1. #28761
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    - Bwonsamdi loses Vol’jin’s soul, stating “da boss mon isn’t going to like this.”
    - During BfA we are made aware that Odyn traded his eye with a dark, twisted being from the Shadowlands. In return for giving up his eye, he is able to peer into the Shadowlands. What he sees there terrifies him. We later find out he made the deal with Mueh’zela but at the time we didn’t know who it was (though we suspected Mueh’zela was Sylvanas boss because we didn’t know the Jailer existed at this point) Later in SL, we get further lore that Odyn saw the Kyrian whilst peering into the SL which inspired him to create the Val’kyr.
    - During the Vol’jin questline in BfA, Bwonsamdi tells us that the Loa were not responsible for Sylvanas becoming warchief. He knew of none of them speaking to Vol’jin.
    - Bolvar tells us that he is not responsible for Vol’jins return. Bolvar all throughout Legion and BfA acts incredibly out of character from the Bolvar we saw at the end of ICC. He is antagonistic, and has malevolent plans. We later learn in SL that Zovaal was influencing him.
    - Sylvanas working with Helya in Legion and later learning during BfA that Helya is still active despite her apparent demise during Legion.
    - The Windrunner comic that was released way before SL was announced where the Void speaks to Alleria telling her to kill Sylvanas as she serves the one true enemy.
    - Ogmot’s entire journal in the Legion epilogue.
    - Vol’jin stating during his BfA quest line that he feels he was manipulated before his death. That the Loa didn’t speak to him but a shadowy presence he didn’t understand.
    - It’s implied throughout BfA that whoever wanted Sylvanas in charge of the Horde wanted it so to cause war.
    - Jaina literally staring after the Saurfang mak’gora that Sylvanas has learned new powers from whoever she now serves.
    - The conclusion to the Vol’jin quest line explicitly stating that something from the Shadowlands is interfering in events.

    All of this was PRIOR to Shadowlands being announced. There’s a reason why pretty much every leak was surrounding the Shadowlands. Sylvanas serving some higher being was known for all of Shadowlands.

    Saying that Shadowlands and The Jailer coming after BfA wasn’t anything anyone could predict is just false. Everyone predicted it. The only thing no one predicted was The Jailer. Because at the time, everyone assumed her master from the Shadowlands was Mueh’zela.
    So it foreshadowed the wrong information? Not to mention the Makgora cinematic & war campaign conclusion was released less than a month before Blizzcon 2019, where Shadowlands was revealed so those details hardly count.

    Okay now use any of that vague information to accurately predict the actual events of Shadowlands. (You can't. And no one did.) (Also half the things you listed weren't from BFA. The entire thread about Odyn's eye & Sylvanas' career wasn't canon until Shadowlands. Odyn's eye is never mentioned in BFA) There are mystery box callouts. They're not substantial: For example, Sylvanas didn't need a conspiracy to become warchief because she was next in line for leadership regardless.
    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    You forgot to mention the many necromancer mobs in island expeditions. Although to be completely honest, at the end of BfA the two major theories where "Death" and "Dragons". After SL was announced the general opinion was a dragon-themed expansion next barring major developments.
    I think you all need to understand confirmation bias. There weren't more necromancers in island expeditions than any other creature type. Even so, they have no connection to the Jailer. There's necromancers & undead in every expansion somewhere.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-14 at 06:31 PM.

  2. #28762
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    This sounds unbelievably stupid.
    So like every 4chan leak.

  3. #28763
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    This sounds unbelievably stupid. Not sure if that is a point for or against it.
    I'd say the crawling mechanic is a red flag of the leak being not that legit, considering they are working on more mounts having dragonriding it wouldn't the smartest idea if it's a soon to be abandoned feature.

    Oh and they "fixed" the alliance introducing the cross-faction option lol

  4. #28764
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    So it foreshadowed the wrong information? Not to mention the Makgora cinematic & war campaign conclusion was released less than a month before Blizzcon 2019, where Shadowlands was revealed so those details hardly count.

