1. #34841
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I'd love to see an animation update in the same vein that we got in Legion. DK's, monks, and hunters in particular need it the most.
    Shamans say hi!

    Many classes could do with updates tbh and it's definitely something I'm hoping we get next xpac.

  2. #34842
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I mean, look at Arathi Highlands, not exactly fitting of the revamp definition some people have, but for all intents and purposes did get a facelift. If it's like that with some fresh content thrown in, that's fine by me.
    I think that's what we would get with a world revamp expansion.

  3. #34843
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    She's such an amazing villain
    Yeah sure, that was the point here...her beautiful personality lel
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  4. #34844
    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    And I hope, that if we do get an underground expansion, we do not get Undermine. Or at least just degrade it to a dungeon. Imagine the fun you can have with the bosses/encounters there.
    ...Then it would just be like Gnomergan and Mechagon.

    For once, maybe have an underground city that actually IS a city and not just some raid or dungeon.

    Heck, for all we know, they could make the Undermine look like Wall Market from FF7 with interconnecting sections of the city and since there's Azerite underneath, have Gallywix run the whole city and use the Azerite like Mako.

    Focus on the city aspect, rather than the underground aspect.

  5. #34845
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    ...Then it would just be like Gnomergan and Mechagon.

    For once, maybe have an underground city that actually IS a city and not just some raid or dungeon.

    Heck, for all we know, they could make the Undermine look like Wall Market from FF7 with interconnecting sections of the city and since there's Azerite underneath, have Gallywix run the whole city and use the Azerite like Mako.

    Focus on the city aspect, rather than the underground aspect.
    You also forgot Tazavesh, which was an awesome city yet again only used for the dungeon without the option to visit it after the initial run. But atleast we got Korthia, the city of secrets, right? RIGHT?

  6. #34846
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Why shouldn't they? The point here is to get a city hub, doesn't matter if it's on Echo Isle, or in their original terirtory in STV .. i.e. Zul'gurub (being a Gurubashi tribe of trolls), or back in trolll ancestral lands amongst the Zandalari - as long as they get a city hub is what I'm getting at.

    i'd liek the Mag'har to get Au Draenor back, but since that is not in our universe, maybe they revamp Outland to be a lo t like AU DRaenor, it was the Outland revamp - tbf. I'd like that.. It's their home, they should have it
    I support anything that brings my fav races out of dread.

  7. #34847
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Token gestures for the others.
    A little bit of something for Void Elves.
    Everything is Night Elf focus

    Nothing for Blood Elves or Nightborne because he's frightened to death of a Silvermoon/Quel'Thalas revamp taking attention away from the poor, poor night elves. Aww, such babies aren't they - the night elves.
    Hes such a drag. Every day a little bit more.

  8. #34848
    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I remember reading something about that in A Good War that Malfurion and Tyrande needed to be killed for the original plan to work. Saurfang did try to challenge Malfurion in the war and almost burried alive while Malfurion tell him off by saying that his challenges of duel mean nothing to him.

    People looking back on BfA thinking it was an ok or good expansion forgot a lot of things about it. The only good thing about the expansion is that the dev did try and worked a lot. They delivered a lot of content and were reactive though the result remains truly aweful...
    Malfurion OR Tyrande.

    Sylvanas wanted Tyrande gone, and it was clarified in I think Elegy that Tyrande being gone was one of the goals before the attack went off.

    Blizzard has a habbit of not always showing it, but Tyrande is the bigger threat than Malfurion in an army setting like that. Hell, Tyrande is likely the bigger threat one on one. By far, in the military setting though. In Wolfheart, Tyrande and some of her priestess completely shut down one of the largest Horde armies ever assembled. It was outright stated to be one of the largest ever. The only reason it wasn't a complete route is because Garrosh had Magnataur and nobody knew about it.

    It wasn't just making people stronger. It was blinding the army by amplifying moonlight and shining it in peoples eyes. It was creating a fog that stopped the Horde from casting spells.

    More, Malfurion was able to outfight Saurfang in melee combat using just a finger knife thing (which is really stupid, mind) and Tyrande is FAR better with weapons than Malfurion. Not just a bow, also martial arts similar to a monks fighting. It's been said in books that she can easily cave an orcs throat in with her strikes. And then she's got her glaives.

