Yes, actually was a letter snuck in at the end of shadowlands.
King Greymane,
The ally you sent to aid us was most effective, and in return for your patience, I offer welcome news.
With the formation of the new Desolate Council, one of the first topics I propose is the withdrawal of Forsaken troops from the kingdom of Gilneas. In time I hope that we may come closer to agreement, and see both lands into a brighter future.
Warm Regards,
Calia Menethil
<The Pallid Lady>
Btw I don't know if this was spotted by
This means the D4 leak posted here (the one that mentions a revamp) is fake, since it names the Teganze Plains and Torajan Jungles differently (Nahantu).
They probably just saw the real leak about Kurast and Spiritborn and just made their own fake
That would be WILD ngl. Very grounded yet cosmic at the same time. 99.9% not it, but it could be fun.
Maybe the void gang gang do something to the planet and Elune saves us by teleporting the main heroes of Azeroth to the moons and we have to fix the damage to the planet somehow in 11.0. 12.0 we go back and get a world revamp. But, its re originated and 1 kalimdor continent again and we only unlock like 1/4th of it and have to rebuild civilization from scratch. In comes 12.0 player housing.
On alternate Draenor we use a chunk of Draenor's moon to consecrate a moonwell, so she might just be the goddess of all moons.
Also the Thousand Years of War story in Legion describes Argus as being born at the universe's creation and then drifting until it found a star for warmth. Then a planet formed around it. So maybe Elune is inside a moon.
is this a discord raid?
I probably played df more than you guys. i unsubbed last month. there is nothing to do in this expansion. it's the usual dogshit zone with a bunch of rares+ another reskinned legion assault every patch. every new event is just another catch up system with no depth. we got 2 in this major patch.
patch 10.2 is the same.
new raid, new dungeon pool, new arena season, new low effort zone with a bunch of rares. are the 5 new hair colors for belves content?
Last edited by Reive; 2023-10-22 at 07:40 AM.
Elune was so powerful that she was torn apart and sealed inside chunks of space rocks from the beginning of time. Each part of her sought and formed as a moon around planets with mortal life. She is all the moons in one conscience and is able to allow mortals to tap into her power if she is worshipped. That is how she is able to have Night Warriors on different alien worlds that worship her as their moon goddess. She is too powerful to allowed to be whole.
Dear people who think a new capital or world revamp means new leveling zones; teldrassil is still in the game my dudes. We have a wealth of leveling zones already, From every Night Elf player character's perspective the tree was burned long after you've already become a seasoned adventurer. Because Sylvanas killed all the babies that may or may hot have even existed (thank christ)And then one time she mated with a deer.
DF is an okay expansion with more accessible outdoor content than SL. I personally spent 0 hours raiding this time around, it wasn't aesthetically pleasing.
Let's not kid ourselves that WoW is any more than indoor/outdoor PvE and arena/bgs. You didn't enjoy it, all expansions will repeat the same formula. Maybe it's time for a break to try other games or hobbies.
pray for the expansion of light and void! It's stupid to make Dragonflight 2.0 seriously, the elemental theme is very similar to Dragonflight.
I don't want to look at faceless low-poly villains... cringe
Give us beautiful, memorable character.... not Charmander
There's nothing in the actual datamined data overtly pointing to Spiritborn being a nature-based class. The entries just mention wings and flight animations with a single line referencing armor thorns. Angels have wings. Valkyries have wings. There are very few mentions of Spiritborn in the data that was shown in the video as well, and it could easily be a placeholder name.
Spiritborn does not sound like a Diablo class name at all:
- Barbarian
- Druid
- Necromancer
- Rogue
- Sorcerer
- Spiritborn?
The name itself does not invoke strong themes or an easily identifiable fantasy archetype. Druid also already exists. They are not going to have 2 nature-themed classes in a game with 6 classes. There's a reason D3 never implemented a Druid class. Witch Doctor already filled that design space, among other reasons of course.
If a world revamp happens, you think Nelves would still start in Teldrassil? No, they wouldnt. Even if it means they start at 10 like an allied race. In a revamped world it makes 0 sense for any race to still start in a Cata world. At the bare minimum they would need to update the starter zones, or make everything start at 10.
No, but she has ties to the moon. Maybe an old base there? Maybe the keeper dwarves there would start worshiping her instead. She very well could have her own facility there as she probably wants Azeroth's world soul too.
But physically, no shes more important than that. Shes probably somewhere else right now. She may have never even physically been to Azeroth, but theres a chance she had some of her followers go there. Perhaps to the moon.
Either way I was just joking about making a fake moon dwarf leak. I do think the idea could be cool, but its not gonna happen. Lets move on.