#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
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Vault of the Incarnates
I have completed Vault of the Incarnates normal. Had to hop around between a dozen different PUGs before I finally got all the bosses down. I also saw Dathea heroic but didn't kill her.
Visually, the raid was meh. It's just underground rocky caverns all the way through. I guess the ice spider's blue icy room was different, but not memorable. The only vaguely interesting place was the humongous room at the end with the dragons inside the ring prisons from the second Pokemon movie.
Speaking of, if the Titans had built these Pokemon ring prisons to capture powerful dragons, why didn't the Aspects use these against Deathwing and the Black Dragonflight? Even if they weren't capable of flying and chasing Deathwing on their own, the dragons could have lured Deathwing into a trap and activated them.
Sure would have come in handy!
The boss fights I liked were the ice spider, and Dathea. I liked the ice spider fight because you are fighting her while ascending a spiral staircase, and she tries to yank you off of the staircase. The Dathea fight takes place on a circular platform (Boring!) but has you dodging the tornadoes that zip across the room, and then there is the part where you have to position yourself to get knocked off the platform to another platform to fight adds. The Raszageth fight was also sorta decent. The other boss fights were forgettable.
Voice acting. I think that's Patrick Seitz as the first boss? He sounds too much like Garrosh, but Patrick Seitz almost always sounds like Patrick Seitz no matter what character he's voicing, be it in WoW or anywhere else. The Broodkeeper's voice acting was weird. She sounded like a young woman pretending to act old. Raszageth had some good lines during her fight, particularly her maniacal "ruin, ruiiiin!" line, and her "arise and unleash your power!"
VoI's music was forgettable, a continuing trend this expansion. Guess we'll never get great raid music again like Dragon Soul or Siege of Orgrimmar or Blackrock Foundry.
Return to the Forbidden Reach
You are a soldier of the Blue Dragonflight. Why are you not reporting to Kalecgos? The death of the Blue Dragonflight's top leader does not absolve you of your responsibility to your Dragonflight There is a hierarchy you keep going down.
I don't understand. I have only done ONE quest for Damos, which was to check up on his 3 scouts, and now he's giving me more praise than most faction leaders in this game I have worked for over the... what? 15 years the WoW story takes place? It'd make more sense if Damos praised me after I had gone through a whole zone storyline with him rather than just one mundane task.
(In retrospect, random NPC questgivers probably thank me a lot, but that happens in paragraphs of unvoiced text that I forget whereas this gets a fancy voiced cutscene, which is very unusual).
I do not understand why Sarkareth killed Emberthal's people. Yes, Sarkareth dislikes the Aspects, but AFAIK Emberthal hasn't pledged allegiance to the Aspects. The Dracthyr just woke up, then saw the Primalists causing trouble, and then were invited by Wrathion and Ebyssian to go to the Horde/Alliance and ask for their aid, and then they went to the Dragon Isles and fought the Primalists. We literally have not seen Emberthal since the Waking Shores. For all Sarkareth knows, Emberthal's Dracthyr are just working with the dragons due to covenience, not out of loyalty. He could try persuading Emberthal to join him, but no, he just kills Emberthal's people for... reasons? They weren't even fighting each other before now.
They replaced Deathwing's voice actor. The new voice sounds a little less ridiculous, but I would have preferred consistency.
"You chose compassion over violence" what? The navel gazing and shouting match between two barely defined characters in the cave segment is drivle.
Too much drivel. Sanctimonious cutscenes where they are whisper talking and having subtle facial gestures. It's trying too hard to be prestige television. These moments have not been earned. Up until now, Embebrthal has had a grand total of... a minute and a half of screentime across the entire levelling experience, including the Dracthyr starting zone. The game has not endeared me to in Emberthal or has gotten me invested in... whatever is going on with him. The game has very poorly presented the Dracthyr story. I still have no idea what is going on with the villain Saraketh. In the Dracthyr starting zone, he shows up and then blurts out that he hates Neltharion and the Dragon Aspects for no reason I could decipher, and now he is trying to inspire Dracthyr by appealing to Neltharion's vision for them and wants to fulfill that. Maybe the writers have this grandiose storyline in their heads, but it's just not getting across through the game to its audience.
Wait, that's it?
Zskera vaults was okay.
I went back and finished sidequests I missed. Most of them were a snooze. The one about the kids and the baby proto drake was okay. Discovering all of these people lined up to enter this Pandaren's spa got a chuckle out of me, but it says a lot that the only sidequest people talk about was the one with the old dwarf/dragon at the Ruby Life Pools. The quality of the side quests this expac is awful.