    It's actually one of the biggest problems thematically with the Night Warrior. Tyrande is the last person who needs any sort of power boost. The novels have her do crazy stuff. Make clones of herself out of Elunes power to fight off an army of old god Satyr type crazy stuff.
    Last edited by Ferlion; 2023-10-25 at 02:43 PM.

  9. #34849
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    I would love an underground expansion if they can make the areas feel like huge open caves. Not like Zaralek, Deepholme or that Naga zone we got after Mechagon.

    And I hope, that if we do get an underground expansion, we do not get Undermine. Or at least just degrade it to a dungeon. Imagine the fun you can have with the bosses/encounters there.
    Uh why would you not include a cosmopolitan underground metropolis linked to multiple major characters in an underground expansion? That makes zero sense.

    Additionally, if you know the lore behind Undermine, you quickly realize that it also makes zero sense to make it into a dungeon.

    If anything, Undermine makes the most sense as a faction hub and base of operations for both Alliance and Horde as they descend deeper into Azeroth if not a central half-continent or continent in of itself.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2023-10-25 at 02:44 PM.

  10. #34850
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Speak for yourself. I loved BFA from beginning to end. It drove me nuts to see Blizz putting so much love and effort into that expansion and seeing nothing but bitching over Azerite armour and Sylvanas on the forums. It's up there with Wrath and MoP to me in terms of my enjoyment.
    I kind of agree. BfA had many positives and I think that is one of the expansions that I have played the most:

    - Patch 8.2 is one of the best patches in WoW's history if not the best IMO.

    - Azshara is one of the few villains with a personality and she is just cool, although she did not get enough screentime.

    - Both continents were awesome.

    - Patch 8.3 was dissapointing but the corruption system, even with its many problems, was fun, and the Visions of N'zoth solo scenarios and progression was really fun too.

    - The Azerite system was a disaster, though, especially until 8.1.

    - In the other hand, 8.2 Azerite system is one of the best things they have ever done.

    - The story was a mess and the way in which they handled N'zoth was atrocious.

    - Also, I do not remember playing an expansion with so many bugs for so much time.

    - Islands were a fun side activity. They could have been improved in many ways, and hopefully they will revisit the idea.

    - Finally, while I enjoyed Nazjatar, they hyped It for so long that what we got was not enough.
    Last edited by Darkarath; 2023-10-25 at 02:43 PM.
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  11. #34851
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh why would you not include a cosmopolitan underground metropolis linked to multiple major characters in an underground expansion? That makes zero sense.

    Additionally, if you know the lore behind Undermine, you quickly realize that it also makes zero sense to make it into a dungeon.

    because they never ever ever used a city/town for a dungeon setting right? right?

  12. #34852
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    because they never ever ever used a city/town for a dungeon setting right? right?
    Yeah, cities or towns that were taken over by ghouls or demons. Undermine is under the control of the ultra wealthy Goblin trade coalition who we're not at war with and have never been at war with. Why would we have a dungeon where we're running through Undermine? It's a NEUTRAL location that works with both the Horde and the Alliance.

  13. #34853
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    I fully agree, but sadly we still have some people who claim that it has been promised in vanilla, so it will be added for sure next expansion. Asking for sources? Silence ofcourse.
    Agreed. I mean there’s a lot that were “intended for Vanilla” that ended up just being patch zones or dungeons/raids. (Nazjatar, Malestrom, Kezan, Ulduar continent, etc etc)
    Or relegated to something even smaller like the island expeditions did to Crestfall.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yeah, cities or towns that were taken over by ghouls or demons. Undermine is under the control of the ultra wealthy Goblin trade coalition who we're not at war with and have never been at war with. Why would we have a dungeon where we're running through Undermine? It's a NEUTRAL location that works with both the Horde and the Alliance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  14. #34854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post

    You mean the lost city controlled by a psychotic gnome that wanted to turn all living things into machines? Yeah, you can do a mega-dungeon with that because you gotta stop that guy.

    What does that have to do with Undermine?

  15. #34855
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    Malfurion OR Tyrande.

    Sylvanas wanted Tyrande gone, and it was clarified in I think Elegy that Tyrande being gone was one of the goals before the attack went off.

