1. #33261
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    What Sword? That Sword!
    Would love to see the new cinematic open with Silithus. Then, someone/something pulls the sword out. From there, who knows?

    My personal prediction has been Avaloren/other side of Azeroth for a while now, so I'm going to stick to it regardless of the actual outcome. However, I am an easy guy. I'll be happy with whatever happens!

  2. #33262
    Herald of the Titans Worldshaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    I think that you're conflating content (i.e. who and where and so on) with the intended vibes and atmosphere. So while yes, dragons are important, and dragons were important in Cataclysm, they are straight up saying that they wanted the Dragon Isles to feel like an adventure in an unknown land, like Pandaria. I'm more inclined to take the developers at their word rather than believing that they're engaging in marketing subterfuge while discreetly carrying out the will of a forum post theory.
    Your last sentence is pretty dismissive. When have I suggested that they're secretly carrying out my will?

    All I've done is point out an obvious pattern in terms of where the story is going. Devs can frame things any way they like in interviews or on stage. In that context, they are marketers representing a corporation.

  3. #33263
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    There is simply too much in-game lore pointing at Avaloren.
    There's an entire quest line where you just collect books and scolls, and a huge chunk of all of them point towards a forgotten or hidden land. Beyond that there are all the ancient volumes throughout Uldaman : Legacy of Tyr that mention the same things.

    It's Avaloren, Khaz Algar, and Azshara. It's pretty much without question in my mind. It's happening now in 11.0 with the 20th anniversary. They can't put it off for another expansion. They need something that will pull in new players more than anything. New continents with new history are less alienating than abstract fights on different planes of existence.

    You have to think about it as a business decision. Avaloren and the other side of the world is happening now.

    Sadly, I believe its Avaloren too.
    I say sadly because I'm a little bit anxious that the current blizz dev team will f*ck up new continent completely

    Usually, upcoming expansions are "teased" in X.0 patches.

    In WOD we had Gul'Dan and his Legion meddling.
    In Legion we had stranded Kul Tiran marines and Zandalari sailors.
    in BFA we had Jaina "shadowlands" storyline and we also had "Into the Shadowlands" table mission.
    in SL we did have couple of dragon hints in Ardenweald and also "time-skip" hints in the Maw....

    And now in DF we have many mentions of Avaloren. even more in 10.2 books.

  4. #33264
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    Your last sentence is pretty dismissive. When have I suggested that they're secretly carrying out my will?

    All I've done is point out an obvious pattern in terms of where the story is going. Devs can frame things any way they like in interviews or on stage. In that context, they are marketers representing a corporation.
    I don't think it's an obvious pattern at all, which is why I'm trying to caution you from thinking it's ironclad. I don't have any reasons to think the developers are trying to mislead the interpretation of their own product based on what I've seen myself in-game. If you do, that's fine, but I think you're going to find yourself stretching at times to make square pegs fit into round holes.

  5. #33265
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    I don't think it's an obvious pattern at all, which is why I'm trying to caution you from thinking it's ironclad. I don't have any reasons to think the developers are trying to mislead the interpretation of their own product based on what I've seen myself in-game. If you do, that's fine, but I think you're going to find yourself stretching at times to make square pegs fit into round holes.
    Even if it is obvious, that doesn't mean it has any predictive capabilities. The pattern could simply be happenstance, not intent.

  6. #33266
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    "IF", big "IF" here, Blizzard has a "legitimate leak" prior to BlizzCon, I pray that it is something "non-divisive." If, for example, the "legitimate leak" is obviously another planet/dimension, that would probably enflame the community. "IF" a "legitimate leak" happens, I hope it is something that isn't obvious, so that we can still speculate, have fun, enjoy the ride, and THEN be excited/disappointed during the announcement (opposed to being excited/disappointed before the event even happens).
    Idk I'd personally probably take a leak letting me down easy instead of the faceslap the SL cinematic was

  7. #33267
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Would love to see the new cinematic open with Silithus. Then, someone/something pulls the sword out. From there, who knows?

    My personal prediction has been Avaloren/other side of Azeroth for a while now, so I'm going to stick to it regardless of the actual outcome. However, I am an easy guy. I'll be happy with whatever happens!
    I'd like the cinematic cutting to the sword just falling over, but then never being addressed

  8. #33268
    If a genuine world revamp and a revamp of all classic dungeons for M+ came at the cost of that expansion having one less raid; I would be completely fine with that

    Let's not forget - a world revamp expansion would not need new zones on top of a revamp; cataclysm it was necessary because the map had gaps - now it doesn't

    WoW has been a post cata world longer than it was the vanilla world; it's been over 10 years now - they NEED to update it for the longevity of the game

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Would love to see the new cinematic open with Silithus. Then, someone/something pulls the sword out. From there, who knows?

