1. #32621
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrrh View Post
    What part of it seems believable? It's half written as a casual description, and half as if it is the promo material itself. Also Ava'Loren.
    I'm not sure why those things would discredit it. A leak could be bits and pieces compiled from separate sources. Some of it could be copy-pasted from official overview, some of it could be added in from memory.

    Avaloren is the spelling that we're familiar with from an ancient document written by a Watcher. That doesn't have to be the exact same name or spelling that the locals or others give to it.

    The part about the leak that seems credible to me is how it would appeal to new players. It's a fresh continent, with a different history. The game is 20 years old, and it needs to appeal to a literally new generation of players to survive.

    At the same time, it tries to keep the current player base happy by branching off of established but unvisited lore about the emergence of Night Elves from Trolls. It offers up exploration of the nature of Elune. It offers a personalizable spot in the world that won't be as isolated as previous iterations. It offers the ability to customize the appearance and feel of class abilities without changing their mechanics. More personalization and ownership keeps people invested, even if it's largely cosmetic.

  2. #32622
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noirebene View Post
    Auto caps work pretty well in the video.

    Basically all the stuff that got datamined are the same as mentioned in the leak.

    Kurast as a new location (specifically sewers)
    "Spiritborne" named files in the same context as other classes.
    Raids mentioned in the files.
    Bunch of new mercs.

    Though the leak appeared on the same day as the video got uploaded, so the person could've very well just watched the same video just posted it as their own leak on here.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  3. #32623
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Auto caps work pretty well in the video.
    Though the leak appeared on the same day as the video got uploaded, so the person could've very well just watched the same video just posted it as their own leak on here.
    I'm thinking the same : guy on MMO-Champion could be trolling us the wow line

  4. #32624


    all the names so far are disappointing

    need something like

    The Black Empire
    Armageddon (if world revamp)
    Shattering of Azeroth (Soa)

    Shadowflame Prophecy Sect (SPS)
    Felstorm Harbingers
    Necrotic Plaguebringers (NPB)
    Endless Void (EV)
    Fel-infused Extinction (FIE)
    Dreadlord Ascendance (DLA)
    Soul-devouring Legion (SDL)
    Destruction's Wake Force (DWF)
    Ruination's Shadowfall (RSF)
    Fel-forged Annihilation (FFA)
    Harbingers of Doom (HOD)
    The Void's Embrace (TVE)
    Azeroth's Unraveling (AU)

  5. #32625
    Quote Originally Posted by locketto View Post
    all the names so far are disappointing

    need something like

    The Black Empire
    Armageddon (if world revamp)
    Shattering of Azeroth (Soa)

    Shadowflame Prophecy Sect (SPS)
    Felstorm Harbingers
    Necrotic Plaguebringers (NPB)
    Endless Void (EV)
    Fel-infused Extinction (FIE)
    Dreadlord Ascendance (DLA)
    Soul-devouring Legion (SDL)
    Destruction's Wake Force (DWF)
    Ruination's Shadowfall (RSF)
    Fel-forged Annihilation (FFA)
    Harbingers of Doom (HOD)
    The Void's Embrace (TVE)
    Azeroth's Unraveling (AU)
    There's something to be said about Blizzard titles and leak titles, but these just sound like the lineup of an ingame death metal concert, past the first three, which don't really leave much up to imagination.

  6. #32626
    SoA = Shad Owl Ands

  7. #32627
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Shame that we don’t have a whole lot of legit sounding leaks this time around. Nothing like “Empire of Dragons”
    (Or explosion of dragons)

    Closest we’ve got is Scaleface’s ‘light vs void’ leaks but that is only because it ties in with the dungeon encounters that were datamined.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  8. #32628
    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    There's something to be said about Blizzard titles and leak titles, but these just sound like the lineup of an ingame death metal concert, past the first three, which don't really leave much up to imagination.
    second list is generated with AI.
    Some of them are very nice, like The void's embrace for example

  9. #32629
    next week will for sure have some good leaks, for sure.

  10. #32630
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Shame that we don’t have a whole lot of legit sounding leaks this time around. Nothing like “Empire of Dragons”

    Closest we’ve got is Scaleface’s ‘light vs void’ leaks but that is only because it ties in with the dungeon encounters that were datamined.
    I'd still like to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering he's not exactly been super on the nose. I think everything said about the context of the ai images he and wowexdev both posted, did not have to be said in the first place, if it was just going for a cheap leak. Guy's gone on record often enough saying that he does get more fun or fun in general out of a good leak season and leaving people wondering about the legit leaks he's posted. The AI images wrapped as 'hints' more or less would be in-line whilst immediately taking the big topic of the images being AI out of the picture, by simply .. coming right out and saying it or 50/50ing it from their own perspective.

  11. #32631
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    One true leak amongst billions of leak generated by AI ... meh

  12. #32632
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    next week will for sure have some good leaks, for sure.
    you mean blizzard release something "by mistake" as usual (creating hype and free marketing) ?

  13. #32633
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Considering everything Void related has talked about "nothingness", the Old Gods are considered to be "avatars of non-existence", and the fact the First Ones' thoughts encompass both everything and nothing (This in regards to "the Light" and "the Dark" btw), I'd like to think that maybe the 7th power isn't nothingness, and that nothingness is attributed most with the force of Shadow.
    I'm torn on the true identity of the 7th
    Nothing makes sense because it wants absolute destroyed and eradication of everything

    But Reality is 100% a possibility as well and the whole "Azeroth is a titan that is protected until she wakes up" doesn't make much sense when you take into account the Titans trying to order it and literally every other force trying to influence it makes me think Azeroth is something more...plus the map

  14. #32634
    Quote Originally Posted by locketto View Post
    second list is generated with AI.
    Some of them are very nice, like The void's embrace for example
    I can't not see Apocalypse as just.. a step up from Cataclysm maybe? The Black Empire is just.. straight as it gets. SoA is again.. Shattering, Cataclysm..?

