Something tells me it will be a Wild West themed xpac.
Something tells me it will be a Wild West themed xpac.
Hearthstone takes quite a few liberties, so tunring the Badlands into a wild west themed zones isn't that much of a stretch.
Which would be an interesting premise for the Badlands if we ever do get a world revamp. It’s one of the heaviest Cataclysm era zones in terms of being locked into that story. Prior to that in Classic it was a nothing zone, which I guess fit the theme.
Some outlaws moving in and building a Wild West town is a fun possibility for the zone that I’ve never seen considered. I assume the option that makes most sense would be expanding Fuselight.
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Oohhh interesting, thanks for sharing.
I'm still waiting for the Brazilian or French websites to leak something.
He wasn't a leaker.
There was a post on NGA (a major Chinese forum) during Legion that was attempting to establish a pattern in expansions, where he pointed out that themes in old expansions show up again in new expansions. e.g. "Burning Crusade was about Draenor and about the Legion, WoD is about Draenor and Legion is about the Legion". So he then concluded that following that same pattern, Wrath (Old Gods and Scourge) meant that the expansion after Legion would be about Old Gods and the one after that would be about the Shadowlands; and Cata (dragons and elements) meant that 10.0 would be about dragons and 11.0 would be about the elments.
People now mistakenly call him a leaker and also take his guesses as prophetic word.
Except we already know that expansions aren't developed like that, because the devs have outright said (on at least two occasions) that they just collaboratively brainstorm where would be cool to go next a couple expansions in advance and then decide on the story to get there. We also know that his lucky guesses have already sort of run out, because Dragonflight is both a dragon and elemental expansion, and his guess for 12.0 and 13.0 was that MoP was "Faction war and Sha" so 12.0 is gonna be Horde vs Alliance and 13.0 is going to be about the Sha, but even he recognized how the Sha coming back made no sense and suggested 13.0 was going to be the end of wow and about the Void instead--and of course, we already dealt with the faction war storyline back in 8.0 at the same time as the Old gods, so the pattern isn't actually a pattern.
tl;dr it was a regular forum poster who self-admittedly was guessing about random ideas and got lucky a few times, the guesses of whom people now really stupidly take as evidence of stuff happening in the future. In this case, Teriz really wants an Underground expansion, so he's arguing that the guess about 11.0 being "elemental" is proof of an Underground expansion.
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If Badlands were more to scale instead of essentially a single fairly small canyon, it'd make more sense for it just to be a desert-y western area. It's just such an out of the way zone though.
Last edited by Hitei; 2023-10-16 at 07:47 AM.
Shame about the Stormfall leak, The sad thing is now future fake leaks will feature this Hearthstone expansion confirmation to it to try and seem legit muddying the waters a lil, also @Chickat love the new Ava!
Had an awful dream last night that Blizzcon came and next WoW expansion was a continent to the south of Pandaria and was Pandaren themed with none of the interesting themes from Pandaria and would just be an expansion about farming and helping those particular Pandaren with their every day lives and no real overarching story.
There are indeed cacti in Badlands.
Look at this blog showing some of the rares in the zone. You can see cacti next to quite a few of them.
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I wouldn't mind getting more panda content as a patch zone, but probably not an entire expansion.
Perhaps at an ancient time, the fifth August Celestial, the Golden Windsteed moved together with their monks to Avaloren on Freya's secret request to safeguard Elun'ahir (the Yellow Dragon or Qilin is the Fifth of the Four Symbols/Auspicious Beasts on which the August Celestials are loosely based).
it's 100% intentional. It's the same laughable excuse "we accidentally forgot this new model smartphone in a bar/club" that was hip to use as marketing trick years ago. Anyone who believes this is accidental is exactly the group of people that this type of marketing works best on.