1. #33641
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilas View Post
    Really wish I didn't need to scroll through 200 pages of bickering and back and forth about wishlist "leaks", AI and calling others out, only to realising there was nothing of substance, relevance or discovery, so much so that time gets wasted. not cool guys...
    Yeah I made that mistake with 50 pages last week. You gotta just jump ahead a few pages at a time and skim a couple posts at the top of each to see if anything good is actually being discussed, because if something really happened worth talking about it would last multiple pages and you would be able to find it easily.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  2. #33642
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Light is absolute more pro free will then order is.

    Like Algalon glassed countless planets for not fitting the titans plans while the light was a mean to some orcs and illidan.
    The Light is pro free will as long as you do what it wants. Otherwise, you're clearly a heretic that needs to be purged.
    Algalon glassed planets for not fitting the Titan's designs, not for people complaining about them or wanting something else. He was very much willing to hold off on it when we showed that we were serious about and capable of taking a different path. You don't exactly see the Titans themself complaining about it, either. And the threshold before this was even triggered was pretty significant as well. It's not like Algalon showed up the instant somebody stepped on the wrong side of the tiling.

  3. #33643
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Yeah I made that mistake with 50 pages last week. You gotta just jump ahead a few pages at a time and skim a couple posts at the top of each to see if anything good is actually being discussed, because if something really happened worth talking about it would last multiple pages and you would be able to find it easily.
    Yeah this is actually a pretty good tactic. A real looking leak would definitely linger in the discussion.

  4. #33644
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    Over time, of course, right? I really do not want to see them trying to impromptu balance 5-6 new Support Specs in one go, it's just gonna be Aug but worse.
    I go back and forth on that. I feel like getting them out of the way to start and rebalancing before the first raid may work better than rebalancing and continuously adding in new specs throughout the expansion. Though I do agree that too much all at once could lead to chaos to start with some being over/underbalanced to hell and back.

  5. #33645
    Quote Originally Posted by Northelim View Post
    Yes and no. The Uldaman Legacy of Tyr does have official info about it and it will be heavily involving the titan stuff and the earthen so that gives people something to talk about.
    I mean that's worse. If we didn't have that we could at least be like "what's Algar? Is it another planet? Another continent? Maybe a new race? Maybe it's a new boss?" Etc. But now we know it's just Khaz Algar.

  6. #33646
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Tauren were a Yaungol tribe that wandered north and got changed by the WoE.

    Pandaren origins are unknown, we just know they eventually settled around the Vale.
    Which does not at all conflict with what i said. The Yaungol in turn are believed to have descended from some unknown bull wild god, which means the Tauren also descended from it, being descendants of the Yaungol.

    Pandaren might be a furbolg offshoot for all we know.

  7. #33647
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngerFork View Post
    I go back and forth on that. I feel like getting them out of the way to start and rebalancing before the first raid may work better than rebalancing and continuously adding in new specs throughout the expansion. Though I do agree that too much all at once could lead to chaos to start with some being over/underbalanced to hell and back.
    I think at least 2 or 3 support specs are needed at one point otherwise people would feel compelled to just roll "that one class" and people attached to their owm main might riot.

  8. #33648
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    The Light is pro free will as long as you do what it wants. Otherwise, you're clearly a heretic that needs to be purged.
    No the light gives zero mandates beyond “have faith”.

    You want to kill every one because they are corrupted by undeath, ok with the light.

    You want to run your kingdom in a just and fair manor, ok with the light.

    You want to eat grass on the plains while remembering to get in your praying, ok with the light.

    You want to run away from demons or fight Demons for ten thousand years, promoted by the light.

    And of every different way we have seen the light go along with what ever it has only ever been Xera who has had the “convert or die” idea, that’s something she’s all for not the light it self.

    Algalon glassed planets for not fitting the Titan's designs, not for people complaining about them or wanting something else. He was very much willing to hold off on it when we showed that we were serious about and capable of taking a different path. You don't exactly see the Titans themself complaining about it, either. And the threshold before this was even triggered was pretty significant as well. It's not like Algalon showed up the instant somebody stepped on the wrong side of the tiling.
    Algalon glasses planets for expressing free will that’s what not following the titans designs mean.

    He also wasn’t a reactive agent who only showed up when things went to hell he was actively going from Titan touched planet to Titan touched planet and destroying any that has will beyond what the titans wanted and even says him self that he didn’t see what the people on the planet wanted or if they clung to life as hard as we did.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  9. #33649
    Stood in the Fire Northelim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    I mean that's worse. If we didn't have that we could at least be like "what's Algar? Is it another planet? Another continent? Maybe a new race? Maybe it's a new boss?" Etc. But now we know it's just Khaz Algar.
    Too be honest, I prefer to have some actual meaningful information to talk about than "speculate" about random fake leaks that don't make any sense or written by 12 year olds.

  10. #33650
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Which does not at all conflict with what i said. The Yaungol in turn are believed to have descended from some unknown bull wild god, which means the Tauren also descended from it, being descendants of the Yaungol.

    Pandaren might be a furbolg offshoot for all we know.
    They are presumably also enhanced by proximity to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, which similarly made the Murloc evolve into Jinyu.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  11. #33651
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    They were the original inhabitants of the planet back when it was called Pandazeroth. They created the elemental forces to make soup.
    Honestly, wasn't there at some point some speculation or topic about them possibly being a form of evolved Furbolg? The odd one out?

