1. #31761
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly it is this depiction that makes me thing that the Titans are a Pantheon who has chosen to align with Order but they are not OF Order. Because nothing about their behaviour is orderly. They are authoritarian because of their level of power but that's it. They don't act as one, they don't have complex laws, they are certainly not dispassionate. They've chosen Order of the different forces because they want to impose their own vision to the words they visit.
    I think they're pretty orderly. They shaped the world. They turned some ancient plane of life into the Emerald Dream. They created mechanical facilities and contained the Old Gods. They created armies of robotic beings.

    But you're right in a way, there have been lots of examples of people breaking out from it, such as Eonar and Loken. But I think Old God corruption might have something to do with it? Or at least influence from other forces such as Life and Shadow.

    Sargeras was the biggest example, but that guy turned loco from what he saw in the universe. Even he ended up creating order among demons.
    Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-10-20 at 04:37 AM.

  2. #31762
    The Lightbringer
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    Do you know what i want?
    This idea was in my mind for like 5 years.
    I want World Quests to expand all over the old world and continents.
    I want each zone to have 4-5 World Quests, with the chance to get an item in shape of ANY random item piece (Cosmetic, so no stats), besides basic Gold/XP/Rep.
    Green WQ may have the Green Piece of Gear or Weapon depicted.
    Blue - Rare.
    Purple - Unique.
    So you open up the world map, check out the zones, see - oh shit, WQ in Westfall gives me that rare sword i cant get from that rare spawn.
    You fly there and you take it.
    Also there is the new type of WQ - Orange - Legendary.
    Its a scenario for multiple people, with reasonable time limit (whatever comfortable for players, see Time Rifts). You go in, you do scenario, you get significant amount of gold, and the chance to get random mount or super rare item.
    Legendary WQ spawn randomly and rare enough to not shower everyone in cool shit.
    And obivously, WQ are available for leveling since level 10, and generally all of them are associated with the local zone story line.
    So if you are level 15 and you want to have fun in Westfall, you can go to Westfall and WQs there would be basically the same quests you did in previous expansions - help farmers, kill Brotherhood, kill murlocs etc.
    You get gold, XP and randomly - an item.

    This simple system would have make the whole world alive.
    Last edited by Harbour; 2023-10-20 at 04:53 AM.

  3. #31763
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    If we're going that far with the theory then what if they aren't even actually Order aligned. I swear I remember them saying recentlyish that there's actually a 7th cosmic force at odds with all the rest so what if they're actually something else? Something outside of the cosmology as we know it.
    On Wowpedia you can read "Expedition Report A37J - Part 4" and "Firim in Exile, Part 7" that talk about the relation between the 6 forces and a 7th.

    I interpret it as at the beginning of the world, there weren't six separate realms but a unified reality. Then the First Ones divided it into six forms of magic, each in its own realm, balanced against each other. If the forces become unbalanced, this entire order falls apart. Think of white light being refracted into a rainbow through a prism.

  4. #31764
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    If we're going that far with the theory then what if they aren't even actually Order aligned. I swear I remember them saying recentlyish that there's actually a 7th cosmic force at odds with all the rest so what if they're actually something else? Something outside of the cosmology as we know it.
    I for one think the World Souls are the natural outcome of the Six Forces interacting in the Physical Realm and the end result of what the First Ones were trying to achieve. That they chose Order is incidental; Order was probably the first force to approach them successfully with some of the Titans likely also having strong relations with Life and Light. Order probably is the one that set them up against demons and Fel since they are opposing forces.

  5. #31765
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Do you know what i want?
    This idea was in my mind for like 5 years.
    I want World Quests to expand all over the old world and continents.
    I want each zone to have 4-5 World Quests, with the chance to get an item in shape of ANY random item piece (Cosmetic, so no stats), besides basic Gold/XP/Rep.
    Green WQ may have the Green Piece of Gear or Weapon depicted.
    Blue - Rare.
    Purple - Unique.
    So you open up the world map, check out the zones, see - oh shit, WQ in Westfall gives me that rare sword i cant get from that rare spawn.
    You fly there and you take it.
    Also there is the new type of WQ - Orange - Legendary.
    Its a scenario for multiple people, with limit (whatever comfortable for players, see Time Rifts). You go in, you do scenario, you get significant amount of gold, and the chance to get random mount or super rare item.
    Legendary WQ spawn randomly and rare enough to not shower everyone in cool shit.
    And obivously, WQ are available for leveling since level 10, and generally all of them are associated with the local zone story line.
    So if you are level 15 and you want to have fun in Westfall, you can go to Westfall and WQs there would be basically the same quests you did in previous expansions - help farmers, kill Brotherhood, kill murlocs etc.
    You get gold, XP and randomly - an item.

