1. #30781
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Isn't this a fanmade high-res version though?
    No? They're datamined rewards probably from the updated Call of the Scarab holiday.

  2. #30782
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Isn't this a fanmade high-res version though?
    No, she posts datamined stuff and refers to it as datamined in followup tweets

  3. #30783
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selorian View Post
    Violence in video games is a lot different from sexualization. When I kill a kobold or whatever, there's several layers of separation from actual violence. The part that engages you isn't the actual act of murder, it's pushing buttons and seeing numbers go up or down. As a result, the violence is pretty abstract from real life violence because it's not the focus, it's just fluff for a gameplay mechanic.

    Sexualization isn't like that. The whole point of it is the same point as it always is, to get your rocks off. So the question raised by Metzen's daughter has a lot more weight because it's a lot closer to how real life sexualization can work and often flirts the line with objectification. It makes sense that something like that would hit closer to home for someone who has a daughter.
    I'm not going to pretend there aren't people who use fake violence to let the steam off after a bad day/week/month anything.
    But this at least look like an genuine argument that has merit, I'll give you that.

  4. #30784
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    No? They're datamined rewards probably from the updated Call of the Scarab holiday.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    No it's datamined, most likely to be featured in the tendie store.
    Ellie/keyboardturn is known for making her own model edits and it has "Work In Progress" plastered all over it just like her own model edits. Is there a Wowhead link?
    Last edited by ercarp; 2023-10-18 at 05:32 PM.

  5. #30785
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Who could have known that 2 wokie women can only produce incoherent drivel.
    Good thing Metzen is fully back on board to tell these so called writers what they can and can't do when it comes to story.
    You really sure he will be taking full control over it?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  6. #30786
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Ellie/keyboardturn is known for making their own model edits and it has "Work In Progress" plastered all over it just like their own model edits. Is there a Wowhead link?


    I think the long sleeve gloves we got last month are supposed to be a part of this set.

  7. #30787
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Okay, I believe now.

    The "Work In Progress" watermark is very confusing since she usually uses it on her own edits whereas most of the datamined stuff she posts just has a normal gray background.

  8. #30788
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    You also kill people you barely know cause someone told you to and cause they drop money.
    I find it funny that violence, even extreme violence is okay, but even the hint of sensuality is a big no.
    And this isn't even a WarCraft thing. Every franchise is like that. I mean Harry Potter sort of gets a pass cause they were supposed to be only 17 in the last movie/book but even Star Wars is more willing to show genocide and talk about murdering children than anything steamier than a kiss.
    People dont care about sex appeal they care about weird nerds objectifying characters because theyre horny

  9. #30789
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I'm not going to pretend there aren't people who use fake violence to let the steam off after a bad day/week/month anything.
    But this at least look like an genuine argument that has merit, I'll give you that.
    In an action game yeah, ragdolling enemies around in an action game is fun, but there's still a level of separation between that and real violence.

    fwiw I don't think stuff like 2B's clothing is a big deal (I think it's a little over the top for the general tone of the game but it doesn't detract that much for me), but there's a point where it goes from "I like having hot characters in hot outfits" and "I put all the women in fetish outfits because they're just objects to me." Nier Automata has the former, and 2 of the 3 main characters are women and the game does a good job of exploring its philosophical themes. It's pretty clear to anyone playing the game and paying attention that they're more than just eyecandy.
    Last edited by Selorian; 2023-10-18 at 05:35 PM.

  10. #30790
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    People dont care about sex appeal they care about weird nerds objectifying characters because theyre horny
    basically this

  11. #30791
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Ellie/keyboardturn is known for making their own model edits and it has "Work In Progress" plastered all over it just like their own model edits. Is there a Wowhead link?
    The other scrab stuff & these all have trader's tender values.
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    Who could have known that 2 wokie women can only produce incoherent drivel.
    Good thing Metzen is fully back on board to tell these so called writers what they can and can't do when it comes to story.
    Afrisiabi was in charge of Shadowlands & that was the first contradiction of Chronicles. Dealing with the Titan's lies is what gave us the Dragonflight storyline, which has been very good considering its not over yet. You have to get over it.

  12. #30792
    Quote Originally Posted by Selorian View Post
    Sexualization isn't like that. The whole point of it is the same point as it always is, to get your rocks off. So the question raised by Metzen's daughter has a lot more weight because it's a lot closer to how real life sexualization can work and often flirts the line with objectification. It makes sense that something like that would hit closer to home for someone who has a daughter.
    Basically to teach people to not sexualize women just cause they see them wearing sexy stuff in video games. Well, I personally have been playing games since I was like 6, back in the PS1 era, and never once went outside irl and thought to myself, "damn, why aren't these women wearing sexier clothing?" In fact I don't care what anyone wears, unless it's made to attract attention, or its on the opposite side of the spectrum where it's some raggedy ass ripped clothing.

