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Do you know what i want?
This idea was in my mind for like 5 years.
I want World Quests to expand all over the old world and continents.
I want each zone to have 4-5 World Quests, with the chance to get an item in shape of ANY random item piece (Cosmetic, so no stats), besides basic Gold/XP/Rep.
Green WQ may have the Green Piece of Gear or Weapon depicted.
Blue - Rare.
Purple - Unique.
So you open up the world map, check out the zones, see - oh shit, WQ in Westfall gives me that rare sword i cant get from that rare spawn.
You fly there and you take it.
Also there is the new type of WQ - Orange - Legendary.
Its a scenario for multiple people, with limit (whatever comfortable for players, see Time Rifts). You go in, you do scenario, you get significant amount of gold, and the chance to get random mount or super rare item.
Legendary WQ spawn randomly and rare enough to not shower everyone in cool shit.
And obivously, WQ are available for leveling since level 10, and generally all of them are associated with the local zone story line.
So if you are level 15 and you want to have fun in Westfall, you can go to Westfall and WQs there would be basically the same quests you did in previous expansions - help farmers, kill Brotherhood, kill murlocs etc.
You get gold, XP and randomly - an item.
This simple system would have make the whole world alive.