SoA could be Shores of Avaloren.
Storms over Azeroth
Stromguard overhauled Again
Soups over Azeroth
Sethrakk only Allowed
Stormwind obliterated Ahaha
Silvermoon oughtta Abate
Shaman obligatory Antagonist
Spaaaaaaace overture Azeroth
The exact details elude me and I'd love to show, but there are certain signs around the Shadowlands that can to some extent relate the Zovaal as some Eternal One of rebirth or life of sorts.
What I know is this theory is based on Tauren legends of Elune and An'she.
Sorry for not being able to provide further info![]()
They're doing a system on a chip then.
I do like this one, despite it's many weird choices.
Tidesage Shaman seems like it's effectively impossible. Like making all rogues gain access to Warden. Or Hunters being given Priest(ess) of Elune.
Can't imagine they would abandon Dragonriding, but then again, it might just be treated like the new regular flying, and therefore available at a later patch.
Waverider League PvP sounds impossible in the WoW engine. I would imagine that even in PvE format it would play horribly given WoW and it's intermittent relationship with hitbox collision mechanics.
No idea how Soulbound account wide transfer would work. Even more so if you have to use Inscription items to do it. If Soulbound items were supposed to be more freely transferrable the items would just be more freely transferrable. This just sounds akin to having Mounts be account wide, but require a special barding for each individual mount you make account wide.
Still though, I want to believe. Mostly by assuming the bad choices evident in the leak be due to miscommunication, as is so often the case with such leaks (Vol'jin urn adventure in BfA for instance)
The world revamp dream will never die!
I wanted a space travel expansion after Legion with us stranded in Argus and having to take a spaceship to Azeroth. Though I wanted to have a story about Anduin as Star Trek Shatner and having him explore his young adult self with many different alien racesAlso we'd go to Karesh and Nihilath on the way to Azeroth but that's secondary.
From that old "Eclipse" "leak":
An unknown moon loa matches with Q'onzu.Second Zone: Tiral'Dozar
A snowy area, and home to a tribe of snowwhite and ashgray skinned creatures that resemble a mix between Elf and Troll. The Allaridor are a splintered people, fighting for survival in the harsh climate while clinging to a deep religious believe to their moon loa. New Dungeon: Trial of the Second Moon, Freezepeak.
Q'onzu identifies as the loa of change.
Khonsu is the Egyptian god of the moon, and the name translates as "traveler".
Could be coincidence, but one heck of one.
Just give me an ocean-based expansion with shallow tropical waters, coral reefs, deep underwater trenches, sunny beaches and stuff.![]()
To me, space expansion right now sounds as unteresting as full underground expansion.
I think i have enough space for a least one more expansion.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-10-17 at 07:38 PM.
Nazjatar was kind of doomed after how Vashj'ir was received. Azjol'Nerub was a planned zone but was split into two instances instead.
Undermine offers a neutral hub, a unique continental thematic, and it can be utilized as a questing area. It's along the same lines of Pandaria, Dragon Isles, Broken Isles, etc. Also unlike Azjol'Nerub, it isn't strongly tied to a continent that is completed content like Northrend.