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>WoW 11.0 will be shown at Blizzcon
>Story is set in underground world below Azeroth involving a lost Earthen City where they broke free of the Titans control like those that would become the Dwarves/Troggs but they DIDN'T succumb to the curse of flesh, something completely different lead to their sentience and freedom and Iridikron, Azshara and Sire Denathrius are all clashing to lay claim to this "primal force of invention".
>New form of "not-dragonriding" is crawling. Spiders, Beetles and the like are the new mounts with past mounts such as crabs and silithids being able to climb sheer walls and tiptoe across webs players would just fall through.
>Traversal is also aided by a form of universal goblin glider inspired by Breath of the Wild and Fortnite. Intended to function as a more open and freedom of choice equivalent to the harpoon from Legion
>Heavy shaman focus in story, Earthen Ring makes a return. Class itself getting major rework including a new Tanking spec. Enhance to be changed from straight dps to support in the same role as new Evoker spec.
>Game is going Free to Play
>There will still be a subscription with bonuses like extra Traders Tender, no daily/weekly raid and dungeon cap and default access to premium tracks on battlepasses
>Will follow a FFXIV style model of a .x patch then .x.5 patch a fixed period after to smooth out the player ups and downs and reactions to expectations with Dragonflight roadmap content.
>Metzen is co-writing this expansion
>A heavy intent to "fix" the alliance as the game has become heavily Horde slanted in the userbase
>THE BIG THING THAT WILL CAUSE DRAMA: There will be a new addon agreement drastically reducing the amount of handholding addons in the game. Expect high end raiders to be up in arms with this one. The days of "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL, RUN AWAY" are over.
>Magni Bronzebeard returns are the Khdagar/Alextraza type wisened party member to accompany you on your journey
>In the greatest of twists going deep underground to a former titan installation may involve some Old God hijinks. I know. Mindblowing stuff.
>no new Races/Alliance Races/Customisation updates, no word right now on more heritage stuff.
>Native controller support is happening
>Is coming Summer 2024.
new 4chan "leak". speculate