1. #32441
    Sale of Azeroth.
    Gallywix is back after finding a cosmic buyer for the planet, it turns out it's team void.

  2. #32442
    Mechagnome Myrrh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    2 is 1 smaller than 2?
    The presence of the Z cancels out an A. This is how maths works, definitely.

  3. #32443
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    "no new Races/Alliance Races/Customisation updates, no word right now on more heritage stuff." From the 4chan thing some pages ago.....

    This made me lol
    Like if they would marketing that they would not do any customisation.... It's one thing all players love and one of the always requested things in any interview
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  4. #32444
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    I can't tell who is worse Tinker goons or High Elf goons.
    If I like the idea of one does that make me a goon too?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    So if we go to another island or continent or something else, then how many zones at the beginning do you guys want?

    I would prefer to have 6 zones like in BFA than 4 main zones again.
    Dragon Isles is bigger than both BFA zones combined.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    I would say about 6 - 7 zones is the old standard, though Legion, Shadowlands, and the Dragon Isles broke that standard to focus on making the zones much bigger in comparison. The Broken Shore and the Dragon Isles especially really put more emphasis into the size and scale of the zones, but in DF's case it was mainly to compensate for Dragonriding to allow more open space for travel.

    I'd stick to maybe 6 zones at least with 7 being the max if we're going to a new continent.
    Legion is one of the smallest expansions they made tbh. I think only the Cats zones and Pandaria are smaller.

    3 biggest are Northrend, Dragon Idles, and either Draenor or Outland.

  5. #32445

  6. #32446
    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    there is no "SoA"
    Meant to ask this last time, but in your supposed revamp of EK are the zones the same scale or increased in size?

  7. #32447
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    A) Why would an Elune-esque artifact be able to do that
    B) It sounds like something they would absolutely revisit if they wanted to tie Dwarves to Elune in some way
    Because its not named after Elune. It was just named that way because of its luster. For all they know it was a piece of a corrupted naaru.

  8. #32448
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Meant to ask this last time, but in your supposed revamp of EK are the zones the same scale or increased in size?
    dont look any bigger to me

  9. #32449
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    Leak drought, plus two unreliable things that could conceivably work together making people go 'whoa this must be it!!1' because they're desperate for something to show up.

    Honestly after having another squiz at ercarp's list, anything with a grain of believability has already been debunked from other avenues such as the HS expansion. I'm not sure the real deal is out there, yet.
    What's unbelievable or debunkable about the first "Eclipse" from July?

  10. #32450
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalontas View Post
    Wait, the tinker fans and the bard fans are fighting? lol

    Both classes are equally (un)likely. That is, I'd love to see both, and I do not expect either.

    "But we have engineers." We also have blacksmiths, and no one in their right mind would claim we can't have warriors because we already have characters who can make weapons. Engineers make gadgets, tinkers make their whole playstyle around it. Mech suits, or mechanical arms, or turrets. You can easily build several classes around the theme of technology, without infringing on engineering territory at all. Besides the very reductive "uuh, tech?"

    Bards are a common fantasy staple with very faint Warcraft precedent, much like monks before MoP. Yes, there were brewmasters, but until MoP popped up and made up the whole lore about chi and the fighting style that fit D&D monks more than the shamanic drunk brewmasters from prior lore, there were no monks. I'd have sooner expected runemasters, which were originally supposed to be the Warcraft monk.
    And as for bards themselves - we already have characters who use music and magic (and magic music) to give you buffs and other effects. It really isn't hard to come up with something and make it fit into the lore without retconning anything. And with the current writing team's motto apparently being "there's no lore mistakes, we'll just pretend the mistake was always the lore"... it can definitely happen.
    Imo tinker is complex enough for 2 or 3 specs.

    Bard technically could have that many I suppose but i would prefer they just add it as a rogue support spec.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Friendly reminder that the evidence suggests the Algarian Stormrider is a dragonriding capable mount.
    So its either a dragon or gryphon 95%

    I dont see them adding DR animations unless its a weird shaped elemental.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Id take everything over Avaloren tbh.
    'Visiting every old continet in a wilde ride' Expansion
    K'aresh expansion
    'All events take place on Revamped Azeroth' expansion
    But not visit another island with close to zero weight in comparison to all other isles.

    Everything but not Avaloren and Elemental Expansion. Fed up with elementals. They are in Onaharan, grinded to death for WQ and quest. They are in Wakin Shores, they are in Azure whatever. They are in every raid.

    And they were BORING.
    I have a feeling that you are going to be disappointed. Its probably Avaloren AND Elements.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    "IF" a "leak" does happen prior to BlizzCon, I hope that it is something so "minor" that we can speculate a ton about, yet isn't enough to spoil the announcements of BlizzCon either.
    Yeah, a texture file like the Tidesage cloth leak before BFA would be perfect.

  11. #32451
    some people private messaged about specs.
    i dont know if shamans getting one. because all race get shamans i thought yes, but instead we get is demon hunters spec that is like evoker but melee with glaives but middle ranged sycthe spells. instead of eating souls you torment them.

  12. #32452
    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    some people private messaged about specs.
    i dont know if shamans getting one. because all race get shamans i thought yes, but instead we get is demon hunters spec that is like evoker but melee with glaives but middle ranged sycthe spells. instead of eating souls you torment them.
    The way you phrased it earlier, is Khaz Algar on a new continent? Like the expansion is like Cata, a (partial) revamp + new zones?

  13. #32453
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    The way you phrased it earlier, is Khaz Algar on a new continent? Like the expansion is like Cata, a (partial) revamp + new zones?
    algar is under the ground of the EK. its like cata though. like zaralek but deeper and far away

  14. #32454
    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    algar is under the ground of the EK. its like cata though. like zaralek but deeper and far away
    So it's in the EK but it's far away from the EK. ok

  15. #32455
    Quote Originally Posted by 22mage22 View Post
    algar is under the ground of the EK. its like cata though. like zaralek but deeper and far away
    But what is it? Just a city? A city and a zone? Five zones with a new capital city?

  16. #32456
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    So it's in the EK but it's far away from the EK. ok
    I'm assuming this means that lorewise its under EK, but mapwise its in a chunk somewhere else, much like Zaralek's map isn't actually "below" the Dragon Isles, it's physically somewhere else and the server yeets us to it when we cross the zone border.

  17. #32457
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    So it's in the EK but it's far away from the EK. ok
    its far away and unlike EK. deep deep down

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    But what is it? Just a city? A city and a zone? Five zones with a new capital city?
    city and zone.

  18. #32458
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambulatory Cube View Post
    I'm assuming this means that lorewise its under EK, but mapwise its in a chunk somewhere else, much like Zaralek's map isn't actually "below" the Dragon Isles, it's physically somewhere else and the server yeets us to it when we cross the zone border.
    Cheezits' point is that yesterday they specifically "far away from [EK] underground deep", which feels inconsistent with it just being very deep directly under them.

  19. #32459
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Cheezits' point is that yesterday they specifically "far away from [EK] underground deep", which feels inconsistent with it just being very deep directly under them.
    The bigger issue is that the ingame book specifies it's far away both spatially and temporally from where the Dwarves turned up. Which means it's far away lorewise, not mechanically.

  20. #32460
    algar is shown as very deep and far from EK. like zaralek but super speed dragonflying

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