    Blizzard has a habbit of not always showing it, but Tyrande is the bigger threat than Malfurion in an army setting like that. Hell, Tyrande is likely the bigger threat one on one. By far, in the military setting though. In Wolfheart, Tyrande and some of her priestess completely shut down one of the largest Horde armies ever assembled. It was outright stated to be one of the largest ever. The only reason it wasn't a complete route is because Garrosh had Magnataur and nobody knew about it.

    It wasn't just making people stronger. It was blinding the army by amplifying moonlight and shining it in peoples eyes. It was creating a fog that stopped the Horde from casting spells.

    More, Malfurion was able to outfight Saurfang in melee combat using just a finger knife thing (which is really stupid, mind) and Tyrande is FAR better with weapons than Malfurion. Not just a bow, also martial arts similar to a monks fighting. It's been said in books that she can easily cave an orcs throat in with her strikes. And then she's got her glaives.

    It's actually one of the biggest problems thematically with the Night Warrior. Tyrande is the last person who needs any sort of power boost. The novels have her do crazy stuff. Make clones of herself out of Elunes power to fight off an army of old god Satyr type crazy stuff.
    Night warrior Tyrande Tree Queen Goddess avatar - need no man to keep her going.

    It's good she's getting spotlight.. but I don't like her doing druid stuff. That should be Malfurion or another Staghlem if Malfurion is "sleeping" yet again.

  16. #34856
    The gameplay loop of grinding Azerite is why BFA is widely regarded as one of the most hated expansions. A lot of people also hated Teldrassil and not being able to rebel against Sylvanas/Nathanos/Evil Horde, as well as how N'zoth was handled at the end.

    Zone and (most) lorewise I think a lot of people liked it a lot, but gameplay wise it was like the reverse of DF. Also the way the devs reacted to the hate for the plot basically tanked all communication between devs and players forever. Couple Blizzard devs got so upset they legitimately quit the company because of how players treated them (I can think of two notable ones).

  17. #34857
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    The gameplay loop of grinding Azerite is why BFA is widely regarded as one of the most hated expansions. A lot of people also hated Teldrassil and not being able to rebel against Sylvanas/Nathanos/Evil Horde, as well as how N'zoth was handled at the end.

    Zone and lorewise I think a lot of people liked it a lot, but gameplay wise it was like the reverse of DF.
    Well I don't like DF either. I just dislike it for different reaason.

  18. #34858
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Night warrior Tyrande Tree Queen Goddess avatar - need no man to keep her going.

    It's good she's getting spotlight.. but I don't like her doing druid stuff. That should be Malfurion or another Staghlem if Malfurion is "sleeping" yet again.
    I agree, but also that's just how Blizzard does things. It's really weird. It's not the first or the last time they give encounters to relatively unrelated people. Hell, Tirion and Arthas is another great example.

  19. #34859
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    I agree, but also that's just how Blizzard does things. It's really weird. It's not the first or the last time they give encounters to relatively unrelated people. Hell, Tirion and Arthas is another great example.
    They admitted that Malfurion is only gone because they didn't know how to balance him AND Tyrande as main characters for Nelves, so it's probably just "Tyrande main nelf for years, we are only using one big NPC per race because we think gen audience and players are dumb/they are dumb, so she is main nelf" regardless of lore and her lack of druidism.

    Tirion and Arthas, I don't even know what was going on there.

  20. #34860
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lanerios View Post
    I fully agree, but sadly we still have some people who claim that it has been promised in vanilla, so it will be added for sure next expansion. Asking for sources? Silence ofcourse.
    You mean this source?

    At BlizzCon 2010, Alex Afrasiabi said that the goblin starting zone was only "a small segment of the actual whole' of Kezan", and that the goblins "did want to go back to Undermine and the other goblin land holdings, just a question of when."[31]

    Here's the point; Undermine is a major lore location in Warcraft whether you personally like it or not. Saying that it has some "less than" status for "reasons" is a silly and dishonest take that makes no sense in a discussion about a potential underground expansion. There's a pretty close to zero chance Blizzard isn't going to include such a location in an expansion pretty much designed for such a location to exist. If you don't utilize Undermine, where else can you start such an expansion from that would make more sense than a civilized neutral location with loads of WC lore attached to it?

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