    It's more about people being respectful to others. And I don't think a video game can teach people one or the other. People have been assholes since the dawn of time. While video games aren't even a century old thing.

    I think a lot of people assume that the way characters are being portrayed in video games is somehow going to mirror how people interact with each other irl. I think those people are honestly terminally online.

    Anyway to bring this back to WoW. A LOT of people want to have options. I've seen many people in game wear skimpy mogs, and a lot of people outside of the game asking for more of those. Gender of the person doesn't even matter, because women also want these things. It's a fantasy world which puts you in control of a character that topple gods willy nilly. I don't think clothing is even an issue anymore.

  13. #30793
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Basically to teach people to not sexualize women just cause they see them wearing sexy stuff in video games. Well, I personally have been playing games since I was like 6, back in the PS1 era, and never once went outside irl and thought to myself, "damn, why aren't these women wearing sexier clothing?" In fact I don't care what anyone wears, unless it's made to attract attention, or its on the opposite side of the spectrum where it's some raggedy ass ripped clothing.

    It's more about people being respectful to others. And I don't think a video game can teach people one or the other. People have been assholes since the dawn of time. While video games aren't even a century old thing.

    I think a lot of people assume that the way characters are being portrayed in video games is somehow going to mirror how people interact with each other irl. I think those people are honestly terminally online.

    Anyway to bring this back to WoW. A LOT of people want to have options. I've seen many people in game wear skimpy mogs, and a lot of people outside of the game asking for more of those. Gender of the person doesn't even matter, because women also want these things. It's a fantasy world which puts you in control of a character that topple gods willy nilly. I don't think clothing is even an issue anymore.
    Yeah that's cool and all but women have said it makes them uncomfortable for over a decade now so maybe just listen to the people affected by it instead of making up 800 reasons why theyre wrong.

    Let's not even pretend like the people behind these designs are on the level. All that shit was made by Cosby Suite MFers and it shows.

  14. #30794
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    So, to bring this back on topic...

    What are your expectations for 11.0 vs. what you actually want 11.0 to be?

    I'm expecting Avaloren/Khaz Algar, but I'm hoping (and coping) for a world revamp, or better yet, a tropical jungle adventure expansion in Tel'Abim. I also wouldn't mind going back to space (K'aresh?) or dealing with Yrel's Lightbound, but it feels a bit soon for either of those.

  15. #30795
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    People dont care about sex appeal they care about weird nerds objectifying characters because theyre horny
    Well there is nothing wrong with making games for horny nerds if you are honest about it. It's about understanding your target audience and sticking to them.

  16. #30796
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Basically to teach people to not sexualize women just cause they see them wearing sexy stuff in video games. Well, I personally have been playing games since I was like 6, back in the PS1 era, and never once went outside irl and thought to myself, "damn, why aren't these women wearing sexier clothing?" In fact I don't care what anyone wears, unless it's made to attract attention, or its on the opposite side of the spectrum where it's some raggedy ass ripped clothing.

    It's more about people being respectful to others. And I don't think a video game can teach people one or the other. People have been assholes since the dawn of time. While video games aren't even a century old thing.

    I think a lot of people assume that the way characters are being portrayed in video games is somehow going to mirror how people interact with each other irl. I think those people are honestly terminally online.

    Anyway to bring this back to WoW. A LOT of people want to have options. I've seen many people in game wear skimpy mogs, and a lot of people outside of the game asking for more of those. Gender of the person doesn't even matter, because women also want these things. It's a fantasy world which puts you in control of a character that topple gods willy nilly. I don't think clothing is even an issue anymore.
    Less about teaching and more about normalizing. But yeah slutmogs in WoW are kind of whatever these days. There are enough options you can kind of do whatever

  17. #30797
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    How exactly did people get to the topic of slutmogs?

    Formerly known as Arafal

  18. #30798
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    How exactly did people get to the topic of slutmogs?
    Clearly there's a critical shortage of fake leaks to discuss.

  19. #30799
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    How exactly did people get to the topic of slutmogs?
    Alexstraza something something

  20. #30800
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Clearly there's a critical shortage of fake leaks to discuss.
    Speaking of leaks, anything i should add to the hype train?

    Formerly known as Arafal

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