    Edit: Nvm looks like it was already brought up

  12. #33652
    Quote Originally Posted by Futhark View Post
    Logically, there is some proto-version of trolls, tauren and goblins that were originally stone, made by titans, and afflicted by the Curse of Flesh. We just havent' discovered them yet, or they are all gone.
    As far as we know the animal races are the result of slaying Ysharrj. The Djaradin-like statues in the Emerald Dream throw this for a loop when you take this into consideration with the Djaradin concept art that gave them troll-like features & clothing: Say, perhaps something analogous to the curse of flesh or the blood of Ysharrj transformed some Djaradin into the first Trolls. For what we know there's no concrete connection between Trolls & the Titans, but they may be planting the lore seeds that all sapient races are, either directly or indirectly, the result of the Titan's actions.

  13. #33653
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northelim View Post
    Too be honest, I prefer to have some actual meaningful information to talk about than "speculate" about random fake leaks that don't make any sense or written by 12 year olds.
    Khaz Algar exist isn't really enough fodder thogh. This is the first leak season where we seem to be losing steam as BlizzCon approaches instead of gaining,

  14. #33654
    Stood in the Fire Northelim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Khaz Algar exist isn't really enough fodder thogh. This is the first leak season where we seem to be losing steam as BlizzCon approaches instead of gaining,
    I am sure something will be coming up here in the next few days, it always does when it comes to leaks.

  15. #33655
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    As far as we know the animal races are the result of slaying Ysharrj. The Djaradin-like statues in the Emerald Dream throw this for a loop when you take this into consideration with the Djaradin concept art that gave them troll-like features & clothing: Say, perhaps something analogous to the curse of flesh or the blood of Ysharrj transformed some Djaradin into the first Trolls. For what we know there's no concrete connection between Trolls & the Titans, but they may be planting the lore seeds that all sapient races are, either directly or indirectly, the result of the Titan's actions.
    Now all we need is for WoW's version of Sephiroth to come along and be all like:

    If not for Y'Shaarj our race would not have evolved. Ergo Y'Shaarj is our father. So I'll ascend to godhood and actually do what my father tried to do.

  16. #33656
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    The Light is pro free will as long as you do what it wants. Otherwise, you're clearly a heretic that needs to be purged.
    Algalon glassed planets for not fitting the Titan's designs, not for people complaining about them or wanting something else. He was very much willing to hold off on it when we showed that we were serious about and capable of taking a different path. You don't exactly see the Titans themself complaining about it, either. And the threshold before this was even triggered was pretty significant as well. It's not like Algalon showed up the instant somebody stepped on the wrong side of the tiling.
    Nvm the fact that Eonar herself is still IN THE PANTHEON, after planting Elun'Ahir and basically lovey doveying around with what basically constitutes as the force of "Life" in a way. Golganneth (Air/Water) and Khaz'goroth (Fire) are very much so making use of most of the elements, something they confined to their own planes when first ordering Azeroth.

    Sure, the light seems to be fine with giving people it's power in turn for just.. faith. But what happens when the Light, in the grand scheme of things, calls upon you to act on said faith. Because that's the thing. Tirion didn't oppose Arthas because the light told him to do so, but most of the light users we know, on Azeroth, haven't even been in much contact with what the Cosmic Force would be vs the small fry that is simply believing in 'the Light' as a thing.

    But we absolutely have more examples, I agree with you, that Order, while there are boundaries, does not punish you for straying off path so long as the goals still align and it's not overwhelmingly shifting the balance. It's kinda what I said earlier in the Thread at some point. Order is Balance. Everything we've seen of the Light on a more Cosmic level is literally just forced indoctrination and threat of genocide, unless accepting assimilation.
    Last edited by Dismayxz; 2023-10-23 at 03:03 PM.

  17. #33657
    im gonna start summoning some leakers with one internet pun everyday until blizzcon!

    what do you call a gnome priest? a compact disc.

  18. #33658
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Which does not at all conflict with what i said. The Yaungol in turn are believed to have descended from some unknown bull wild god, which means the Tauren also descended from it, being descendants of the Yaungol.

    Pandaren might be a furbolg offshoot for all we know.
    I believe that trolls are offsprings of some lizard wild god. Xibala as example.
    Same as Vulpera is offsprings of that Fox loa from WoA trilogy.
    Yaungol - pretty much Yak Celestial ones.
    I think all not forged races are offsprings of some wild god.
    Quillboars, Harpies, Yaugol, furborgs(and mutated ones from Vale - pandarens) ankoa, grells, tortolans. All native races are born from Wild Gods.
    Goblins are just pigmies mutated by mimiron. But pigmies can also be some titanforged hit by Curse of flesh.

  19. #33659
    If they add more support classes, I could see them adding it as a fourth role as others have said. Provided they're along the lines of Augment, they could have it pool with damage and allow for only one per group. That way you don't end up with 3 supports and can still go in with 3 dps. I think it would be the best course of action if they go forward with the idea.

  20. #33660
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    No the light gives zero mandates beyond “have faith”.

    You want to kill every one because they are corrupted by undeath, ok with the light.

    You want to run your kingdom in a just and fair manor, ok with the light.

    You want to eat grass on the plains while remembering to get in your praying, ok with the light.

    You want to run away from demons or fight Demons for ten thousand years, promoted by the light.
    The Rejection of the Gift puts that in question. On an existential level, I don't think there are any inherent values to any of the cosmic forces. The Cosmic forces are just that, forces. Fun, fantasy metaphysics. Seems like every cosmic force tries to promise people freedom (through them) from anything that would try to oppress them (the other cosmic forces)

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