Didn't expect to see him again. (He's one of the NPCs you adventure with through WoD's levelling campaign).
The Pokemon snap quests are okay, though it's weird you can't aim the camera up or down. The rock climbing minigame was neat, though it is strange that it is a post-game worldquest and doesn't occur during the levelling campaign.
In the Plains, centaur NPCs say that they do not recognize the Primalist's "storm" magic, and that it is "evil". No further elaboration is given. It's just generic fire/ice/earth/lightning powers, the same that shamans everywhere use, be it on Azeroth or in Outland. What makes it different? What makes it "evil"?
It's also strange for an expansion themed around the elemental powers of fire/eath/lightning/ice, we don't get any interaction with elemental spirits or new shaman lore. Even Mists of Pandaria, the monk expansion, had more shaman stuff going with the Dark Shaman and their lore.
There has ostensibly been a five year timeskip, but you certainly don't feel it. The only reminder was seeing Hemet Nessingwary being retired and driving wagon carts.
I've noticed that there was absolutely zero reference to the Cataclysm, the Legion invasion, or the literal lifeblood of the planet bursting out of the ground. These are global disasters that affected everywhere, and you hear not a peep. There should have been some indication that this happened. The dragonkin and centaurs and tuskurr should be saying "yeah, there was a big earthquake and tidal wave 10 years back. Yeah, firery green infernals rained from the sky and inflicted many casualties. Oh and this magical stones burst out of the ground". It's like the devs forgot the history of their own game. Even GW2 acknowledges these global disasters when you visit far away lands. In GW2's third expansion, End of Dragons, you travel to the newly built capital city of the southern continent, you find out that the old capital was recently destroyed when Zhaitan - the villain of the base game - awoke and caused a world wide tidal wave. You can even walk among the ruins, and fight the remnants of the Risen, Zhaitan's zombies from the base game.
Going to start working on my expansion review.
Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2023-04-03 at 12:37 AM.
When exactly should they have done that? AFAIK, they only became aware of his fall after they left the Isles. By the next time they had access to them, he was already dead.
No, there actually shouldn't. The Dragon Isles were magically seperated from the world before the Sundering and only made accessible again shortly before we traveled there. They weren't merely hidden like Uldum.I've noticed that there was absolutely zero reference to the Cataclysm, the Legion invasion, or the literal lifeblood of the planet bursting out of the ground. These are global disasters that affected everywhere, and you hear not a peep. There should have been some indication that this happened.
While the factions absolutely should stay as they are, I could have seen War Mode be better defined in game by adding a Renown/Reputation faction on either side that contains the people who do not agree with a truce. Give them a proper space in the world and try and move all the pvp vendors and everything there.
I can't believe I am saying this, but Taliesin does bring up an excellent point in his new video. According to new sources, the Titans imprisoned five Old Gods. That number is important not only because we only know four by name (G'huun not included), but because technically only three were imprisoned. Y'shaarj was squished and while his body parts were hidden, he might not qualify as imprisoned. So we might be looking at six Old Gods (plus G'huun) on Azeroth.
Way I see it:
10.2: Emerald Dream/related to the green flight
10.3: "The Sands of Time" or something related to the bronze and Infinite flight, perhaps with an old god final boss (I'd rather Murozond, tbh)
10.4, I doubt we'll get this far, but if any recent expansion has a chance it'd be this one. If we do go this far, I reckon we'll see Galakrond.
11.0 I'd be surprised and disappointed if it's not a world revamp, or a new opt-in version of Azeroth that's up to date lore and gameplaywise - letting us go back to Cata version if we want, but otherwise a new Azeroth. Potentially a continent being released each patch, depends on what the story is.
Can we stop pretending every single Horde player wasn't okay with that?
Almost everybody I played with back then either didn't care, or enjoyed it and played along with it.
I didn't pick Forsaken as my first race to invest into because I enjoyed being a "good guy".
People enjoy playing villains, and the factions - both of them - are allowed to do war things in a war IP.
It's like these guys here completely forgot how many Horde players online were making juvenile and childish jokes about "barbecue night elves", "crisp night elves", etc.
Horde players were 100% on board with being the villains, they only got mad once they realized that villains lose in the story and they suffer consequences.
The vast majority of Horde players back in Summer 2018 were making bad taste jokes about "barbecue elves" and don't even try to deny it because I'll pull out the posts and threads from that time.
Vast majority of some horde players on a small independent forum.
It's highly unlikely to be a lot.
Not a lot of people pick the bad guy options in games.
Like how in Mass Effect over 90% of players picked Paragon options instead of Renegade.
Formerly known as Arafal