1. #29261
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere
    Last edited by flan1337; 2023-10-16 at 04:06 AM.

  2. #29262
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere
    Looks like an homage to the painting "An American Gothic".

    I don't recall seeing any cactus in the Badlands of WoW. Maybe it's more of a reference to SoCal where BlizzCon takes place, like a competition or something?

  3. #29263
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere
    Based on the image on the shirt and the style of the title with cactus, it looks like a western / wild west / cowboy style kind of Hearthstone expansion.

  4. #29264
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    So that long leak that someone posted was fake haha as they had something in for hearthstone that wasnt this.

  5. #29265
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere
    It seems to be the next expansion and it seems to be either a big whoopsie from Blizzard Gear's team or a weird way to tease.

  6. #29266
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I don't recall seeing any cactus in the Badlands of WoW. Maybe it's more of a reference to SoCal where BlizzCon takes place, like a competition or something?
    I mean they made Gadgetzan an enormous city in that Hearthstone expansion so why wouldn't they add some cactuses to Badlands?

  7. #29267
    The Hearthstone team can probably make an expansion out of Fargodeep Mine alone so there's not really any point in questioning it.

  8. #29268
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leothar View Post
    I mean they made Gadgetzan an enormous city in that Hearthstone expansion so why wouldn't they add some cactuses to Badlands?
    I guess.

  9. #29269
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    I miss boubouille and their Garfield avatar. Wonder if they still hang around.
    Always watchin'

  10. #29270
    We have been blessed!

  11. #29271
    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    It seems to be the next expansion and it seems to be either a big whoopsie from Blizzard Gear's team or a weird way to tease.
    Meanwhile, they have tee-shirts and sweat-shirts for all the WoW classes except Evoker. Kind of a weird oversight.

  12. #29272
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere

    Oh look, another confirmation that Stormfall 'leak' is a bs.
    New leak with already leaked HS expansion name is in 3..2..1..
    Last edited by Harbour; 2023-10-16 at 05:33 AM.

  13. #29273
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    Always watchin'
    Hope your doing well friend!

  14. #29274
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Yeah, I just checked, it was 15 days prior to the announcement. But we are getting close to that.
    Yes the real leaks for DF were

    The key art of Alezstrasza
    The Dragonflight domain name
    and one blurry shot of the real cinematic tree days before Blizzcon

  15. #29275
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Yes the real leaks for DF were

    The key art of Alezstrasza
    The Dragonflight domain name
    and one blurry shot of the real cinematic tree days before Blizzcon
    We also had a photo of a ugly blue Dracthyr, a red Dracthyr casting Fire Breath and a screenshot of the Resto Druid talent tree.

  16. #29276
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Interesting, because I didn’t feel claustrophobic in Deepholme or Zaralek. There’s not much that can be done for people with phobias. We can’t avoid having huge spiders in the game because someone has arachnophobia. We can’t avoid aerial zones because someone has a fear of heights. We shouldn’t avoid an underground expansion because people have claustrophobia. In the end, diversity of themes should be paramount, or else the game becomes stale.
    I agree, but I do think a big expansion zone should be taller than Zaralek. Like twice as tall at least.

  17. #29277
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    https://gear.blizzard.com/collection...on-merchandise YO THE BLIZZCON STORE IS UP? Seems like its pre-store stuff but I seen no news on this.

    Edit: There is an illidan and deathwing shirt

    Edit2: Is this hearthstone next xpack??? https://gear.blizzard.com/products/h...44009765830905

    I dont see any infomation on showdown in the badlands at all anywhere
    Leave it up to Blizzard themselves to bring the thunder. Classic.

  18. #29278
    Well, weekend is gone now we are in another week of maybe some juicy stuff.

    I want some very believable leak that says ogres or mok'nathal as playable races for my hopium table, even when the news of it not happening will break my heart once again.

  19. #29279
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    I really hope we don't get underground zones. I really don't understand the obsession some people seem to have with them. "Oh you liked being inside caves and such? Here, you'll be stuck in them for a whole expansion!"

    In Cata, and with Zaralek it's ok because there is enough of a difference between the zones. You can go to coastal areas, you can go to snow areas, you can go underground. With a whole Deepholme style expansion? "Here are caves, and look! some more caves. What's around the corner you ask? CAVES!"
    I do agree that the entire expansion shouldn't be underground, but there are definitely enough potential biomes and themes for 2 underground zones. IMO a good xpac theme would be a continent as big as old Kalimdor pre sundering. Meaning it would take 2-3 expansions to unlock it all. First xpac is 5 zones. 2 underground and 3 above ground. Then each other xpac could just stick with 1 underground zone each or even just large cave networks in the zones but the meat of each zone being above ground.

  20. #29280
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Leave it up to Blizzard themselves to bring the thunder. Classic.
    Now what we need is to find that 1 in a million leak that used the hearthstone title.

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