1. #31581
    Topically, I have been thinking about horses recently. While Gryphons could use a redo, there are some horse models (armored SW horse, barded SW horse, crusade mounts, technically the skeleton horses) that have NEVER gotten a remodel.

    It would make sense for there to be a lot of different horse mounts in a revamp expansion, and if the Algarian mount is an armored horse, that may play into it.

  2. #31582
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I remember being excited for it too, but I think Legion ended up giving us plenty of night elf stuff with Azsuna, Val'sharah, Suramar, and the Tomb of Sargeras. So I completely understand why they may have felt like it might have been a bit much.
    I think I was more excited about what could have been, more than I was excited for the actual concept.
    In hindsight it definitely would have been too similar to Azsuna though, and even the Broken Shore we got seemed like it might have taken some of the concepts of what could have been, specifically a more fel infested variant of Nelf ruins.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  3. #31583
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Lol that'd be a crazy twist.

    "The Algarian Stormrider is a promotional event with HotS's return!!! Xpac is Return to Shadowlands"
    fixing wc3: reforged and bringing back hots would restore some faith in blizzard

  4. #31584
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I mean I assume that then we would have gotten an Argus xpac.
    It's possible, though I imagine the devs were smart enough to realize a full expansion on Argus wouldnt work.
    Looking back that might even be why we have three subareas of Argus, rather than one big zone. They might have started work on the zones and realized that Antoran Wasted and Krokuun were far too similar, and that Eredath wasnt enough to offset the inevitable Fel fatigue given you would have to focus on Demons all the time anyways.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  5. #31585
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Topically, I have been thinking about horses recently. While Gryphons could use a redo, there are some horse models (armored SW horse, barded SW horse, crusade mounts, technically the skeleton horses) that have NEVER gotten a remodel.

    It would make sense for there to be a lot of different horse mounts in a revamp expansion, and if the Algarian mount is an armored horse, that may play into it.
    A strict 180 from dynamic flying being introduced to ground mount focus would be really interesting. Maybe the storms don't subside, and it's too dangerous to fly. Maybe the fissures/possible caves don't have enough headspace for us to fly consistently, so we need ground mounts.

    If they remove the ability to use dynamic flying for a zone or a portion of time, they'd have to rework ground mounts for it to ease over I assume.

  6. #31586
    Quote Originally Posted by milkmustache View Post
    Lol that'd be a crazy twist.

    "The Algarian Stormrider is a promotional event with HotS's return!!! Xpac is Return to Shadowlands"
    If that leak that said they're remaking W3 reforged in the Starcraft 2 engine & making a gmod-esque game with all the assets from W3, Starcraft 2 & HoTS, that would make me so happy.

  7. #31587
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    Every blizzard game is getting a storm related update.

    is heroes of the storm coming back?
    Ha, good one.

    Jokes aside, if all these storm-related additions are really pointing to the next WoW expansion, then I have to ask... Why storms specifically?

    It seems like the next expansion would have a very strong storm theme to warrant this many cross-game references, but why? Does it have something to do with Odyn?

  8. #31588
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    They never developed it. We've seen cut content before, Thal'dranath was barely the outline of an island with no textures or anything. It was no Abyssal Maw. They realized they already had enough night elf ruins in the Broken Isles to add yet another zone of them.

    Honestly, people need to realize that in any project, there will be plenty of cut content. And it is not always cut because there is no time to develop it. Some times the concept was just bad and they failed to realize that until they had already used resources on it so we all get to datamine and wonder what could be.
    This. In all games I've worked there always was cut content that we discarded because it didn't fit, didn't work well or wasn't fun. Like you say, it's not always lack of time.

  9. #31589
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Topically, I have been thinking about horses recently. While Gryphons could use a redo, there are some horse models (armored SW horse, barded SW horse, crusade mounts, technically the skeleton horses) that have NEVER gotten a remodel.

    It would make sense for there to be a lot of different horse mounts in a revamp expansion, and if the Algarian mount is an armored horse, that may play into it.
    Horses give me flashbacks to BfA. It feels like they gave us enough horse mounts to last 30 expansions.

    I don't think they need to make too many new horse models tbh. They can just repurpose the ones from BfA.

  10. #31590
    Wait, the tinker fans and the bard fans are fighting? lol

    Both classes are equally (un)likely. That is, I'd love to see both, and I do not expect either.

