errors. Which at least means no chatgpt

  14. #28694
    Oh please, not another expansion about night elves...

  15. #28695
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaumanKing View Post
    Oh please, not another expansion about night elves...
    I'm actually hoping for another Night Elf expansion. Mutated Night Elves, to be more specific. Ones suited for aquatic life.

  16. #28696
    Quote Originally Posted by ZyntosAran View Post
    I cant even imagine how multiclassing would work with how the classes are designed today, with each their own resource etc.
    what a small pool of imagination ;s

  17. #28697
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Are you thinking Wrathtion is turning red?
    Well, he's getting into the age where that shouldn't be to hard to achieve. Get your whelpling paintings ready.

  18. #28698
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I think you're giving Alexstrasza too much credit. I remember her fighting with Razsageth and then getting rescued by Iridikron, then she assumed a catastrophic defensive role.
    We know more about why the incarnates fight for than what motivates the aspects to get back their power. Sure they want to defend themselves from the incarnates, but for what crime 20 000 years of imprisonment isn't enough? oO' Why wasn't freeing them a first step when the isles awakened?
    Don't think punishment was the reason for their imprisonment but rather that the Incarnates literally wants to end the world as ordered by the Titan Keepers and dragons so releasing them at *any* point has the same effect. Whether after three or fifteen thousand years the Incarnates would still want to delete everything they've worked for.

    So, realistically, they should hsve killed them off.

  19. #28699
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    "Hollow earth" has too much overlap with the conspiracy crew and their tinfoil hat hypotheses. It's basically like asking for a "flat earth" expansion.

    It would be like making an expansion themed around the TV show "Ancient Aliens" or Bigfoot hunting.
    Hollow earth is doubtful, but an underground expansion is likely.

    Given that Thrall is on the key art, an Elune based expansion is doubtful.

  20. #28700
    Quote Originally Posted by vintage79 View Post
    what a small pool of imagination ;s
    I actually have a lot of imagination as a Novel Writer, but I can already say it will feel off.

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