1. #30981
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    Kinda makes me wonder about the SoA stuff. We've had a lot of these pop up randomly around the same time from the looks.

    All of them kinda have similar themes. World revamp, etc.
    The thing is this always happens with fake leaks as well, they live of each other or are inspired by some speculation of a content creator. Also any accidental official leak will sway what is "popular" in these fake leaks. This season we have the Algarian Stormrider so now basically any fake leaker will put Khaz Algar in there because that's basically a safe bet and something recognizable that "anchors" the leak to make it appear more believable.
    Last edited by Samin; 2023-10-18 at 09:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

  2. #30982
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    .. she is a problem for the other.. "order" titans.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Interesting you say this.

    Wasn't there numerous leaks for Invoker/Evoker on various leaks that all kinda sprouted up around the same time?
    Keep in mind that multiple people posted speculation and concepts for a dragon-based race that was also a class. Just our concepts were more ambitious. And invoker was added in the mix because Invoke was a dragon-related Hearthstone keyword

  3. #30983
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Well the Blizzcon closing band isn't Dad rock - this does not bode well for the next wow xpack.
    Also community night is happening on Saturday not Friday like it typically does - they must have A LOT to show Friday for them to do this.

  4. #30984
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Also community night is happening on Saturday not Friday like it typically does - they must have A LOT to show Friday for them to do this.
    Its all one stage now.

  5. #30985
    hope we get a huge wow announcement that goes beyond the standard new expansion. it's the 20th anniversary of the game, it should important

  6. #30986
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Eonar is a problem.
    She should be a problem.

  7. #30987
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Its all one stage now.
    Correct but every blizzcon has done Friday - Community night / Saturday - Concert. This year its both on Saturday evening. So its making me think that their schedule is so packed Friday they had to move stuff back.

    To your point its all one stage now which could be that they literally messed up and now there is 0 time for panels.

  8. #30988
    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    As for hints of new classes we had 2 prominently classes hinted at being a new class:
    - Tinkers appeared all over the start or the expansion, with the use of Azerite for new constructions. Their 3 specs are pretty well defined in the island expeditions. They just need to flesh out the gameplay.
    - Dark Rangers were also very heavily featured in the 2nd half. They even added them to the Alliance when Sylvannas betrayed us.
    - Blademasters have been popping more and more since WoD. They even opened to the Alliance in BFA (a dreanei blademaster leading the assault of Nazmir, and the ankoan helping the Alliance in Nazjatar).
    - In 10.2 the Sentinels of the New Moon in 10.2 are hinting at a "Night Warrior" class conflating Priestess of the moon and Wardens in the same class.
    Gazlowe, Sylvanas, Sammaro, Tyrande and Elite Tauren Chieftain are all Warcraft 3 Units. Bard is always going to be a potential class because its the one core dnd class that isn't represented in WoW and Warcraft has a pretty unique take on it. And I bet in another 20 years Sylvanas will come back & Dark Rangers will be added as a hero class, because the customization options were implemented in such a way that it would make sense to still do that.
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Correct but every blizzcon has done Friday - Community night / Saturday - Concert. This year its both on Saturday evening. So its making me think that their schedule is so packed Friday they had to move stuff back.

    To your point its all one stage now which could be that they literally messed up and now there is 0 time for panels.
    The is no musical guest or comedian this year. So no concert.
    Last edited by Ersula; 2023-10-18 at 10:07 PM.

  9. #30989
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Do we have any theories about Innaria? She's name dropped in the Avaloren stuff as a titan keeper like Odyn, Loken, Freya, Ra, etc. so she must be a pretty big deal.

    Titan keepers are titan watchers who were imbued by the Pantheon with their powers, which would mean Innaria also received some kind of powers from one of the Titans. Given that all the other Titans have already handed out their powers and left and right, would it be possible she received her powers from Sargeras before he went all bad and stuff?

    And what's the deal with the "Storming Seas" mentioned in the Tragedy of Erinethria? They capitalize it like it's an actual sea on the map, but it's not any sea we know of. Looking at our present-day map of Azeroth, there's only the Veiled Sea to the west.