    "But we have engineers." We also have blacksmiths, and no one in their right mind would claim we can't have warriors because we already have characters who can make weapons. Engineers make gadgets, tinkers make their whole playstyle around it. Mech suits, or mechanical arms, or turrets. You can easily build several classes around the theme of technology, without infringing on engineering territory at all. Besides the very reductive "uuh, tech?"

    Bards are a common fantasy staple with very faint Warcraft precedent, much like monks before MoP. Yes, there were brewmasters, but until MoP popped up and made up the whole lore about chi and the fighting style that fit D&D monks more than the shamanic drunk brewmasters from prior lore, there were no monks. I'd have sooner expected runemasters, which were originally supposed to be the Warcraft monk.
    And as for bards themselves - we already have characters who use music and magic (and magic music) to give you buffs and other effects. It really isn't hard to come up with something and make it fit into the lore without retconning anything. And with the current writing team's motto apparently being "there's no lore mistakes, we'll just pretend the mistake was always the lore"... it can definitely happen.

  11. #31591
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I remember being excited for it too, but I think Legion ended up giving us plenty of night elf stuff with Azsuna, Val'sharah, Suramar, and the Tomb of Sargeras. So I completely understand why they may have felt like it might have been a bit much.
    Yes, that is fair. Still, Thal'dranath just sound so good... Is like Azjol-Nerub. If you have a zone with such a cool name you have to give it to us !! I am almost certain that we will get Azjol-Nerub at some point. Thal'dranath, sadly, will stay dead forever

    Argus was awesome IMO. So the final result was not that bad.

    This. In all games I've worked there always was cut content that we discarded because it didn't fit, didn't work well or wasn't fun. Like you say, it's not always lack of time.
    I get that. I know that things change and that not everything works. Still, I would assume that if you make a big reveal about your new expansion and show a zone there, at a point in which the expansion was in full production, you should have a well-thought patch plan by then.

    I was wrong, obviously.
    Last edited by Darkarath; 2023-10-19 at 10:24 PM.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  12. #31592
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Ha, good one.

    Jokes aside, if all these storm-related additions are really pointing to the next WoW expansion, then I have to ask... Why storms specifically?

    It seems like the next expansion would have a very strong storm theme to warrant this many cross-game references, but why? Does it have something to do with Odyn?
    i don't think it's going to be a "storm" based expansion. the wow promo art for the blizzcon usually is a clue for what to expect in the next expansion. this time we have thrall so it's easy to think that 11.0 is a way related to the elements.

  13. #31593
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    What Sword? That Sword!
    11.0 is an "elemental expansion." It's been known for a very long time, now.

  14. #31594
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Horses give me flashbacks to BfA. It feels like they gave us enough horse mounts to last 30 expansions.

    I don't think they need to make too many new horse models tbh. They can just repurpose the ones from BfA.
    The horse mounts were one thing, the fact that all three main Alliance factions gave a horse was another. And that two of those horses were recolours of eachother was a third.

    And there were such good concepts as well. Wicker beast from Drustvar, and Storm Elemental mount from Stormsong.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  15. #31595
    Friendly reminder that the evidence suggests the Algarian Stormrider is a dragonriding capable mount.

  16. #31596
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    11.0 is an "elemental expansion." It's been known for a very long time, now.
    And what does that mean when DF is then tacitly understood to not be one? Will we go the full Cataclysm and have zones set in the actual elemental planes?
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  17. #31597
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    11.0 is an "elemental expansion." It's been known for a very long time, now.
    ofc. i wonder to what degree tho since dragonflight had already a lot of elemental stuff in it

  18. #31598
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Friendly reminder that the evidence suggests the Algarian Stormrider is a dragonriding capable mount.
    Which is why Gryphon is still the most likely choice as it isn't a dragon, but is a new dragonriding rig.

  19. #31599
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    11.0 is an "elemental expansion." It's been known for a very long time, now.
    I still struggle to accept this. DF had a lot of elemental themes to it, and I think it may continue to be a theme inevitably due to the association with Iridikron, but I can't believe that we'd dive right into another expansion with a lot of the same themes, unless they're doing true sequels.

  20. #31600
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post
    Argus was awesome IMO. So the final result was not that bad.
    I liked Argus too. I went back there yesterday to collect some battle pets and I had to stop and admire the sights a little. Eredath is one of Blizzard's finest zones and the view of Azeroth from aboard the Vindicaar is still just as breathtaking as it was back in 2017/2018.

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