1. #33101
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Gnomes and Goblins. Neither have appeared in a cinematic.
    Well Goblins had a giant ass statue in the Cataclysm one, if that counts

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Iridikrons design goes incredibly hard and is probably one of the best designs in WoW, period.

    I think it'a pretty generic "I'm a bad guy in a video game" look.

  2. #33102
    Brewmaster Azalar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I think it'a pretty generic "I'm a bad guy in a video game" look.
    He's also pretty furry bait if you ask me (even if he's not furry at all lmao)

    I've seen loads of people thirsty about him.

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  3. #33103
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry123 View Post
    I hope not lol, seriously the dude doesn't look like the main villain and he looks like a low poly Charmander
    I agree. The designs of the Primal Incarnates go completely against the Warcraft aesthetic. I don't want to see more of them in the future.

  4. #33104
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebir95 View Post
    is this a discord raid?

    I probably played df more than you guys. i unsubbed last month. there is nothing to do in this expansion. it's the usual dogshit zone with a bunch of rares+ another reskinned legion assault every patch. every new event is just another catch up system with no depth. we got 2 in this major patch.

    patch 10.2 is the same.

    new raid, new dungeon pool, new arena season, new low effort zone with a bunch of rares. are the 5 new hair colors for belves content?
    Clearly not properly, or at leas you didn't pay attention.

    "new raid, new dungeon pool, new arena season, new low effort zone with a bunch of rares. are the 5 new hair colors for belves content?"

    Clearly you haven't been paying attention to WoW since like, what.. TBC? Although I doubt you were even born then.

  5. #33105
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    He's also pretty furry bait if you ask me (even if he's not furry at all lmao)

    I've seen loads of people thirsty about him.
    He definitely looks masculine.

  6. #33106
    Stood in the Fire Northelim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    He wasn't a leaker.

    There was a post on NGA (a major Chinese forum) during Legion that was attempting to establish a pattern in expansions, where he pointed out that themes in old expansions show up again in new expansions. e.g. "Burning Crusade was about Draenor and about the Legion, WoD is about Draenor and Legion is about the Legion". So he then concluded that following that same pattern, Wrath (Old Gods and Scourge) meant that the expansion after Legion would be about Old Gods and the one after that would be about the Shadowlands; and Cata (dragons and elements) meant that 10.0 would be about dragons and 11.0 would be about the elments.

    People now mistakenly call him a leaker and also take his guesses as prophetic word.

    Except we already know that expansions aren't developed like that, because the devs have outright said (on at least two occasions) that they just collaboratively brainstorm where would be cool to go next a couple expansions in advance and then decide on the story to get there. We also know that his lucky guesses have already sort of run out, because Dragonflight is both a dragon and elemental expansion, and his guess for 12.0 and 13.0 was that MoP was "Faction war and Sha" so 12.0 is gonna be Horde vs Alliance and 13.0 is going to be about the Sha, but even he recognized how the Sha coming back made no sense and suggested 13.0 was going to be the end of wow and about the Void instead--and of course, we already dealt with the faction war storyline back in 8.0 at the same time as the Old gods, so the pattern isn't actually a pattern.

    tl;dr it was a regular forum poster who self-admittedly was guessing about random ideas and got lucky a few times, the guesses of whom people now really stupidly take as evidence of stuff happening in the future. In this case, Teriz really wants an Underground expansion, so he's arguing that the guess about 11.0 being "elemental" is proof of an Underground expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If Badlands were more to scale instead of essentially a single fairly small canyon, it'd make more sense for it just to be a desert-y western area. It's just such an out of the way zone though.

    Hmmm I disagree with you about him getting "lucky" either he was just very intelligent and was good at making patterns or he knows something we did not and perhaps worded it the way he did to keep himself safe.

    You cannot just go on and make guesses and be correct about 3 expansions in a row. There is no way that's luck at that point. 1 expansion correct? Sure. But not 3 in a row. Oh and please save me the excuses for 10.0 because 10.0 was exactly about the Dragons as the main plot point with Elementals as a side thing. He was 100% correct in saying that 10 is dragon related even if he did not mention Elementals, that doesn't make him any less correct, the man was right that the big focus will be Dragons. Every expansion has multiple side focuses along with the main one.

    Let's see I'd his correct about 11 which he mentions that the Elementals are the big focus. We are gonna have to wait and see. As for the 12.0 and the Sha that is the only thing that I am skeptical about and not sure. The void is happening sooner or later, but it's happening.
    Last edited by Northelim; 2023-10-22 at 03:42 PM.

