I am ready to believe just about any leak this time around, given how adamantly against Dragonflight I was up until the last moment. Even after we had screenshots of Dracthyr. Clearly I have no feeling for these things
For those advocating for it; What exactly would be the point of a light vs void expansion? In other words, why are we doing it, who are we fighting, where are we fighting, and what happens when it’s over? I’m simply not seeing a purpose behind such an expansion, and I view it as a destructive escalation of the narrative. Like if we’re taking spaceships to other planets to fight void monsters, how do we go back to Azeroth and whack Gnolls, dragons, and troggs?
wow 2 happens. light vs void is the end of all. the void is the final enemy of this game
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tbf they've been idling in valdrakken the whole expansion ahah dragonflight could have done so many cool things with them. instead we got to see emberthal and chromie talk about their feelings for most of the expansion
It depends on how the theme is interpreted, I guess. Shadowlands would prolly not have been the same if the Jailer had some more earthly plans and machinations and a more direct impact on us as players, but it was all very abstract and purposeless which led to the "cosmic" meme.
Thanks btw :P
And that (imo) was largely a mistake, because now it's forcing a power creep in terms of what big bad we're punching in the face. That is sort of exemplified in the N'Zoth fight at the end of BFA that reduced one of WoW's greatest antagonists (and essentially a god) into a quick punching bag that we snuffed out in a raid. To Dragonflight's credit, that has been reduced considerably from 8.3 and Shadowlands, but people are really pushing for us to dip into that well again, and I believe it hurts the narrative of the game.
Can someone link the thread where they leaked WotLK in details and ppl didn't believe a word from it?
have you heard this from asmongold? almost word for word what he said yesterday on stream lol
on a more serious note, i agree. we're at a point where the power creep is too big. going beyond that doesn't feel believable. i think the war vs the void should be the last conflict on a large scale. blizzard should use that card when it wants to end the story of retail wow
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it would be lame tbh. figthing the creators of the universe as mere mortals is dumb as fuck
Yeah, I just believe that a medieval fantasy game should keep certain elements to a minimum or not touch on them at all. I'm starting to believe that the Draenei concept really took this game in a direction it should have never gone, because that race introduced concepts that really warped the natural limits of the genre. Ethereals and their technology and eco-domes could be another potential problem.
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Exactly my thoughts as well. Some posters here want us to meet Elune next, and I'm wondering ytf would you want to touch on that? What's the point of meeting (or fighting) Elune? What's next? Are we going to fight the sun after we loot the moon goddess' corpse?
Last edited by Teriz; 2023-10-20 at 11:15 AM.
[QUOTE=Zebir95;54262402]have you heard this from asmongold? almost word for word what he said yesterday on stream lol
on a more serious note, i agree. we're at a point where the power creep is too big. going beyond that doesn't feel believable. i think the war vs the void should be the last conflict on a large scale. blizzard should use that card when it wants to end the story of retail wow
I dont really watch streamers but its something I feel people have been saying for a long time. Its not really new and its not really suprising he (or anyone else) might have that opinion.
I miss the immersive world - sad that the players have become larger than life - larger than the universe almost. Cheapens the whole thing.
Do you mean Reinjin's "List", released just after WotLK was announced? He later admitted he made it up.
But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.
Draenei are very ancient and powerful people in the lore (not as much as as they're depicted ingame, though). Ethereals are mere survivors.
However, sci-fi elements dont necessarily equal power creep. Tempest Keep, for instance, isn't really Draenei tech, but Naaru.
We've had more power creep from non-sci-fi elements than sci-fi spacey ones.
Shadowlands didn't make much sense in that respect because we weren't using superpowerful armaments or weapons, but abstract things like runes or previous-to-creation themed things. What I just said didn't really make much sense, and neither did in SL.