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The shortsightedness that always comes along with this argument baffles me. Of course they wouldn't do a world revamp all in one go. That would indeed "cost us a raid tier". Fact is that old assets have been getting updated for quite a while now. Old models, old buildings, you name it and it has been updated. There is actually very few old models still left. We still have some 2004 plant models, but I feel if we do get the emerald dream in 10.2, those will get updated too. They've been updating old assets, some of which have never been used, all the way back since WoD. WoD is going to be 10 years old by the time 11.0 comes around. Just check out Auberdine in new Darkshore for example. Looks very nice, but we had no reason to ever go there. Now why would they put so much effort into something like that. There are also still a lot of updated models that have seen no use so far. The night elf and blood elf ships being the latest examples. A world revamp is inevitable. Just like the case was with the South Sea expansion (BFA), it is a case of when not if. A revamp will happen at some point.