1. #34301
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Is he a keeper or just higher tier Keeper minion?
    Archaedas is a full keeper.
    Blessed by Khaz'goroth and everything.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  2. #34302
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arahsza View Post
    Light would condemn your kind to obedience and stagnation, I offer the gifts of strength and freedom, I hope you will always remember my kindness.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There’s another thread for AI art
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  3. #34303
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Him being relevant in post-Launch content, once again, means nothing for your argument.
    Again, he's in the opening cinematic welcoming us to Pandaria. At that point he could be an NPC selling us alcohol and he'd still be relevant.

    Karesh, we got Alleria, we got Locus Walker, we got Xalatath.
    Alleria is the only character there that could work, but even that's pushing it because there's zero reason for her to go to K'aresh. We'd need someone actually from there to make it matter, and the Locus Walker simply isn't enough. If we had Locus Walker popping up on a consistent basis whining about returning to his homeworld and rescuing it from the void, then we'd have something. However he's never done that. Ethereals seemingly view K'aresh as a lost cause.

    Avaloren, we got Tyr, we got Odyn.
    You think Tyr and Odyn are on the same level as Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Gul'dan, Illidan, Chen etc.?

  4. #34304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Archaedas is a full keeper.
    Blessed by Khaz'goroth and everything.
    I also though he was just some lower tier keeper as well.
    Oo well..

  5. #34305
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Do we need someone who is local? I mean, we are talking about an expansion hook here, not naming characters who are native to an area lmao.
    Yes, because you need to make the player care about the place where we're going.

    Implying that Thrall is gonna be relevant is also a stretch. Thrall was, funnily enough, on the Blizzcon 2011 Keyart, the Blizzcon we got MoP, which is gonna be a left-field expansion just like the ones we are getting now.
    You got Thrall on the MoP key art because putting Chen on it would be a dead giveaway, and Chen had a connection to Thrall via their first encounter and Chen being a champion of the Horde. Which leads me to believe that the true nature of 11.0 is also going to be a major group of characters that would also be a dead giveaway if they were on the key art, yet are related to Thrall via the lore.

  6. #34306
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, he's in the opening cinematic welcoming us to Pandaria. At that point he could be an NPC selling us alcohol and he'd still be relevant.

    Alleria is the only character there that could work, but even that's pushing it because there's zero reason for her to go to K'aresh. We'd need someone actually from there to make it matter, and the Locus Walker simply isn't enough. If we had Locus Walker popping up on a consistent basis whining about returning to his homeworld and rescuing it from the void, then we'd have something. However he's never done that. Ethereals seemingly view K'aresh as a lost cause.

    You think Tyr and Odyn are on the same level as Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Gul'dan, Illidan, Chen etc.?
    I'd rather have Tyr than Thrall randomly show up out of nowhere and tell us to go somewhere, sorry.

    "I remember Thrall " is the only pro from Thrall randomly showing up lmao.

  7. #34307
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, he's in the opening cinematic welcoming us to Pandaria. At that point he could be an NPC selling us alcohol and he'd still be relevant.

    Alleria is the only character there that could work, but even that's pushing it because there's zero reason for her to go to K'aresh. We'd need someone actually from there to make it matter, and the Locus Walker simply isn't enough. If we had Locus Walker popping up on a consistent basis whining about returning to his homeworld and rescuing it from the void, then we'd have something. However he's never done that. Ethereals seemingly view K'aresh as a lost cause.

    You think Tyr and Odyn are on the same level as Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Gul'dan, Illidan, Chen etc.?
    I think peopel have this idea that since Outland was an expansion, and since Argus was a major patch, that K'aresh is somehow the exact same situation. Which os forgetting that Outland was a location from Warcraft, as well as being the homeworld of the playable race Orcs. And that Argus was the Legion homeworld, as well as the homeworld of the playable race Draenei.

    K'aresh are none of these things. Ethereals are barely present as anything but transmog vendors, and the location itself was only given to give some sligth backstory ot the Ethereals in TBC.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #34308
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yes, because you need to make the player care about the place where we're going.

    You got Thrall on the MoP key art because putting Chen on it would be a dead giveaway, and Chen had a connection to Thrall via their first encounter and Chen being a champion of the Horde. Which leads me to believe that the true nature of 11.0 is also going to be a major group of characters that would also be a dead giveaway if they were on the key art, yet are related to Thrall via the lore.
    Okay, so you admit that Thrall might not have anything at all with the expansion, and might just be featured because 1.) he is the quintessential WoW character and 2.) Metzen is back?