    The Void's Embrace sounds interesting enough while being relatively clear, it kind of takes the obvious concept but it sounds applicable.

    Harbringers of Doom was another one, since it doesn't even specify a force, it just refers to people without affiliation, with a clear purpose and goal without locking down an overall theme.

    Both of these are the good ones in that lineup.

  15. #32635
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    I'd still like to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering he's not exactly been super on the nose. I think everything said about the context of the ai images he and wowexdev both posted, did not have to be said in the first place, if it was just going for a cheap leak. Guy's gone on record often enough saying that he does get more fun or fun in general out of a good leak season and leaving people wondering about the legit leaks he's posted. The AI images wrapped as 'hints' more or less would be in-line whilst immediately taking the big topic of the images being AI out of the picture, by simply .. coming right out and saying it or 50/50ing it from their own perspective.
    If it weren’t for the datamining I might a bit more skeptical now, but it lines up.

    My theory is that, if the dungeon is still planned to be made/added, that it’ll introduce it to us for next expansion. (Prepatch dungeon OR 10.2.5/7 epilogue dungeon).

    The boss names being “Light Knight”, “Dimension Breaker”, and “The Devourer” point to it obviously light vs void.
    Don’t see why the “Light Knight” would be hostile to us during a void invasion, it’d probably try and help us. Maybe it’s a healing boss like in the BfA snake dungeon?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  16. #32636
    Quote Originally Posted by locketto View Post
    you mean blizzard release something "by mistake" as usual (creating hype and free marketing) ?
    Anything new would be nice.

    I hope we won't stay on algarian stormrider until blizzcon.

  17. #32637
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    Anything new would be nice.

    I hope we won't stay on algarian stormrider until blizzcon.
    I mean we have the 04 World of Warcraft Azeroth shirt, but apparently for you guys having an anniversary in late 2024 means you celebrate in 2023 for some reason.

  18. #32638
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    If it weren’t for the datamining I might a bit more skeptical now, but it lines up.

    My theory is that, if the dungeon is still planned to be made/added, that it’ll introduce it to us for next expansion. (Prepatch dungeon OR 10.2.5/7 epilogue dungeon).

    The boss names being “Light Knight”, “Dimension Breaker”, and “The Devourer” point to it obviously light vs void.
    Don’t see why the “Light Knight” would be hostile to us during a void invasion, it’d probably try and help us. Maybe it’s a healing boss like in the BfA snake dungeon?
    Honestly, they might just be working names/prototype names. Light Knight just is too generic in general. Dimension Breaker and "The Devourer" (outside of the literal 'the') are too, but both of those names could still work in the context of what they are probably going to be (Dimension Breaker probably being something void-related, maybe akin to what Dimensius was in Netherstorm, before we had more context on "Void Lords", just a very powerful Void Walker/evolution of them). The Devourer could just be exactly what it says it is. A Devourer that deserves a 'the' in front of their name, with them expanding on the Devourers from their Shadowlands context. And then the Light Knight is going to be a named character that, yeah.. we either fight for some reason or simply heal Valithria-style. I can see that.

    Edit: What if Light Knight is literally just a prototype/working name for Turalyon and he's helping us fight the other two, which is why the "Light Knight" encounter might not be directly against said "Light Knight", but either primarily a Valithria situation or some other type of support fight.

    The line up in general makes me go back to the AI images a lot anyways. One of them, the wider shot of this Void-Knight type person's back, turned to us, had these lumbering blue creatures in it. I mean, honestly, that's just what I would expect out of AI Art given the SL Devourer prompt, if anything. It doesn't have to be a failure of coming up with Void Beings or something. We know nothing but potential hints or non-hints, at best, in this context. For all we know they could turn the Light vs Void situation around into a theme of the Devourers breaking into reality, causing havoc for everyone, in which case it would be absolutely in everyone's best interests to deal with that first. Taking the Light and the Void as stand-ins for Alliance and Horde. It'd be in line with current writing, frankly. All goody-two-shoes, light-hearted, but with something to fill that faction war void, by having two enemies fight eachother, then come together against a common foe, only to fight again later. And being friendly with BOTH the light and void would presumably offer us deeper glimpses into how those Cosmic Forces may work internally, compared to just fighting them and having second-hand information. Especially because an Expansion like that would HAVE to have Alleria and Turalyon playing their roles, which are both already poster children for "the light and void can work together!". They'd absolutely HAVE to have reasons for both the Lightforged and the Void Elves to not be put into positions where they are actively set against the forces that fundamentally fuel a lot of what they are, on a bigger scale at least, rather than just taking out little void crony #1 and #3.
    Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-10-21 at 03:18 PM.

  19. #32639
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    I mean we have the 04 World of Warcraft Azeroth shirt, but apparently for you guys having an anniversary in late 2024 means you celebrate in 2023 for some reason.
    Wasn't vanilla released in 2004? I guess jersey 04 could just mean 2004.

  20. #32640
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post


    This one deserves a bit of credit, as I think it pitched the idea of Stormriding before we even had the datamined Heroic edition mount.

    Edit: also before Keyboardturn on Twitter started tweeting mysterious gryphon textures etc.
    The western Storms and whatlies beyond became popular at least since that Nightsquall book from the Forbidden Reach. Then there was also the eastward nudge of Kalimdor. The Algarian Stormrider was really just the cherry on top.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashrana View Post
    So, what would be your reaction, if you found out, that come cata release first patch, blizzard were planning to kill everyone by sending a bear through the mail?

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