    Okay now use any of that vague information to accurately predict the actual events of Shadowlands. (You can't. And no one did.) (Also half the things you listed weren't from BFA. The entire thread about Odyn's eye & Sylvanas' career wasn't canon until Shadowlands.) There are mystery box callouts. They're not substantial: For example, Sylvanas didn't need a conspiracy to become warchief because she was next in line for leadership regardless.
    Do you just make things up?

  5. #28765
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    new 4chan "leak". speculate
    Worst "leak" i've read yet.

  6. #28766
    the leak is probably a shitpost but it's still better than speculating about ai crap lol

  7. #28767
    They aren't Legion-rehauling Enhancement. Dumb leak.

  8. #28768
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    new 4chan "leak". speculate
    Oh boy. Probably safe to assume it's another fake, but let's take this bit by bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >WoW 11.0 will be shown at Blizzcon
    Yup, we already knew that. Next.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Story is set in underground world below Azeroth involving a lost Earthen City where they broke free of the Titans control like those that would become the Dwarves/Troggs but they DIDN'T succumb to the curse of flesh, something completely different lead to their sentience and freedom and Iridikron, Azshara and Sire Denathrius are all clashing to lay claim to this "primal force of invention".
    Is Denathrius still a sword at this point? Either way, I could see this for a zone...not for a full expansion plotline however.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >New form of "not-dragonriding" is crawling. Spiders, Beetles and the like are the new mounts with past mounts such as crabs and silithids being able to climb sheer walls and tiptoe across webs players would just fall through.
    Hahaha, no. Replacing a way to add flying in with a not flying, but wall-walking substitute is not going to be met well by the player base. Especially given the new Dragonriding races across Kalimdor & EK, it's hard for me to see them shelving it in favor of wall crawl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Traversal is also aided by a form of universal goblin glider inspired by Breath of the Wild and Fortnite. Intended to function as a more open and freedom of choice equivalent to the harpoon from Legion
    Could see this happening. Would make for a good toy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Heavy shaman focus in story, Earthen Ring makes a return. Class itself getting major rework including a new Tanking spec. Enhance to be changed from straight dps to support in the same role as new Evoker spec.
    Could see most of this happening, though I'd be surprised if they took away a full spec from Shaman to bring that in. Especially one that seems to have gotten better recently like Enhancement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Game is going Free to Play
    >There will still be a subscription with bonuses like extra Traders Tender, no daily/weekly raid and dungeon cap and default access to premium tracks on battlepasses
    Hahahahaha, no. Maybe long term, but not right after such a major acquisition. If anything, it'll be a throw on for Gamepass rather than being free to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Will follow a FFXIV style model of a .x patch then .x.5 patch a fixed period after to smooth out the player ups and downs and reactions to expectations with Dragonflight roadmap content.
    That's not unlike what we're already seeing with the WoW roadmap. Not exactly news.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Metzen is co-writing this expansion
    Probably. I can't imagine him giving a big speech about anything at Blizzcon that he himself didn't have a massive hand in writing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >A heavy intent to "fix" the alliance as the game has become heavily Horde slanted in the userbase
    What exactly does this mean? Turalyon as a baddie? More in depth stories for the Alliance? There's not a ton of stuff here. Plus Metzen co-writing likely means more Thrall, which itself means likely more Horde story.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >THE BIG THING THAT WILL CAUSE DRAMA: There will be a new addon agreement drastically reducing the amount of handholding addons in the game. Expect high end raiders to be up in arms with this one. The days of "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL, RUN AWAY" are over.
    It's unlikely to happen at this stage in WoW's development, though could be needed if WoW goes to XBox.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Magni Bronzebeard returns are the Khdagar/Alextraza type wisened party member to accompany you on your journey

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >In the greatest of twists going deep underground to a former titan installation may involve some Old God hijinks. I know. Mindblowing stuff.
    Doesn't exactly say much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >no new Races/Alliance Races/Customisation updates, no word right now on more heritage stuff.
    Would be weird not to at least have customization updates. New Races/Classes/Customizations are good selling points, would be weird for Blizz to ignore them all now without a good replacement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Native controller support is happening
    Could see this happening, especially again if WoW is headed to XBox (as I suspect it is)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >Is coming Summer 2024.
    Possibly. Would match up with the road map nicely.