  9. #34309
    no to k'aresh simply because - fuck purple and fuck the ballas too.

  10. #34310
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post

    K'aresh are none of these things. Ethereals are barely present as anything but transmog vendors, and the location itself was only given to give some sligth backstory ot the Ethereals in TBC.
    My main problem with them is that they don't have a recognizable face. Would we really have them as a prominent race for an expansion and have them involved in most of the cutscenes?

  11. #34311
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I want the entire expansion to be in the water, but not underwater.

    Every zone is a reef/shallows/flooded, so that your character is always knee deep in water but never swimming.
    Except if you're a gnome, then you'll always be diving.

  12. #34312
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    no to k'aresh simply because - fuck purple and fuck the ballas too.
    People thought a Legion expansion would be just more neon green everywhere (which everyone was sick of by the end of WoD), but it ended up having surprisingly little of it. When we think of K'aresh, we tend to think of a Netherstorm-esque purple space zone, but if Blizzard ends up using it as the setting for an expansion, I think they would want it to have more variety in aesthetics.

  13. #34313
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    People thought a Legion expansion would be just more neon green everywhere (which everyone was sick of by the end of WoD), but it ended up having surprisingly little of it. When we think of K'aresh, we tend to think of a Netherstorm-esque purple space zone, but if Blizzard ends up using it as the setting for an expansion, I think they would want it to have more variety in aesthetics.
    So have little of the recognizable imagery we would expect from Ethereals, and instead depend entirely on a place we don't know, filled with people we don't have any investment in.

    This is why it's better to have it as a patch at most. Instead of diluting the already anemic concept further by stretching it into a full expansion, have us go there once and use all the great ideas in one great zone rather than five mediocre ones.

    Trying to stretch a concept leaves us with Shadowlands. An expansion of very interesting concept art, but very little player engagement.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #34314
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    My main problem with them is that they don't have a recognizable face. Would we really have them as a prominent race for an expansion and have them involved in most of the cutscenes?
    I've seen people bring this up before and it's never not silly. Not having a face means nothing.

  15. #34315
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Okay, so you admit that Thrall might not have anything at all with the expansion, and might just be featured because 1.) he is the quintessential WoW character and 2.) Metzen is back?

    Here's Thrall having "nothing to do with MoP":

    Thrall, having finished his job at the Maelstrom, he wanted to resign from the politics and train young shaman in Durotar and live in peace with his beloved Aggra and their newborn son Durak.[12] He was soon roped into Garrosh's conflict after the Warchief attempts (and fails) to murder Vol'jin. Narrowly surviving the attempt on his life with the help of Chen Stormstout and Horde heroes, Vol'jin has them contact Thrall and save the Echo Isles from Garrosh's tyranny. Thrall leaves to do so, reiterating what his vision of the Horde—when it was simply an idea in the desert of Durotar—had first entailed.

    Thrall finds the isles under martial law, the Darkspear rounded up by Thrall's very own Kor'kron. After relieving the isles of their control, Thrall ponders how best to deal with Garrosh, concluding that simply challenging him for the right to the Horde would be ill-advised at this point. Instead, he takes up leadership of the isles in the Darkspear heroes' absence and plans to confer with Vol'jin before making any rash moves.

    Following Vol'jin's return to Durotar, Thrall journeys to Sen'jin Village to reunite with his old friend and Chen Stormstout‎. It is there where Vol'jin openly begins the Darkspear Rebellion and the forces of Sen'jin are aided by Horde heroes when the village comes under Kor'kron attack. During the attack, Thrall and Chen worked side by side against the Kor'kron, as the heroes help push back the invaders. With Sen'jin Village secure, Vol'jin proposes an attack on Razor Hill that is briefly halted when the shadow hunter objects to Thrall's plan to journey to Orgrimmar. While understanding Vol'jin worries that Hellscream's forces would kill him if he entered, Thrall is adamant about finding dissidents against his successor in Orgrimmar. After asking Vol'jin to look after his mate and son should anything happen to him, Thrall journeys to Orgrimmar.