    If this is all pre-Sundering stuff, then I guess the seas would have probably had different names. So in that sense it would make sense, but it almost sounds like they're trying to set it up as a location we might go to at some point.
    Last edited by ercarp; 2023-10-18 at 10:09 PM.

  10. #30990
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    The is no musical guest or comedian this year. So no concert.
    You missed the news this morning: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us...-collab-event/ they are playing AFTER the community night on saturday.

    Its a KPOP group I never heard of - if it was black pink or big bang maybe I would be hyped.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    I'm confused. Does the fact that there is only one introductory scene mean that it would be shorter, with less information? I liked it when they spent 1 hour or more going into detail. Does that mean we'll lose that too?

    If so, my interest in BlizzCon will be greatly diminished.
    Honestly, we have no idea until it happens - now if you look at all the blizzcon schedules there has always been 1 mythic stage with typically no overlap between main QnAs or game discussions so 1 stage shouldn't be too much of an issue ,but it does bring a lot of worries that there won't be much this year.

  11. #30991
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Do we have any theories about Innaria? She's name dropped in the Avaloren stuff as a titan keeper like Odyn, Loken, Freya, Ra, etc. so she must be a pretty big deal.
    Eonar and Elune's lovechild.

  12. #30992
    Wait until Blizz gets Microsoft funding and a year without controversies and then maybe we will get a proper Blizzcon

  13. #30993
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    hope we get a huge wow announcement that goes beyond the standard new expansion. it's the 20th anniversary of the game, it should important
    Not taking into account the anniversary we said this about the expansion announcement after Shadowlands. How the next expansion had to be something huge to get WoW back on track. And that it would have to be above and beyond just a mere expansion announcement.

    But you know what we get with each announcement? Same boilerplate expansion feature list

    1. New Zone
    2. New Level Cap
    3. Hundreds of New Quests
    4. Either New Race or Class
    5. Dungeon/Raid Preview
    6. At Least One Special Feature (Pet Battles, Garrisons, etc)

    Then we get a preview of art work or short videos of the new zones and dungeons (new enemy models). And that's basically it. We have all been waiting for that HUGE extra OOPMH to change the dynamic and reinvigorate the game but it never comes. If they announce something beyond the six items listed above I will be shocked.

  14. #30994
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Wait until Blizz gets Microsoft funding and a year without controversies and then maybe we will get a proper Blizzcon
    Most of us will be dead by then

  15. #30995
    Quote Originally Posted by Demonly View Post
    Kinda makes me wonder about the SoA stuff. We've had a lot of these pop up randomly around the same time from the looks.

    All of them kinda have similar themes. World revamp, etc, and no one likes to take them seriously because they just seem stupid or weird
    World revamp is the jam I'm huffing.

  16. #30996
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Eonar and Elune's lovechild.

    I was trying to find mythological connections earlier and I came across a goddess in Hittite mythology called Inara, whose story is compared to that of Demeter and her daughter Persephone in Greek mythology.

    I bring this up because according to the wiki, Eonar herself borrows a lot of inspiration from Demeter. And since Inara is compared to Persephone, that would make them (Innaria and Eonar) daughter and mother.

    But that would mean Elune is... Zeus?

    I don't know, I'm just rambling at this point. But given that the majority of titan keepers borrow names from mythological figures, there could be something to it.

  17. #30997
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    I've just had flashbacks from the moment people were spamming and claiming that Deepholm's skybox was actually the supposed "circle of stars", tentacles of N'zoth and other parafernalia lol
    But Deepholm is still just a cave.

    A proper hollow planet sky box, with sun/world soul in the middle and other continents behind it on the other side would be pretty epic.

  18. #30998
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Funny how everyone has given up on the idea of Tinker and Necromancer this cycle

  19. #30999
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Funny how everyone has given up on the idea of Tinker and Necromancer this cycle
    If you say it three times you'll summon them.

  20. #31000
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Funny how everyone has given up on the idea of Tinker and Necromancer this cycle
    It's generally accepted that they are very unlikely to have new classes two expansions in a row, so people don't assume a class the expansion after one has been released.

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