    Overall, a couple solid thoughts, but there's enough terrible here that I just don't see this one coming to light.

  9. #28769
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Do you just make things up?
    You have to ask? Half of what Ersula claims is in direct contradiction to what the actual lore says, and most of the rest has no basis in reality.

  10. #28770
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    >WoW 11.0 will be shown at Blizzcon
    >Story is set in underground world below Azeroth involving a lost Earthen City where they broke free of the Titans control like those that would become the Dwarves/Troggs but they DIDN'T succumb to the curse of flesh, something completely different lead to their sentience and freedom and Iridikron, Azshara and Sire Denathrius are all clashing to lay claim to this "primal force of invention".
    >New form of "not-dragonriding" is crawling. Spiders, Beetles and the like are the new mounts with past mounts such as crabs and silithids being able to climb sheer walls and tiptoe across webs players would just fall through.
    >Traversal is also aided by a form of universal goblin glider inspired by Breath of the Wild and Fortnite. Intended to function as a more open and freedom of choice equivalent to the harpoon from Legion
    >Heavy shaman focus in story, Earthen Ring makes a return. Class itself getting major rework including a new Tanking spec. Enhance to be changed from straight dps to support in the same role as new Evoker spec.
    >Game is going Free to Play
    >There will still be a subscription with bonuses like extra Traders Tender, no daily/weekly raid and dungeon cap and default access to premium tracks on battlepasses

    >Will follow a FFXIV style model of a .x patch then .x.5 patch a fixed period after to smooth out the player ups and downs and reactions to expectations with Dragonflight roadmap content.
    >Metzen is co-writing this expansion
    >A heavy intent to "fix" the alliance as the game has become heavily Horde slanted in the userbase
    >THE BIG THING THAT WILL CAUSE DRAMA: There will be a new addon agreement drastically reducing the amount of handholding addons in the game. Expect high end raiders to be up in arms with this one. The days of "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL, RUN AWAY" are over.
    >Magni Bronzebeard returns are the Khdagar/Alextraza type wisened party member to accompany you on your journey
    >In the greatest of twists going deep underground to a former titan installation may involve some Old God hijinks. I know. Mindblowing stuff.
    >no new Races/Alliance Races/Customisation updates, no word right now on more heritage stuff.
    >Native controller support is happening
    >Is coming Summer 2024.

    new 4chan "leak". speculate
    The one thing that stands out here, is that the example given for the glider is Breath of the Wild and Fortnite, when you could've simply used the MMO that I'm pretty sure had it before both of those games even saw daylight.

    Nvm, the whole "Going free to play, but the sub gives you tendies and no weekly lockouts" thing is wildly funny as well. "Oh that lockout system that balances gear acquisition and all that stuff? Yeah, just do what you always did, buy a token and it's gone. And guess what, you can now do unlimited unsaved boost runs as well, so you can get a couple extra tokens worth of gold out of just buying a token."
    Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-10-14 at 06:40 PM.

  11. #28771
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    What do you think the Titans are?
    Call me when they look like little grey men with giant heads, big black eyes, and tiny bodies that pilot flying saucers and dole out anal probes and implants to unsuspecting Azerothians. Stormwind royalty should be suppressing evidence of crashed flying saucers too, can't be insane without that conspiracy hypothesis attached!

    Then you might have a point. But a tangential connection isn't the same thing.

  12. #28772
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    So like every 4chan leak.
    This should be like an instant disqualification for any leak. Peeps over there only troll and hate.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  13. #28773
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Do you just make things up?
    Seniority in the new Horde would have dictated that the line of succession be:

    Honestly, we would have solved a lot of problems if the other leaders objected with Thrall appointing Garrosh & completely ignoring seniority of allied nations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    This should be like an instant disqualification for any leak. Peeps over there only troll and hate.
    Wasn't the 4chan leak for Dragonflight real? Except for calling the reputations "covenants" and calling the evoker "invoker".
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-14 at 06:44 PM.