    Siege of Orgrimmar
    Thrall alongside Varok reached the gate to Orgrimmar only to be stopped by the Kor'kron guard and Nazgrim. Nazgrim sent the Kor'kron away and allowed Thrall and Varok to enter but he had no guarantees for their safety. They entered the Underhold (probably learning about it from Eitrigg) where they faced the mantid. Varok was badly hurt and urged on Thrall to continue. Thrall entered a throne room in the Underhold and confronted Garrosh, who explained that his dark shaman had corrupted the land, making it impossible for Thrall to call upon the spirits. Thrall engaged Garrosh in melee combat but was soundly defeated. Garrosh himself was subsequently defeated by adventurers.

    Thrall attempted to execute Garrosh with the Doomhammer, but he was stopped by Varian Wrynn, who argued that Garrosh's punishment was not for Thrall alone to decide. Taran Zhu said Garrosh should stand trial in Pandaria. Varian and Thrall agreed and stood down. After Garrosh was led away in chains, Vol'jin told Thrall that the Horde needed its true Warchief back. After pointing out that it was Vol'jin who held the Horde together and preserved its honor, Thrall knelt before Vol'jin and pledged to follow his leadership.

    After the siege ended, Thrall intervened so that Garrosh's remaining arcweaver mages were not executed for treason. He saw potential in orcs able to wield the arcane, an area where the Alliance and their Kirin Tor have always been dominant.[92]
    He had a big role in War Crimes as well.

  16. #34316
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    So have little of the recognizable imagery we would expect from Ethereals, and instead depend entirely on a place we don't know, filled with people we don't have any investment in.

    This is why it's better to have it as a patch at most. Instead of diluting the already anemic concept further by stretching it into a full expansion, have us go there once and use all the great ideas in one great zone rather than five mediocre ones.

    Trying to stretch a concept leaves us with Shadowlands. An expansion of very interesting concept art, but very little player engagement.
    I don't think there's anything to stretch here. Ethereals are like Pandaren. They are a very strong aesthetic with a very strong cultural background that has gone mostly un-tapped, and an enviornment/biome association that remains one of the least utilized.

  17. #34317
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    People thought a Legion expansion would be just more neon green everywhere (which everyone was sick of by the end of WoD), but it ended up having surprisingly little of it. When we think of K'aresh, we tend to think of a Netherstorm-esque purple space zone, but if Blizzard ends up using it as the setting for an expansion, I think they would want it to have more variety in aesthetics.
    i dunno, i was never hiper crazy about old gods aesthetics, ethereals that look like toilet paper stands that you can buy in IKEA and also at the same time my least favorite color is purple.
    Even if half of the zones would have that theme plus half of raid sets/cosmetics being voidy or old gody just makes me puke.

    I don't have any made up facts to belittle the chances of it happening and importancy of old gods etc, besides my personal feeling - fuck purple.
    Last edited by ImTheMizAwesome; 2023-10-24 at 01:14 PM.

  18. #34318
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    i dunno, i was never hiper crazy about old gods aesthetics, ethereals that look like toilet paper stands that you can buy in IKEA and also at the same time my least favorite color is purple.
    Even if half of the zones would have that theme plus half of raid sets/cosmetics being voidy or old gody just makes me puke.

    I don't have any made up facts to belittle the chances of it happening and importancy of old gods etc, besides my personal thing - fuck purple.
    Based on current visual direction, it'd really be more blue than purple.

  19. #34319
    Quote Originally Posted by Worldshaper View Post
    By the way, did we discuss the Kobold with the candle at any greater length? The one Towellie posted a while back, I mean.

    Because this video from a couple of years back reminded me of a Kobold quest chain in Highmountain, in which they essentially use their candles to ward off Old Gods and their minions:


    That particular quest chain might've just been a way for Blizzard to expand on that lore for the future. But as the video explains, Kobols all over Azeroth might have kept up that behaviourism since ages past, even if most of them aren't even threatened by the Old Gods anymore (depending on where they live). It's just what they do, keep the candles lit.
    Th part about Draenor makes me think; could be that there really was an Old God in Draenor and was killed by a Night Warrior? That would explain the permanent night In Shadowmoon Valley, exactly like happened in Darkshore when Tyrande made the ritual.

  20. #34320
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I've seen people bring this up before and it's never not silly. Not having a face means nothing.
    Will you say that after every second quest has a five-minute scene of ethereals talking about their feelings with no facial expressions and a monotone voice?

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