Simple solution to the Centaur mounting issue: just replace their lower halves with the lower half of whatever mount you want to use. They'll be the most versatile half human race in the game.
TBH if we ever get quadrupeds as playable races they could just make their Riding skill into an specific racial and make them unable to use regular mounts. Ground mount is easy piece, just give them their version of Running Wild, and for a flight give them a skill that works like the Sandstone Drake or Druid Flight form.
True, mechanically it's already solved, the problem is Blizz probably isn't sure folks would play such a race since mount collecting is such a big part of the game, and if folks DO play them but then become less obsessed with mount collecting they might be less drawn to staying subbed. High risk low reward from Blizz's pov.
Twas brillig
I still blame SL's unreasonably poor reception of players who didn't wanna play anymore or equated RL company issues with poor gameplay as the reason we didn't get Covenant Allied Races / player "Ascensions".
Tbh especially if AR unlock requirements remain, even players who main Centaur would be likely to still play alts.
Also, my main is a Druid, I could do all content save Dragonriding (so far) without using any mount, but I still love collecting them.
Honestly, a mounted-only "Humanoid Legs Visage" isn't too far out, especially if the race also got a Running Wild and maybe a winged form for good measure.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
I mean the joke there is how tiny that centaur is. Or how huge the horse is. If you shrink the centaur in half, ofc they can ride a horse.
- - - Updated - - -
The way I see it, when adding a new race the results are the following
a) A player who focuses largely on a single character may race change or roll a new main. That player would indeed then lose the incentive to collect mounts since they barely play with alts.
b) A player rolls a new character to play this race. Such a player still cares for alts so collecting mounts remains relevant to them. The addition of a new alt to their roster possibly means additional playtime and engagement.
c) A player joins or rejoins the game because they always wanted to play that race. Even if this player stops playing after a while because of a reduced incentive, they still have purchased an expansion (and possibly the main game as well) because of that race being added.
c) A/B are known values to Blizzard. They have the data on account gameplay behaviour; they know how many active characters an account has on average. It is probably possible for them to have some data on how important mount collecting is to players on average. They can make a very educated guess on how adding a new race that cannot mount would affect playtime if they let the data guide them.
Next races should be ogres(low chance)/mok'nathal for the horde and tuskarr for the alliance, both factions can raid and be in guild together so it doesn't matter anymore which faction gets who.
Mok'nathal are coming to kalimdor, tuskarr could easily be turned to playable race.
Ogres have the lowest chance because of size and models currently missing a lot of player animations.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-03-29 at 07:08 AM.
Sadly the problem with ogres is the same as vrykul - their size and clipping through the roof, blocking themselves while entering many buildings etc.
Always wanted ogres but now more realistic chance have mok'nathal after orc questline since they already have all player animations(Kultiran rig) and blizzard already figured out their silhouette for male body, now they need female models or body 2 models like they have it now.
Kul tiran female model rig has cool animations for heavier race, so they can also use that for body(females) 2 mok'nathal models.
Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-03-29 at 07:17 AM.
I would very warmly welcome Vrykuls and ogres if they truly did figure out something out for bigger races to fit as playable races.
Funny thing is when i played WOTLK many, many years ago i thought in my head "vrykuls, ogres would be so awesome to play, maybe in next 10 years it will happen), it still didn't happen.
But if they not, i hope mok'nathal will find a place, since i love rexxar model too, also some questlines with updated leoroxx would be awesome.
Tbh the relation of Ogres and the Horde is not exactly rosy. The Ogres did enslave and kill the Orcs and the Orcs did destroy the Ogres' cities and reduced them to their current state.
If we do get Ogres I hope they are affected by Ogr'ila and have reclaimed some of their former skills by claiming some of the Apexis relics from BEM. Give me Highmaul-level Ogres, not inarticulate brutes that live in ruins.
And I don't think most doors are THAT short. I can get through most doors while mounted as a Dracthyr or Tauren. An Ogre should be able to get in if they just dismount first.