    My personal prediction has been Avaloren/other side of Azeroth for a while now, so I'm going to stick to it regardless of the actual outcome. However, I am an easy guy. I'll be happy with whatever happens!
    If we do get an underground expansion; removing the sword and entering the mantle of azeroth via the wound seems the most plausible way - plus it would finally wrap up the sword plot

    - - - Updated - - -

    I haven't been hyped for an expansion theme since BFA; if it really is Avaloren - that'll be three disappointing announcements in a row

  9. #33269
    Quote Originally Posted by Baraden View Post
    If a genuine world revamp and a revamp of all classic dungeons for M+ came at the cost of that expansion having one less raid; I would be completely fine with that

    Let's not forget - a world revamp expansion would not need new zones on top of a revamp; cataclysm it was necessary because the map had gaps - now it doesn't

    WoW has been a post cata world longer than it was the vanilla world; it's been over 10 years now - they NEED to update it for the longevity of the game

    - - - Updated - - -

    If we do get an underground expansion; removing the sword and entering the mantle of azeroth via the wound seems the most plausible way - plus it would finally wrap up the sword plot

    10 years? more like 15 years bruh
    ok, ok... 14.

  10. #33270
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    10 years? more like 15 years bruh
    ok, ok... 14.
    Cata was december 2010; so we're just coming up to 13 years

    Either way it's still longer than the vanilla version of the world existed - which is even more crazy given that all the zones in EK and Kalimdor now have been in a state of perpetual crisis after Deathwing just attacked... 13 years ago

  11. #33271
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    I remember people crying how MOP was childish... But man.... they made Chen look like a FERAL BEAST compared to ANY "ancient badass dragon" we're having in Wokeflight.

    It brings me to tears :'(

    Such a HUUUUUUUUGE potential expansion and theme.... thrown away to disneyland.
    Agreed. Dragonflight feels like a Disneyy theme park as opposed to a WORLD of WARCRAFT.

  12. #33272
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    What Sword? That Sword!
    I've never "not" been HYPE for an expansion announcement/release. Now, once some time has passed during an expansion on the other-hand... (depends on the expansion, of course).

  13. #33273
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Acting like we didn't just commit a bunch of war crimes across the expac...
    I'm not. I actually feel like this expac is made for Disney folk. Sorry you can't understand my position \/(-_-)\/

  14. #33274
    Stood in the Fire Northelim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    There is simply too much in-game lore pointing at Avaloren.
    There's an entire quest line where you just collect books and scolls, and a huge chunk of all of them point towards a forgotten or hidden land. Beyond that there are all the ancient volumes throughout Uldaman : Legacy of Tyr that mention the same things.

    It's Avaloren, Khaz Algar, and Azshara. It's pretty much without question in my mind. It's happening now in 11.0 with the 20th anniversary. They can't put it off for another expansion. They need something that will pull in new players more than anything. New continents with new history are less alienating than abstract fights on different planes of existence.

    You have to think about it as a business decision. Avaloren and the other side of the world is happening now.
    I do believe that Avaloren is happening, but I do not believe it is the next expansion and I will explain why. As many hints and suggestions there are, Dragon isles was kind of similar. If you remember the legendary cloak questline in BFA where you talk to Wrathion on the balcony he says "Few have heard of the Dragon Isles, fewer have been there..." people 100% thought that a Dragon themed expansion was the next big thing. But then, BAM Shadowlands happend and Dragon Isles was saved for the expansion afterwards.

    I believe we will be going Underground first somewhere in current Azeroth and not the other side yet and that is being saved for later. You are forgetting about Khaz Algar. Khaz is a dwarven classical name, Khaz Modan is a mountain where dwarves live, Khaz Algar sounds like another mountain with dwarves and some titan stuff. The Uldaman item/quest talks about it in the game in Dragonflight, I believe this is coming first BEFORE Avaloren.

    Next month Trading Post is also full of Dwarven stuff.

  15. #33275
    Quote Originally Posted by NoTimeToDie5426 View Post
    Agreed. Dragonflight feels like a Disneyy theme park as opposed to a WORLD of WARCRAFT.
    We must be going to very different Disney parks

  16. #33276
    only khaz algar, not avaloren

  17. #33277
    Yeah we’re not getting a legit leak until Blizzcon day.

  18. #33278
    Quote Originally Posted by Yusefstrasza View Post
    Yeah we’re not getting a legit leak until Blizzcon day.
    We technically got the Algarian Stormrider but yeah everything else is pure larp

  19. #33279
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    We technically got the Algarian Stormrider but yeah everything else is pure larp
    And thats all we’re gonna be stuck with until Blizzcon

  20. #33280
    Quote Originally Posted by Northelim View Post
    I do believe that Avaloren is happening, but I do not believe it is the next expansion and I will explain why. As many hints and suggestions there are, Dragon isles was kind of similar. If you remember the legendary cloak questline in BFA where you talk to Wrathion on the balcony he says "Few have heard of the Dragon Isles, fewer have been there..." people 100% thought that a Dragon themed expansion was the next big thing. But then, BAM Shadowlands happend and Dragon Isles was saved for the expansion afterwards.

    I believe we will be going Underground first somewhere in current Azeroth and not the other side yet and that is being saved for later. You are forgetting about Khaz Algar. Khaz is a dwarven classical name, Khaz Modan is a mountain where dwarves live, Khaz Algar sounds like another mountain with dwarves and some titan stuff. The Uldaman item/quest talks about it in the game in Dragonflight, I believe this is coming first BEFORE Avaloren.

    Next month Trading Post is also full of Dwarven stuff.
    This is what I think they're doing as well. They typically hint to the expansion after the next expansion in-game. Avaloren seems too similar to DF thematically.

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