I want an explosion in the 11.0 cinematic. Please!
The first 20 pages of "War of the Scaleborn" are out.
Not a big fan of the moments when Vyranoth's bias is showcased. Felt like something that Talthis would spew (that pro-Order Blood Elf from Tyr's Guard storyline) and he was meant to be cringe-y with his dialogue.
Last edited by Zers Editor; 2023-10-24 at 08:45 PM.
Yeah this sample does not come out flattering for Vyranoth.
you guys should have seen the bit on the ptr where she talks to odyn lmao.
Feels a bit weird to call Arcane magic Order magic when it's so chaotic. At least visually. It sparks a lot when Khadgar uses it.
yes, maybe I'm late for the party
This is what came to my mind
maybe actually slithus?
Maybe this fancy tree will burn down, maybe it won't
(...) the world is healing (under burning - from the ashes [Warcaft 3 Archimonde huehue] or after saving the tree)
and so it heals and heals, everything blooms (botanai too)
and they (ysera2 and druids) reach Slithus and Ysera2 or another green flying says: okay, okay, we should do something with that sword because it spoils our view from the tree (or mountain)
the druids start some ritual and they channel some green energy (new textures/animations) but something happens and the sword starts to glow purple (probably old gods-shiet) and the sword 'embeds' itself more into Azeroth and the whole slithus collapses - and it turns out that there is hallow earth in the underground and tons of slithds and other damn things are crawling out.
//**in shadowlans , we had a mirrored world above the ICC, maybe now the tyr light will go off and the entrance to the mirror (upside down) dragon isles will open? (old gods - and some ugly monsters)