  14. #28774
    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Call me when they look like little grey men with giant heads, big black eyes, and tiny bodies that pilot flying saucers and dole out anal probes and implants to unsuspecting Azerothians. Stormwind royalty should be suppressing evidence of crashed flying saucers too, can't be insane without that conspiracy hypothesis attached!

    Then you might have a point. But a tangential connection isn't the same thing.
    Ancient Aliens is a theory that an advanced alien race came to our world in our past and meddled with our species to advance us. It's literally exactly what the Titans did. What you're referring to is just aliens. From wiki:

    The series is based on and inspired by the pseudoscientific ancient astronauts hypothesis popularized in Chariots of the Gods?, by Erich von Däniken, and The 12th Planet, by Zecharia Sitchin. According to von Däniken, Sitchin, and others, extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the distant past and introduced civilization, architecture, and high technology to pre-historic humans. Many, if not all, of ancient man's achievements in language, mathematics, science, technology and architecture, such as Egyptian pyramids, Pumapunku, Teotihuacan, and Stonehenge, are attributed to the influence of extraterrestrials.

  15. #28775
    Quote Originally Posted by AngerFork View Post
    Could see this happening, especially again if WoW is headed to XBox (as I suspect it is)
    Already in the game, just not yet available as a regular menu option.

    Overall, a couple solid thoughts, but there's enough terrible here that I just don't see this one coming to light.
    Thing is, most of the solid points are extrapolations of what is already known at best and stuff that's already in at worst.

  16. #28776
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    The one thing that stands out here, is that the example given for the glider is Breath of the Wild and Fortnite, when you could've simply used the MMO that I'm pretty sure had it before both of those games even saw daylight.
    Or Genshin Impact, which is bringing Hoyoverse a truly obscene ammount of money.

  17. #28777
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    We got the BlizzCon 2019 schedule (events) on October 22, 2019. So, hopefully we will have that soon!

  18. #28778
    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    The one thing that stands out here, is that the example given for the glider is Breath of the Wild and Fortnite, when you could've simply used the MMO that I'm pretty sure had it before both of those games even saw daylight.

    Nvm, the whole "Going free to play, but the sub gives you tendies and no weekly lockouts" thing is wildly funny as well. "Oh that lockout system that balances gear acquisition and all that stuff? Yeah, just do what you always did, buy a token and it's gone. And guess what, you can now do unlimited unsaved boost runs as well, so you can get a couple extra tokens worth of gold out of just buying a token."
    The no weekly lockout thing would absolutely be a complete middle finger to gearing in general. Might as well say the subscription gives you a free piece of whatever loot you want each week.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  19. #28779
    Quote Originally Posted by AngerFork View Post
    Would be weird not to at least have customization updates. New Races/Classes/Customizations are good selling points, would be weird for Blizz to ignore them all now without a good replacement.
    I like customizations and i think that we need more of it for WoW character creation, it would be really disappointing at least to me if next expansion has nothing of it(besides this leak), especially when probably good chunk of cool things they have already in the files, locked to npc's only or can just reuse on playable models.

    I would love more lighter/yellowish(grommash,durotan) skin colors, blue eye color, black hair color for mag'har orcs and optional eyebrows for orcs overall + troll beards at least when it comes to races i like, but others will have their own ideas for their most liked races and what more they could get.

    I know humans will always have most options because that's the default race but i would love at least 3/4 of human customization number for all other races.

    EDIT: probably gotta check my numbers, but now after checking i think Dracthyr have the most customizations after all or at least it seems like it.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-10-14 at 06:56 PM.

  20. #28780
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Like I said, it's probably nothing, but it could be. If they're working on an expansion or patch that features a certain theme, that will obviously spill over a bit to the other work that they do.

    Not in the sense of "hee hee, here's the next expansion and I'm hyping it up," but rather a subconscious thing. "This is where my mind's at. I draw Elune all day, think about moon stuff when I go to bed, dream about crescents, and it's all I can think about right now. Woops, that unrelated Orc I drew suddenly has a bunch of Elune references".
    Not how it works for an art director especially when the content they work for is done months prior to the message you're analysing

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