1. #31061
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Between you and me, Blizzard being this careful is not a good idea. Rumors are a good way to build hype. Granted we will surely find a lot of hints in hindsight.
    Any real leak gets drowned out in the deluge of fake leaks, so the hype would be there anyway, no need for Blizzard to actively participate.

    And any real leak only lends credence to future fake leaks, which in turn leads to more disappointment because the actual expansion is not the extremely specific thing promised by a fake leak that people wanted.

    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Keep an eye out on the gear store - https://gear.blizzard.com/products/w...43907821437177 was just added we could maybe see a slip up like hearthstone haha
    Oh man, the German page for that called them "Duckburg slippers", but alas, it's just the shitty Auto Translate that website uses.
    It even translates its own name to "Getriebe Store" (translating gear in the meaning of gearbox, transmission)
    Is that website still outsourced?
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  2. #31062
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I don't think anyone is expecting Undermine to be able to provide content for an entire expansion. In all likelihood, it would be either a new capital city, a raid, or a patch location. Knowing Blizzard, I would bet my money on them turning it into a raid.
    Honestly I would like it to be both.

    The Suramar of 11.0. Capital city in one section. Zone is like 60% city, 40% outskirts. 5-10% of the city is the player hub area. 8-12 story Chapters unlock there at endgame. Raid there. Sure maybe not as big of a raid or threat as Legion in Suramar, but would be pretty cool. Very Mean Streets of Gadgetzan from HS inspired.

  3. #31063
    Quote Originally Posted by Samin View Post
    The Tyr questline is very aware how mortal-aligned Tyr has always been. He died protecting mortals. I'm not really worried Blizzard "forgot". There is absolutely no setup for him turning "evil".
    I can see them doing something like Alex having to choose between a lifelong friend that is back from the dead but did some questionable things to her kind or her one of her earliest friends that she betrayed eons ago and who wants nothing to do with Tyr or straight up ready to murder him. This can be the betrayal where she chooses her kind over Tyr, but I do believe that Tyr will be accepting of the choice in the end and try and make things right with Vyranoth. And one hopes that Odyn throws a shitfit over all of this, just so we can get more of that big one-eyed bastard.

  4. #31064
    It's so close you guys.

    Rumors and leaks at this point? All gravy being prepared to serve with the Meat and potatoes we get at Blizzcon

  5. #31065
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    There's so many breadcrumb storylines over the years about the Titans being maybe not malicious to mortals but at best an Enemy of my Enemy situation.
    Yep, this, and it's coming to the forefront now because a major 'vassal' faction (the dragons) might be stepping away from following the Titans' edicts.

    The Aspects and Alexstrasza in particular might be anxious about how Tyr would/will feel about this, but it's somewhat obvious this is unfounded, despite certain cries from people.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  6. #31066
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Honestly I would like it to be both.

    The Suramar of 11.0. Capital city in one section. Zone is like 60% city, 40% outskirts. 5-10% of the city is the player hub area. 8-12 story Chapters unlock there at endgame. Raid there. Sure maybe not as big of a raid or threat as Legion in Suramar, but would be pretty cool. Very Mean Streets of Gadgetzan from HS inspired.
    I mean if I wanted to be extra crazy, I could also imagine one gigantic city as an expansion "continent" Kinda like how Act III of Diablo II was all one bigass city, but everything besides the docks was taken over by Mephisto.
    The GTA series, Cyberpunk 2077, The first Witcher and Dragon Age II are great examples of one city providing enough content to keep you occupied. Or any of the Arkham games.
    A safe-to-navigate dock area would be one zone, the slums of the city, the park, the graveyard, the sewers. That's four zones ripe for conflict.

  7. #31067
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I mean if I wanted to be extra crazy, I could also imagine one gigantic city as an expansion "continent" Kinda like how Act III of Diablo II was all one bigass city, but everything besides the docks was taken over by Mephisto.
    The GTA series, Cyberpunk 2077, The first Witcher and Dragon Age II are great examples of one city providing enough content to keep you occupied. Or any of the Arkham games.
    A safe-to-navigate dock area would be one zone, the slums of the city, the park, the graveyard, the sewers. That's four zones ripe for conflict.
    Sure, but that would be kinda samey. It would work but id rather it be one big zone.

  8. #31068
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanyel View Post
    Yep, this, and it's coming to the forefront now because a major 'vassal' faction (the dragons) might be stepping away from following the Titans' edicts.

