1. #29241
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    Not sure what thrall has to do with underground so i gotta ask.
    He was the Earthwarder and still almost exclusively uses earth-based abilities, with a tiny bit of lightning for good measure so we remember he's a shaman.

  2. #29242
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Yeah but Boub posted the whole Cata leak on MMOC that was WAY more than just Blizz accidentally adding those masks and then trying to backtrack and pretend they weren't the new races. This was the actual expac, name and all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Google tells me the alpha client leaked and was datamined.
    IIRC, Blizzard also panicked and added a bunch of other race masks like Ogres and Murlocs to try and cover their tracks, but the cat was out of the bag by then.

  3. #29243
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    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    With the underground rumors persisting my current theory is the surface is going to be stormy and dangerous to be on for long. Imagine if we use the surface to travel dodging storms and tornadoes outside of a few scattered eco domes populated by Ethereals and Brokers who've set up shop long ago on Azeroth.
    I don't think Ethererals or Brokers will be involved.

    I think potentially we have The Robot (Blingtron) War, Nerubians, (possibly) Rakalaz, Gallywix, Elementals, Kobolds, and whatever Iridikron and Xa'latath have planned.

    I think we'll have our hands full.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    It took us this long to reign him in at least now he's attributing everything to an elemental theme. Gryphon Riders? That's wind. Thrall? That's a shaman. Underground? That's where rocks live.
    We're not sure about Gryphon Riders being a part of 11.0 just yet. Again, all we got is Thrall on the key art, Khaz Algar via the Algarian Stormrider, and Toweliee dropping hints about caves and scarabs.

  4. #29244
    If the void is involved the Ethereals will be, at the very least the ones allied with the Void elves.

  5. #29245
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jodmos View Post
    I know they had datamined Goblin and Worgen hallow's end masks which kinda of leaked the new races.

    I miss boubouille and their Garfield avatar. Wonder if they still hang around.

  6. #29246
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Come on, where are the "real" leaks we used to get around this time?

    i remember those images for dragonflight leaked, showing the stone dude, the dragons and the logo, i need something like that to fire up my hype.

    Man i remember people doing some hacker lv shenanigans to prove how they were fake, those good times

  7. #29247
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Come on, where are the "real" leaks we used to get around this time?

    i remember those images for dragonflight leaked, showing the stone dude, the dragons and the logo, i need something like that to fire up my hype.

    Man i remember people doing some hacker lv shenanigans to prove how they were fake, those good times
    We've only really JUST hit the expected time period for real leaks. Realistically probably still another week if we're lucky.

  8. #29248
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Come on, where are the "real" leaks we used to get around this time?

    i remember those images for dragonflight leaked, showing the stone dude, the dragons and the logo, i need something like that to fire up my hype.

    Man i remember people doing some hacker lv shenanigans to prove how they were fake, those good times
    To be fair, didn't THOSE leaks happen the morning of the actual announcement?
    We are still 2 weeks away from that timeframe.

  9. #29249
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SloidVoid View Post
    To be fair, didn't THOSE leaks happen the morning of the actual announcement?
    We are still 2 weeks away from that timeframe.
    i think it took some days, a week perhaps? i remember it was some photos from a graphic or something, before we already had the expansion leak, without the images

  10. #29250
    Quote Originally Posted by Eeram View Post
    Not sure what thrall has to do with underground so i gotta ask.
    Nothing. Just mental gymnastics. A month ago he was insisting, post after post, that the exact same Thrall art piece was evidence for a Yrel/Lightbound invasion, because something something Thrall is important to AU Maghar and AU Maghar = Yrel.

  11. #29251
    World of Warcraft: What Sword?
    The main story of the expansion is us traveling to Silithus looking for a sword.

  12. #29252
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Yes and he wasn't even that accurate about 8.0, calling it the Old God expansion without mention of the faction war, but calling 12.0 the faction war expansion. I mean, he prefaces it all by saying it's just a prediction, but people treat it as a leak.
    Is it fair to call BfA an Old God expansion? Or Old Gods a major theme of Wrath? There have been Old Gods to some extent in every expansion except WoD, and the Twilight's Hammer in Cataclysm made it seem like a much bigger theme there than Wrath.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Anyone else disappointed that Blizzard hasn't trademarked expansion names since BfA? Scaleface's last tweet was about watching for trademarks, but neither Shadowlands nor Dragonflight are trademarked by Blizzard for some reason.

  13. #29253
    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    Anyone else disappointed that Blizzard hasn't trademarked expansion names since BfA? Scaleface's last tweet was about watching for trademarks, but neither Shadowlands nor Dragonflight are trademarked by Blizzard for some reason.
    They are trademarked. After Wrath and MoP leaked very early because people discovered the trademark database could be used to find Blizzard's filing prior to announcements, Blizzard began to 'abuse' (not actual abuse, just clever usage) the Madrid Protocol, an international agreement that basically says that if you trademark a thing in one country, the other countries who have also made the agreement will honor that trademark.

    This allows them to file pre-announcement trademarks in obscure foreign countries that don't maintain an online accessible database, and then after announcement (or right about the same time) file for a US/EU/TW one, without worry that someone else will file first.

    So we can no longer find them super early.

  14. #29254
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Magni should be featured in key art. Imagine beautiful, iridescent Magni in that art style.

  15. #29255
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Dragonflight's title was leaked, nevertheless, and further out from its announcement than we currently are from this next one, I believe.
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  16. #29256
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Dragonflight's title was leaked, nevertheless, and further out from its announcement than we currently are from this next one, I believe.
    Pretty sure it was in the like week or two prior, not this far ahead. That was leaked from store HTML though.

  17. #29257
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Pretty sure it was in the like week or two prior, not this far ahead. That was leaked from store HTML though.
    Yeah, I just checked, it was 15 days prior to the announcement. But we are getting close to that.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
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  18. #29258
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Yeah, I just checked, it was 15 days prior. But we are getting close to that.
    I'd guess that they're gonna keep a closer eye on that specific possibility this time around, but it's always possible they miss something. The Blizzcon Blink/shopify store is already in progress, though I can't imagine they let anything slip that way.

  19. #29259
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    inb4 the store leaks again and it's a picture of Magni but he's made of emerald

  20. #29260
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I'd guess that they're gonna keep a closer eye on that specific possibility this time around, but it's always possible they miss something. The Blizzcon Blink/shopify store is already in progress, though I can't imagine they let anything slip that way.
    Yeah, I don't expect it to leak the same way. If it does leak, it will be through another unexpected source. And it could be soon. We'll see.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

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