1. #34381
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post

    They have openly said multiple times that they did not like how the old zones were lost with Cata and that they would make sure not to do so in the future because they now have things like Zidormi phasing to stop any losses. There is no "problematic" here when they can just take the EK Kalimdor set and shove them into their own Chromie time world server. They just went about restoring a bunch of Cata removed stuff to the world this very patch because they want to undo removing content forever, and have been steadily adding back lost dungeon and raid stuff.
    I wouldn't put the Destiny vaulting past them personally. They might look at Classic as a justification. Well if you want to play Classic, go play it there, if you want to play post Cata stuff, go play on the Cata servers.

    People fuckin hate Destiny vaulting though, but doesn't mean they won't do it imo.

  2. #34382
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Not even close. Gadgetzan is closer to North Africa, if anything.

  3. #34383
    Quote Originally Posted by keelr View Post
    A new one, this sounds fake, lets see if the induvidual will actually "leak" more
    Sounds like someone making a whispering eye joke

  4. #34384
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post

    That's desert.

    This is how a Mediterranean beach usually looks.

  5. #34385
    Just posted this on reddit, but might as well post it here since we're in peak leak season. I post this every ~2 years when the time comes but it's time for an update:

    Friendly reminder that, to date, every single accurate leak that starts with some overly fantastical narrative is wrong. Accurate leaks are always just random / vague shit and not some fan fiction.

    For fun let's look at what they have been in the past:

    - Cacatlysm races leaked because of data mined hallow's end masks (lul)
    - Press / Blizzcon materials have leaked MOP / WOD / DF before release but none really told anything about key story points
    - Shadowlands cinematic (Bolvar) was leaked via Blizzard shop screenshot, name was leaked months before but no one really got it right on content
    - Legion had a poster (correctly) leaking very vague shit on MMO champ / 4chan. He was posting for weeks up until the announcement with cryptic puzzles around demon hunters etc
    - Dragonflight had drac'thyr / cinematic screenshots leaked before hand along with talent trees (all from press kits)

    Not a single time throughout all of this (over 20 years of me following this, btw) was someone starting an accurate leak with some weird "JOURNEY INTO THE FROZEN TUNDRA WITH OLD ALLIES AGAINST NEW ENEMIES" type of commentary. It's always a leak of some random feature or screen shot.

  6. #34386
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jallfo View Post
    - Press / Blizzcon materials have leaked MOP / WOD / DF before release but none really told anything about key story points
    Didn't the entire story blurb for WoD leak but no one believed them because it was so out of left field? But yes, definitely more of the exception than the rule. The real leaks tend to be light on the details.

    EDIT: Found it.
    Last edited by ercarp; 2023-10-24 at 03:50 PM.

  7. #34387
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Didn't the entire story blurb for WoD leak but no one believed them because it was so out of left field? But yes, definitely more of the exception than the rule. The real leaks tend to be light on the details.
    Oh yeah I remember that now and you're right we basically had the entire set up for WoD beforehand but it just seemed so batshit that it made 0 sense.

    Also I miss back when we all thought those three time warden npcs on timeless isle were a setup for a new class and it's 3 specs.

  8. #34388
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    Oh yeah I remember that now and you're right we basically had the entire set up for WoD beforehand but it just seemed so batshit that it made 0 sense.

    Also I miss back when we all thought those three time warden npcs on timeless isle were a setup for a new class and it's 3 specs.
    That didn't come from press or blizzcon materials though. That was given to someone by a person who worked at blizzard, that person gave it to me, I gave it to the leaker there, not intending for it to be leaked publicly, and they leaked it.

    Nobody was really happy about it. It was not a good time. We were getting leaks throughout MoP about design choices and stuff.

  9. #34389
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    Under the mine I'd say
    Well it's unlikely we'd have an expansion based on the underground areas of Azeroth without a major well-known underground Goblin city.

  10. #34390
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    Oh yeah I remember that now and you're right we basically had the entire set up for WoD beforehand but it just seemed so batshit that it made 0 sense.
    Reading some of the posts from that thread is pretty funny in hindsight:

    Blizzard is laughing so hard. Their plan is working. Make everyone think they've come up with this horrible idea for an expansion, so that everyone will watch Blizzcon. Then, they announce something SO AMAZING, it blows everyone's heads off. Literally. The developers are not going to make some stupid half-arse alternate timeline time travel expansion about EVEN MORE ORCS.

    Please people, stop feeding the troll, wait until Friday, and then enjoy how awesome the TRUE ideas for the next expansion truly are.
    Seeing this same sentiment repeated with the "there's no way they will do Avaloren, it's been canon for less than a year" arguments. Which I personally agree with, I think it needs more time to be set up properly.