    The Aspects and Alexstrasza in particular might be anxious about how Tyr would/will feel about this, but it's somewhat obvious this is unfounded, despite certain cries from people.
    People really want a light and order is not good storyline cause that is 'mature'. And they latch on to any straw that suggest the Titans and/or Yreal and/or Turalyion will end up being our enemies.

  9. #31069
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    So, to bring this back on topic...
    What are your expectations for 11.0 vs. what you actually want 11.0 to be?
    What i want:
    K'aresh, with exotic and diverse Outland'esque biomes, taking the part into Nexus-Princes infighting with Void being behind it.
    Playable Ethereals
    Velen, Turalyon, Alleria, Thrall, Thalyssra and Lor'themar etc dealing with K'aresh crap Suramar style
    Light vs Void
    Turalyon saying goodbuy to Alleria and Arathor before facing Garrosh Lightscream in Makgora

    What i expect:
    Generic island of Avaloren. Here is your green plain zone, here is your snowy dwarf zone, here is your deserte zone
    Generic metal dwarves and generic elementals
    'Good lad, help me to deliver this beeerrrr! Watch errrr back!'
    'Champion, collect seven pieces of Tital disk, then put it here to open up Titan facility'
    'Champion, meet Awooga Metalsnout. They/them are the wisest and smartest of all rulers on Avaloren'

  10. #31070
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    People really want a light and order is not good storyline cause that is 'mature'. And they latch on to any straw that suggest the Titans and/or Yreal and/or Turalyion will end up being our enemies.
    I personally want it because I don't find it that interesting fighting void most of the time. So having some light/order alligned beings against us would be a nice change.
    There's only so much "Old Gods did it" I can take

  11. #31071
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    I personally want it because I don't find it that interesting fighting void most of the time. So having some light/order alligned beings against us would be a nice change.
    There's only so much "Old Gods did it" I can take
    I say we absolutely should get Order and Light villains. Just not by turning Order and Light heroes into Villains. Why turn Tyr evil when Odyn is right there (and Thorim/Hodir would likely follow him?) Why turn Turalyon evil when AU X'era is there? At the end of the day, I think Order and Light should have villains but not be inherently villainous like Fel and Void are. Heck Death had Villains and Heroes. You will have X'era but you will also have A'dal.

  12. #31072
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    I like what they are doing with all the ingame books and adding Avalorne and Khaz'algar, however in my head it's still kinda cheap worldbuilding if we were to get the first references towards this in the expansion before we go there. Ideally they should build out many of the possibilities for the world, and then over the course of more expansions give us information regarding that stuff so speculation would be kinda smudged as well.
    Kinda like they did with building up the blingtron war that I think we still haven't seen.
    Of course I will take what I said back in case Khaz'Algar or Avalorne aren't our next destinations.
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  13. #31073
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    I personally want it because I don't find it that interesting fighting void most of the time. So having some light/order alligned beings against us would be a nice change.
    There's only so much "Old Gods did it" I can take
    What I would want is somebody who just does not like us for some reason without any fel or void or death magic corruption. Garrosh was a great character cause he was just....Garrosh.
    Personally i would also like a Stormblood-esque story where some warrior who hunts the strongest opponents beats up terribly in battle and we need to gain strength for a rematch. However we might be too far off gone for that to be possible. Unless a Night Warrior from a different planet/timeline comes to pay us a visit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I like what they are doing with all the ingame books and adding Avalorne and Khaz'algar, however in my head it's still kinda cheap worldbuilding if we were to get the first references towards this in the expansion before we go there. Ideally they should build out many of the possibilities for the world, and then over the course of more expansions give us information regarding that stuff so speculation would be kinda smudged as well.
    Kinda like they did with building up the blingtron war that I think we still haven't seen.
    Of course I will take what I said back in case Khaz'Algar or Avalorne aren't our next destinations.
    I will not. If it is cheap, it is cheap.

