1. #30721
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    In a world revamp, Blizzard could take it in any direction they'd like.
    I'll have to go for a walk, but after that remind me to outline the quest hub I always dreamed of having in WoW.
    (surprisingly enough it does not have vampires)

  2. #30722
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Maybe a class-only bit of content where Mages can go to get unique transmogs, spell glyphs, and exclusive mounts? Why would anyone dislike that?

    Do something like that for the other classes too. Kind of like an expanded version of Order Halls.
    Credit must be given where it's due; taking Hearthstone content and using it as inspiration for new Order Hall/Class Campaigns/Class based features is an absolutely awesome idea. Live class fantasies, get some more slice of life content without it taking from the main plotline. Purely a hypothetical idea, but a really great one at that.

  3. #30723
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    i don't think nobles into something but let's analyze each image

    First Image: The rabbit on the moon is obviously going for chang'e and the moon rabbit from east asian folklore. Or is it? In multiple other asian and even indigenous american folklore the rabbit in the moon is a symbol of sacrifice, often through burning to be prepared as food. And wasn't elune's thing in shadowlands not about renewal over vengeance? Basically sacrificing her followers for a renewal of the tree? And what do we see the rabbit is on? The moon next to the burned down tree. Like the rabbit that got burned. I would say the image means: Elune will sacrifice or will be sacrificed.

    Second Image: Shows the Going Marry from One Piece coming out of a portal/destroyed world, with (a moaning?) Queen Azshara under a starlit sky. The Going Marry is a Caravel, the Straw Hat Pirates, call themselves pirates but are more like Adventurers. The caravel was a ship to explore west african and the atlantic. So, we get a west ward sailing adventurer calling themselves pirates. So this is a stand in for Nightsquall. Queen Azshara seems to be fleeing from Nightsquall. So, this image reads as: Nighsquall hunts Azhara across the planes (portal/world in background)

    Third Image: Sylvanas, Turalyon, and Moira. Hunter, Paladin, Priest. Death, Light, Shadow. Elf, Human, Dwarf, standing in the black empire before the all seeing eye of sauron. This is probably the most cryptic one. Why the eye of sauron if there is a old god eye he could have used. Why Sylvanas, but not Anduin instead of Turalyon? I think the three characters represent rather the concepts of death, light and void. But why would void stand against the dark empire? We recently got more glimpses into celestial void. It could be that celestial void and old gods don't work as much in tandem as we think. What if, old gods are life-tainted void creatures? All that fleshy-ness they have is eerie as if life was corrupted, or life corrupted something that is not meant to live. With Azshara we know she went after something above the old gods, with Alleria (the wife of Turalyon) we know celestial void is not as bad as old gods. So, overall, this image means: Light, Void and Death will fight against the old Gods. Which one? well, the eye of Sauron watches. Which old god watched a lot? Xal'ataht.

    So in sum: Elune will sacrifice something, so Nightsquall can hunt down Azshara, which leads to a conflict between Death, Light, Void versus the Old Gods.

    Well, i'm sure on the first two images. The third one is the best guess i can make
    I want more nzoth very badly

    luv that mf

  4. #30724
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Ironically if half the Hearthstone ideas were put into the game, people would shit themselves as they are "sillier" than Dragonflight. Like can you imagine if Dalaran was turned into a mage college, Gadgetzan was Arkane 2.0 and Badlands was cowboys?

    People want more expansions of the old world, but if it was as "silly" as Hearthstone people would bitch soooooo hard.

    Also, no, BFA having a pirate quest area and two pirate dungeons because pirates are the enemies of Kul Tirans doesn't mean it's a pirate expansion.
    The amount of constant bitching I have had to endure about how Dragonflight and Pandaria are too childish is proof enough. The average WoW Playing Brainlet is too stupid to enjoy fun.

  5. #30725
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    The amount of constant bitching I have had to endure about how Dragonflight and Pandaria are too childish is proof enough. The average WoW Playing Brainlet is too stupid to enjoy fun.
    bro is spittin hot fire on mmo champ today

  6. #30726
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Oh gosh, I very much doubt anyone would have prefered the Alex HOTS model, right?
    Alex's HOTS model was the same design as Ysera's and Sylvanas's (pre-legion) outfits.

