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With seasons now divided in three parts, I actually would propose the following
.X.0 patch has the new raid release. Lasts 10 weeks
.X.5 patch adds more world content. Lasts 8 weeks. It also releases a Timewalking season. During this time a Timewalking raid is current and has two modes (an LFR version and a normal version). I'd make the normal version tough enough that you actually need to do a bit of work to progress through it (enough that any guilds that gets AotC can clear it within 8 weeks). Beyond that I'd consider having that TW season affect other things (maybe TW affecting outdoor content)
Then I'd do the same with the .7 patch but with a different TW raid.
So every season would start with a new raid and you'd also get 16 weeks of TW active with two different raids.
I absolutely would love them doing a system that merges Torghast with Islands. my idea on how to do it Evergreen would be to base it on Caverns of Time. Bronze flight would send you back in time in different scenarios. 1-5 players, strong cosmetics, its own rewards progression. Mostly reusing existing assets with some additional things created for it here and there. I am sure we can come up with well over a dozen of time travel ideas we would love to see.
Beyond that for cosmetics I'd want class skins and for additional gameplay, more specs in existing classes. Honestly I feel the only class we are really missing at this point is Tinker. Everything else I could see done with class skins and/or additional specs in existing classes.