And is that not happening? Of course, this means more cutscenes with just dialog, or NPCs talking e.g. after a quest turnin. Imho DF has moved the "action twists" mostly to gameplay instead of cutscenes, with exceptions such as the fight between Alexstrasza and Raszageth, but moments like Sendrax sacrificing herself for the eggs or the defense of Vakthros (very cool cinematography for a playable sequence in an MMO) involve us, the heroes, ourselves.
Sometimes it's just hints in ingame books, like the apparent setup for 11.0 we've seen. It's not very in-your-face and most of us will learn about that via external websites anyway, but it is in the game.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
Just to put an idea out there, but this picture of the 10.2 PTR oddly reminds me of Zaralek Cavern, when your camera bugs out to show empty space. A similar phenomenon seems to apply here, with enough space to fit an entrance to some cavernous zone below!
Could this very well be how we travel to Khaz'Algar?!
That's how every zone works, no model (landscape or character) is truly "solid", if you glitch the camera or even your character through the ground, you see the skybox extending below.
It would just be a weird place for Khaz Algar. Most importantly because that and Uldaman were supposedly separated by a great distance. The Titan facility under Bael Modan would make more sense and assuming the Khaz Algar report is post-sundering would qualify for great distance.
Not that I think Khaz Algar is under Bael Modan - I think everything points to it being on a new unexplored landmass.
That's a lot of new pages that suddenly showed up here. Anything new that happened in the last 10 hours?
The world revamp dream will never die!
Well this is sort of just stuck that way though, weird to see it happen in the first place. Surely if this was some mistake, then the PTR would have been taken back a build in order to reverse it? It at least seems as if somebody was being extra careful as to keep their alterations especially quiet here, wouldn't you say?
There are many different explanations. Zaralek isn't 'below' the dragon isles, when you fly through the tunnels, the dragon isles map is unloaded, and the caverns map is loaded.
Possible explanations:
- They could be rebuilding the undercity with Zaralek tech
- Dragon riding needs something set up
- Someone missed a nudge to the map collision
- Some new expansion feature requires the old world to be on a modern framework
- They added a feature recently to add depth based fog, which could require the map set up in a specific way
- They changed something completely unrelated with transmog in pandaria, and some hack a developer made a decade ago finally gave way
PTR builds aren't meant to be reverted unless something or someone actually explodes. The PTR would be at least 5-6 builds behind what they are currently working on, and is just what they need monkeys to break. Builds are also non-linear, and they are most likely able to bring in and out certain branches depending on what they need testing (front or behind the scenes), or just whatever is good enough to meet the internal testing deadline.
Last edited by Woke it Up; 2023-10-18 at 08:26 AM.
Such a shame swtor failed with their engine and eso suffers from these very typical lag situations as well.
Both reason me and many people quit at the vanilla stage.
I loved swtor tho, the combat was next level compared to wow imo. It was fun, how is the game now? Do you still play?
You don't need Lorthraxion. You have Tyrant Velhari as an example.
And I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible, because I keep seeing a lot of gatekeeping by self-proclaimed lore aficionados shitting on new customization options: know your lore or you'll look silly. Man'ari paladins are a minority in lore, player-character population will never reflect that. It's an unrealistic expectation.