    This simple system would have make the whole world alive.
    One issue is that the world feels alive when you see a lot of people. The more zones there are to do stuff in, the more dispersed players get. It's why leveling in the world is so lonely now.

  6. #31766
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    I wish we could learn more about Aluneth. It's interesting how there're these absurdly powerful arcane beings who aren't necessarily of the Titans, but respect them immensely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Beings like Aluneth must be to the Arcane what the Naaru are to the Light.

  7. #31767
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Tbf here, he was a different case cause we were just so goated lmaooo

    - - - Updated - - -

    Considering the Life Pantheons presence could be felt by one of Dragons in the Emerald Dream, and considering Elune is very much still active...

    If Elune is a Titan from the Life Pantheon then she could have rebelled against Aman'thul's efforts to order life.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    If we're going that far with the theory then what if they aren't even actually Order aligned. I swear I remember them saying recentlyish that there's actually a 7th cosmic force at odds with all the rest so what if they're actually something else? Something outside of the cosmology as we know it.
    I think the 7th was "Reality", which we see as the intersection of the six, but from another perspective it might be something different. The plane of Reality has its own proportional circle on the cosmology charts. It's just harder to notice.

  8. #31768
    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    On Wowpedia you can read "Expedition Report A37J - Part 4" and "Firim in Exile, Part 7" that talk about the relation between the 6 forces and a 7th.

    I interpret it as at the beginning of the world, there weren't six separate realms but a unified reality. Then the First Ones divided it into six forms of magic, each in its own realm, balanced against each other. If the forces become unbalanced, this entire order falls apart. Think of white light being refracted into a rainbow through a prism.
    That's what it was, I knew I remembered it from something but couldn't quite place it.

    Anyways I went back and re-read both of them and to my eye they seem to heavily imply that the 7th (possibly more) force is a tangible thing of some sort that is at odds with the 6 cosmic forces. It, to me at least, implies that whatever the 7th force is it's trying to find a crack to end everything. It's at odds with all the forces and is trying to find any way it possibly can into the geometry of the cosmos.

    That sounds like Odyn's MO to me. Causing trouble, having a hand or eyeball in as many different pies as he can, etc.

    Granted I don't really think they would or even have considered going down that route, I just think it's an interesting idea.

  9. #31769
    Quote Originally Posted by matijwow View Post
    One issue is that the world feels alive when you see a lot of people. The more zones there are to do stuff in, the more dispersed players get. It's why leveling in the world is so lonely now.
    Big difference is that levelling today isnt a part of the game. Its just a gjorde you need to do before you start playing the game, which is unfortunate.

    I like the idea. Use more of the world, reduce the amount of sharding and it will more or less solve the issue with empty world.

    Today it feels like they use sharding more than really needed to reduce loads on their servers..

  10. #31770
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    If Elune is a Titan from the Life Pantheon then she could have rebelled against Aman'thul's efforts to order life.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think the 7th was "Reality", which we see as the intersection of the six, but from another perspective it might be something different. The plane of Reality has its own proportional circle on the cosmology charts. It's just harder to notice.



    I dont know rereading these it seems to imply that the 7th force, whatever it is, is something tangible and something at odds with even the First Ones. They mention how it as a concept seems to exist beyond most mortal comprehension but as something actively working against existence and the cosmos.

    Plus there was whatever the hell nipple boy was worried is coming and I doubt it's the Void Lords since they still exist within the cosmology and that epilogue implies that whatever Zovaal was worried about is something beyond what Eternals can handle.

    I dont expect any of this to mean anything I just kinda think it's interesting to consider.

  11. #31771
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post



    I dont know rereading these it seems to imply that the 7th force, whatever it is, is something tangible and something at odds with even the First Ones. They mention how it as a concept seems to exist beyond most mortal comprehension but as something actively working against existence and the cosmos.