  14. #31074
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I like what they are doing with all the ingame books and adding Avalorne and Khaz'algar, however in my head it's still kinda cheap worldbuilding if we were to get the first references towards this in the expansion before we go there. Ideally they should build out many of the possibilities for the world, and then over the course of more expansions give us information regarding that stuff so speculation would be kinda smudged as well.
    Kinda like they did with building up the blingtron war that I think we still haven't seen.
    Of course I will take what I said back in case Khaz'Algar or Avalorne aren't our next destinations.
    They could go for a world revamp, an underground expac or something left field like Tel Abim or making Undermine a continent, keep adding more world building for the other side of the planet including more concrete plots about it and then go there. I mean everything they have added so far has been text in small items. Most of the playerbase doesn't read these nor do they follow speculation. Unless 10.2 or 10.2.5 have hints dropped that are placed right in front of them (e.g. Wrathion talking about preparing the world to face the Legion in MoP and then the entire second half of WoD) then yeah, it will be too early. Ofc it is entirely possible that 10.2 and 10.2.5 do give us direct hints. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Tyr himself sends us to Avaloren.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    What I would want is somebody who just does not like us for some reason without any fel or void or death magic corruption. Garrosh was a great character cause he was just....Garrosh.
    Personally i would also like a Stormblood-esque story where some warrior who hunts the strongest opponents beats up terribly in battle and we need to gain strength for a rematch. However we might be too far off gone for that to be possible. Unless a Night Warrior from a different planet/timeline comes to pay us a visit.
    I had this expansion plot in mind for after Argus where we'd find out that the Legion's propaganda about conquering everything was exactly that and there is a world soul planet that is almost ready to be reborn as a Void Titan. So we would have to go there and finish the Legion's job. There we'd meet both leftover demons and a local resistance, do our best but in the final patch realize that the world soul was fully corrupt and we had to finish Sargeras' job and blow that planet up (with most of the locals trying to kill us).

  15. #31075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post

    I had this expansion plot in mind for after Argus where we'd find out that the Legion's propaganda about conquering everything was exactly that and there is a world soul planet that is almost ready to be reborn as a Void Titan. So we would have to go there and finish the Legion's job. There we'd meet both leftover demons and a local resistance, do our best but in the final patch realize that the world soul was fully corrupt and we had to finish Sargeras' job and blow that planet up (with most of the locals trying to kill us).
    In my dream expansion all the races and people usually caught between the crossfire of the Horde Alliance war band together. But unlike the Pandaren they are not so chill about it. They absolutely want to kill us as they don't see any other way to stop the constant conflict.

  16. #31076
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    In my dream expansion all the races and people usually caught between the crossfire of the Horde Alliance war band together. But unlike the Pandaren they are not so chill about it. They absolutely want to kill us as they don't see any other way to stop the constant conflict.
    That certainly makes sense as a concept but I think we've forced most races to take a side by now anyway. You'd end up with a mongrel horde concept at best.

  17. #31077
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I say we absolutely should get Order and Light villains. Just not by turning Order and Light heroes into Villains. Why turn Tyr evil when Odyn is right there (and Thorim/Hodir would likely follow him?) Why turn Turalyon evil when AU X'era is there? At the end of the day, I think Order and Light should have villains but not be inherently villainous like Fel and Void are. Heck Death had Villains and Heroes. You will have X'era but you will also have A'dal.
    That is very fair and probably the best way to go about it. Turning current good characters into evil is not particularly interesting either lol
    The opposite works too imo, Void-affiliated ones turning good etc.

  18. #31078
    I would love world revamp simply because of the fact that in current expected scenarios i probably won't see characters i've been waiting for to get bigger spotlight again.

    I was actually thinking yesterday when i was doing some legion stuff on my hunter in legion, like how cool would it be to have Rexxar back in main role, our savage azeroth batman in a CGI cinematic and be a part of x campaign called "Healing of Durotar", a little parallel to the "founding of durotar" campaign on horde side.

    It would be cool to see some thrall and rexxar interaction, maybe some side fun quest that they go for a hunt together, cracking some "you are old, can you still keep up" jokes.

    Also it would be cool to see Zekhan in the game again, it was a big miss when during orc heritage questline you had saurfang mentioning him t deliver message to him, but he was nowhere to be found.

  19. #31079
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    That is very fair and probably the best way to go about it. Turning current good characters into evil is not particularly interesting either lol
    The opposite works too imo, Void-affiliated ones turning good etc.
    You could have them be tempted to evil as long as you redeem them. I could absolutely see Turalyon working with a Naaru led crusade early on as long as he reversed super fast when his wife, friends and the people of the Alliance are in any way threatened (Because that is what he has done so far). I could see Tyr going back to Ulduar and informing Odyn of everything that happened because that's what he is supposed to do but when Odyn goes "purge all mortals" taking a stance against him while doing his best to give us a warning.

  20. #31080
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    Also it would be cool to see Zekhan in the game again, it was a big miss when during orc heritage questline you had saurfang mentioning him t deliver message to him, but he was nowhere to be found.
    The Darkspear still don't have their capital and this bothers me to an irrational level.


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