    Looking back on it, I kinda prefer the HotS version over the DF redesign, mostly because the DF redesign has too much going on and it feels like it's trying to emulate Sylvanas's Mawsworn design from SL.

    But that is a whole other discussion that has no bearing here.

  7. #30727
    I think Hearthstone is not "childish". It is comedic and often outright camp and showcases the execution of those concepts with brilliant cinematics. Similarly fun concepts in WoW (e.g. the Grummles) were largely embraced by the community.

  8. #30728
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Oh gosh, I very much doubt anyone would have prefered the Alex HOTS model, right? Rafaam on the other hand - we actually datamined him back in Dragonflight Alpha iirc.
    Alex's hots model has been praised to the moon and back.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  9. #30729
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Alex's HOTS model was the same design as Ysera's and Sylvanas's (pre-legion) outfits.

    Looking back on it, I kinda prefer the HotS version over the DF redesign, mostly because the DF redesign has too much going on and it feels like it's trying to emulate Sylvanas's Mawsworn design from SL.

    But that is a whole other discussion that has no bearing here.
    The HotS model is some weird fetish version of Alex and I refuse to believe anyone could possibly look at it and not see just how horny the designer in charge of it was. Thank god they didn't look to that one for inspiration.

  10. #30730
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I think Hearthstone is not "childish". It is comedic and often outright camp and showcases the execution of those concepts with brilliant cinematics. Similarly fun concepts in WoW (e.g. the Grummles) were largely embraced by the community.
    Thats the issue though. You and I may partake in some comedic and campy fun but the average person who slobs on all over Orc and Zovaal Nips is not going to be enjoying that because they enjoyed inhaling lead as children.

  11. #30731
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    The amount of constant bitching I have had to endure about how Dragonflight and Pandaria are too childish is proof enough. The average WoW Playing Brainlet is too stupid to enjoy fun.
    true and based

  12. #30732
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    The HotS model is some weird fetish version of Alex and I refuse to believe anyone could possibly look at it and not see just how horny the designer in charge of it was. Thank god they didn't look to that one for inspiration.
    Have you see Alexstraza's old WoW design? It was even lewder than the HotS version. The only critique I'd give about the HotS design is that they made her horns freakin' huge. (And I don't mean that as an innuendo, I literally mean her actual dragon horns are freakishly huge.)

  13. #30733
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    slobs on all over Orc
    i slob all over my orcs.

  14. #30734
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    Have you see Alexstraza's old WoW design? It was even lewder than the HotS version. The only critique I'd give about the HotS design is that they made her horns freakin' huge. (And I don't mean that as an innuendo, I literally mean her actual dragon horns are freakishly huge.)
    She is way more voluptuous in HotS than in WoW with her old Blood Elf model. Though complaining about it is just as weird.

  15. #30735
    The Lightbringer
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    Hots Alex model is objectively the best one. Hope with Metzen coming back they will give players more slutmog sets to look hot.

  16. #30736
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    in some fridge
    Keep an eye out on the gear store - https://gear.blizzard.com/products/w...43907821437177 was just added we could maybe see a slip up like hearthstone haha

    $45 for slippers is expensive but man they are cute. Maybe with the world revamp we can see more ducks around.

  17. #30737
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Hots Alex model is objectively the best one. Hope with Metzen coming back they will give players more slutmog sets to look hot.
    What does Metzen have to do with armour design. It's up to the players to keep asking for it, the majority want plenty of options, whether that's revealing outfits or full armours.

  18. #30738
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    What does Metzen have to do with armour design. It's up to the players to keep asking for it, the majority want plenty of options, whether that's revealing outfits or full armours.
    Creative Director includes being in charge of the art department. People forget Metzen was originally in charge of Warcraft's artwork.

  19. #30739
    Anyone expecting the dad of teenager daughters to remove clothing from in-game women is not reading the room.

  20. #30740
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    Anyone expecting the dad of teenager daughters to remove clothing from in-game women is not reading the room.
    wdym, my tastes haven't changed since 2004, why would anyone else's

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