    Plus there was whatever the hell nipple boy was worried is coming and I doubt it's the Void Lords since they still exist within the cosmology and that epilogue implies that whatever Zovaal was worried about is something beyond what Eternals can handle.

    I dont expect any of this to mean anything I just kinda think it's interesting to consider.
    The Firstest Ones

    - - - Updated - - -

    Or ... The Last Ones

  12. #31772
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Blizzard: "Check out these exclusive BlizzCon store items and be sure to click to see everything!"


    Me: *Clicks to see everything*

    Everything: "Hi, I'm just a hockey jersey that spells out the name of the next Warcraft game."


  13. #31773
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Blizzard: "Check out these exclusive BlizzCon store items and be sure to click to see everything!"


    Me: *Clicks to see everything*

    Everything: "Hi, I'm just a hockey jersey that spells out the name of the next Warcraft game."

    It's just a reference to the year WoW came out.

  14. #31774
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkarath View Post

    I think that I even remember Ion saying that It was just going to be another Night Elven ruined zone and that they already had Aszuna.

    A pitty. When I first saw Legion's map, Thal'dranath was the zone that interested me the most.

    Mmmm do not know about that. That they scrapped Thal'dranath and turned it into 7.2 or 7.3 is clear. That we have the same chance of seeing Thal'dranath in the game as Farahlon in Draenor is also clear. But I do not think that there is a single mention of Thal'dranath in the game.

    The Broken Shore is the Broken Shore. If they ever want to bring Thal'dranath to the game, I am pretty sure that they would keep the name.
    Listen to the Tomb of Sargeras audio drama.

    It’s not something that’s up to interpretation. Thal’dranath is literally the name of the Broken Shore.

  15. #31775
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post



    I dont know rereading these it seems to imply that the 7th force, whatever it is, is something tangible and something at odds with even the First Ones. They mention how it as a concept seems to exist beyond most mortal comprehension but as something actively working against existence and the cosmos.

    Plus there was whatever the hell nipple boy was worried is coming and I doubt it's the Void Lords since they still exist within the cosmology and that epilogue implies that whatever Zovaal was worried about is something beyond what Eternals can handle.

    I dont expect any of this to mean anything I just kinda think it's interesting to consider.
    Clearly the one being who inherited every racial ability and can wield every school of magic: Med'an

  16. #31776
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    It's just a reference to the year WoW came out.
    Ah, yes.

    Just like these are references to the year Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV came out.


  17. #31777
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Ah, yes.

    Just like these are references to the year Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV came out.

    I didn't realize Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 were coming up on 20 year anniversaries

  18. #31778
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    It's just a reference to the year WoW came out.
    Orrrrr... (pulls out bulletin board tacked up with strings and pictures).

    04 = "O four," short for "O Fortuna," the name of the famous poem/song in Carmina Burana whose lyrics start: "O Fortune, like the moon you are changeable, ever waxing, ever waning; hateful life first oppresses and then soothes playing with mental clarity; poverty and power it melts them like ice."

    This clearly shows that Khaz Algar is frozen under the ice north of Northrend (past where death knights got their dragon mount in Legion) and that the activity from the firelands in 10.2 will melt the icecaps and expose it, as well as open the fissure left by Elune when she first sent a lunar rock to collide with Azeroth and establish a foothold for her to influence the planet's soul.

  19. #31779
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Ah, yes.

    Just like these are references to the year Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV came out.

    except Diablo uses IV, not 04.
    Overwatch uses 2, not 02
    But WoW uses 04. as in 2004. With the Zero infront of the four it is clear it means the year.

  20. #31780
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    I didn't realize Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 were coming up on 20 year anniversaries
    Quote Originally Posted by Enrif View Post
    except Diablo uses IV, not 04.
    Overwatch uses 2, not 02
    But WoW uses 04. as in 2004. With the Zero infront of the four it is clear it means the year.
    WoW isn't coming up on an anniversary for another year. BlizzCon 2024 would be an excellent time to sell a 20 year anniversary shirt.

    The only reason BlizzCon 2023 would be a good time for it, is if they're purposefully using the 04 as part of their marketing push for a nostalgic expansion pack, whether for Classic or for retail.

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