  11. #34391
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    If anything, if they did add the AoTC and Augment Rune only to basically troll the doomers with a confirmed 10.3 at Blizzcon and a great expansion concept it would at least get a chuckle out of me and I'd be genuinely impressed.

    Better than the usual cheekiness from that company.
    Last edited by Foreign Exchange Ztudent; 2023-10-24 at 04:10 PM.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  12. #34392
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Reading some of the posts from that thread is pretty funny in hindsight:
    The original version would have been even more off the wall, with Garrosh raising the Warlords from the dead into current Outland, if memory serves.

  13. #34393
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Well it's unlikely we'd have an expansion based on the underground areas of Azeroth without a major well-known underground Goblin city.
    I think it’s very likely.
    BfA woulda been the best time to add it, especially since we’ve got a dungeon on that island and yet they didn’t do Undermine. We got a brand new Gnome island & underground Gnome city made instead of using the Undermine.

    There’s no reason to do Undermine in an expansion that takes us west of Kalimdor.
    Last edited by Nightshade711; 2023-10-24 at 04:01 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  14. #34394
    happy 1800

  15. #34395
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    I think it’s very likely.
    BfA woulda been the best time to add it, especially since we’ve got a dungeon on that island and yet they didn’t do Undermine. There’s no reason to do Undermine in an expansion that takes us west of Kalimdor.
    I think it'd probably make an appearance as a patch zone or be the capital city. Extremely unlikely they'd ever make it the main thing though.

    In an underground expansion that is, not a west of Kalimdor one. Though I guess it could be a patch zone in that as well.

  16. #34396
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    The original version would have been even more off the wall, with Garrosh raising the Warlords from the dead into current Outland, if memory serves.
    Or the scrapped Mongrel Horde idea. Imagine if they actually did that.

    "You're telling me Garrosh escapes prison and forms a new Horde made up of... gnolls and... quilboars? And that's a serious threat somehow?"

  17. #34397
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    The original version would have been even more off the wall, with Garrosh raising the Warlords from the dead into current Outland, if memory serves.
    first time i read about it, can I say I find it a more interesting idea than dimensional time-travel?

  18. #34398
    Quote Originally Posted by jallfo View Post
    Just posted this on reddit, but might as well post it here since we're in peak leak season. I post this every ~2 years when the time comes but it's time for an update:

    Friendly reminder that, to date, every single accurate leak that starts with some overly fantastical narrative is wrong. Accurate leaks are always just random / vague shit and not some fan fiction.

    For fun let's look at what they have been in the past:

    - Cacatlysm races leaked because of data mined hallow's end masks (lul)
    - Press / Blizzcon materials have leaked MOP / WOD / DF before release but none really told anything about key story points
    - Shadowlands cinematic (Bolvar) was leaked via Blizzard shop screenshot, name was leaked months before but no one really got it right on content
    - Legion had a poster (correctly) leaking very vague shit on MMO champ / 4chan. He was posting for weeks up until the announcement with cryptic puzzles around demon hunters etc
    - Dragonflight had drac'thyr / cinematic screenshots leaked before hand along with talent trees (all from press kits)

    Not a single time throughout all of this (over 20 years of me following this, btw) was someone starting an accurate leak with some weird "JOURNEY INTO THE FROZEN TUNDRA WITH OLD ALLIES AGAINST NEW ENEMIES" type of commentary. It's always a leak of some random feature or screen shot.
    Blizzard also put out a preview video for Blizzcon (The BFA one) with Lordaeron themed area in the background which led to a lot of speculation. Even moreso when they took the video down.

  19. #34399
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    I think it’s very likely.
    BfA woulda been the best time to add it, especially since we’ve got a dungeon on that island and yet they didn’t do Undermine. We got a brand new Gnome island & underground Gnome city made instead of using the Undermine.
    Which indicates that they have larger plans for Undermine beyond being only an instance or just a zone. Also we got a brand new Gnome island because of Mechagnomes being added as an allied race.

    There’s no reason to do Undermine in an expansion that takes us west of Kalimdor.
    I didn't say an expansion that takes us west of Kalimdor, I was talking about an underground expansion to the world soul;

    Undermine should be there.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-10-24 at 04:14 PM.

  20. #34400
    Quote Originally Posted by NikolaiShade View Post
    first time i read about it, can I say I find it a more interesting idea than dimensional time-travel?
    One of the reasons I'm not overly upset with the recent interview over flexibility and such is seeing a bit behind the curtains in MoP.

    Things change last minute quite a bit, and things don't always land. A Little Patience, Elune being worshipped as Sea Goddess in MoP, etc. There was a bunch of stuff I don't even remember, it's all just.. very fluid sometimes.

    Mind, the people involved in SoLgate, myself included, were ducking assholes and should have kept our mouths shut. But it is what it is.
    Last edited by Ferlion; 2023-10-24 at 04:10 PM.

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