  7. #33107
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Well Goblins had a giant ass statue in the Cataclysm one, if that counts

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think it'a pretty generic "I'm a bad guy in a video game" look.
    I'd say no both because it's a statue and the fact you only see its back really

  8. #33108
    Quote Originally Posted by Azalar View Post
    He's also pretty furry bait if you ask me (even if he's not furry at all lmao)

    I've seen loads of people thirsty about him.
    Yea, people who call this furry bait are a special breed of wrong. It's like saying "it's not humanoid, therefor it's furry" :P

    I do quite like the design though, it's a good step forward in villain design, no matter how generic it looks. It beats the other generic "Here is a dragon human, here is an elemental. Oh and don't forget evil big grey human"

  9. #33109
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post

    I'd even go so far as to say that housing isn't all that ambitious, since all the other mmo's do it. WoW is so far behind the times, it's out of step with the times. So I'm sorry if I find these people completely preposterous.
    Yeah. Nowadays every MMO needs at least a room that you can customize. This extends to games like Genshin Impact or Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.
    I really don't get why we don't have a functional housing system in wow yet.

  10. #33110
    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    Yea, people who call this furry bait are a special breed of wrong. It's like saying "it's not humanoid, therefor it's furry" :P

    I do quite like the design though, it's a good step forward in villain design, no matter how generic it looks. It beats the other generic "Here is a dragon human, here is an elemental. Oh and don't forget evil big grey human"
    How is this furry. its scaly

  11. #33111
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Yeah. Nowadays every MMO needs at least a room that you can customize. This extends to games like Genshin Impact or Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.
    I really don't get why we don't have a functional housing system in wow yet.
    While I agree, I'd much rather have them focus on interesting content to do than housing.

    I mean, I'd love it if we got reasons to do "older" content again. Maybe some furniture(recipes) in older content dungeons/raids etc. But there is more to housing than just a building/room. You need to have a lot of content added for furniture, decoration etc etc.

  12. #33112
    only 10 days away from the blizzcon and still not even once believable leak man its hard

  13. #33113
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    While I agree, I'd much rather have them focus on interesting content to do than housing.

    I mean, I'd love it if we got reasons to do "older" content again. Maybe some furniture(recipes) in older content dungeons/raids etc. But there is more to housing than just a building/room. You need to have a lot of content added for furniture, decoration etc etc.
    Yeah well the problem is, interesting content is not just one objective truth.
    And as you said, there is more to housing than just building a room. A lot of activities can be tied to it.

  14. #33114
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Yeah well the problem is, interesting content is not just one objective truth.
    And as you said, there is more to housing than just building a room. A lot of activities can be tied to it.
    Very true. If they do it, I really hope they do it. Just imagine having some cool old content raids dropping stuff "Lava closet" from Molten Core. "Cultist Altar" from Nyalotha etc. Would be amazing.

  15. #33115
    Quote Originally Posted by Northelim View Post
    Hmmm I disagree with you about him getting "lucky" either he was just very intelligent and was good at making patterns or he knows something we did not and perhaps worded it the way he did to keep himself safe.
    What? We know, from the devs themselves, that they decide on expansions a couple beforehand by getting in a group and discussing where they want to go and what would be cool. There is objectively no "pattern" to be good at making, and there's nothing for him to know. He got lucky.

  16. #33116
    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    So you think it's unbelievable that we're adding even more elitist raid content, which you can only do once a week per difficulty level?

    Wow. What was I saying about people dragging the game down?
    In what world is doing an old raid elitist LMAO?

  17. #33117
    guys based on the RAF reward im gonna say the next class are tinkers

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    In what world is doing an old raid elitist LMAO?
    noobs think any content with difficulty are elitist

    best ignore them

  18. #33118
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Well Goblins had a giant ass statue in the Cataclysm one, if that counts

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think it'a pretty generic "I'm a bad guy in a video game" look.
    Ye thought the same thing. He looks pretty generic.

  19. #33119
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    In the world in which I'm talking about recent raids, and in which I'm talking about old raids that can only be farm once or twice a WEEK.

    It's not hard to understand when you make the minimum effort.
    I fail to understand what you are getting at.

    It's elitist to add rewards to old raids because... the weekly lockout?

    Formerly known as Arafal

  20. #33120
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terremer View Post
    So you think it's unbelievable that we're adding even more elitist raid content, which you can only do once a week per difficulty level?

    Wow. What was I saying about people dragging the game down?
    I mean, there could be rewards from raids as well, but plenty of stuff outside of it. It could help make professions fun for instance.

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