The new owlbear can fly! I repeat, the cute new owlbear is able to fly!
The new owlbear can fly! I repeat, the cute new owlbear is able to fly!
I think thats honestly the problem with a insectoid playable race I know in MoP the guild i was in had our best healer quit because she was afraid of prey mantis. I think there are easy ways to make one work as their are A LOT of pretty moths/butterflys we just got a winged race so who knows
you are the one who’s confused.
Grim Batol was conceptualized as a lost Dwarven keep the horde used as a base and locked the dragons up in all the way back in WC2.
Dire Maul was conceptualized as an one of the elven city in there trilogy.
Either were originally meant to be dungeons in wow.
there is none, there original concepts aren’t what we got in wow which holds true for undermine which will be added in who knows what state.You can't see the difference?
Tanaris/shredders =\= undermine in any way.
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
I fully empathize with your healer, I was not at all happy when they added that giant spider mount in Legion. It looked a bit too realistic for my liking. Same with the bees they added in BfA.
Bugs/insects are a very divisive theme and it would be a huge risk to go all in on an expansion themed around them when there are people dealing with legitimate phobias out there.
Which is kind of a shame, because if I think about it objectively in terms of their sheer story potential, the insectoid races in WoW actually have some really good lore.
But I'm still gonna have to say no.
I'm more worried about the people convinced it's elemental themed because I can see them doing a "BfA is a PvP expansion" with that.
There are storms, storms are elemental.
We're underground, earth is elemental.
We're in the ocean, water is elemental.
There is a fireplace in the K'aresh inn, fire is elemental!.
You do realise that playable Worgen ARE the updated models for those.
Presumably night elf worgen would be similar to playable Worgen, so they'd look the same in worgen form but it's possible they'd use different models. However to make it more interesting, they should give them other were forms too, worgen, were bear, were cat(saberon), Harpy (or similar to Arrakoa), also they should vary the night elf form. Make it more druidic- option for normal hair or hair of leaves, normal legs or faun legs (sylvar style), option for normal hands or gnarled thorn hands (think keeper of the grove), normal arms or feathered arms (think Malfuiron's arm gear) and off course - antler options
Lol, you make a valid point. There's a huge desire to associate anything that has to do with an element as being elemental, as if we did not just (apparently) neutralize an entire upstart army of elementalists. Iridikron is an elemental dragon, so inevitably we will see some forms of it in his themes, but he literally just aligned himself with the Void. He has no more use for former Barrens, Vol'dun and Darkshore NPCs summoning the same water elemental over and over.
That being said, still not a K'aresh believer.
I think my favorite part is that very convenient photograph that's stapled to the board, featuring a dude who is holding a lantern in the palm of his hand (is he offering it to the mantis fellow? why would the mantis need it?), and apparently has his sword sheathed in his left asscheek.
confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai
Again, we’re talking about their concepts in WoW, not in WC2 or in a novel.
They were both conceived as dungeons in WoW, which is why they’re both dungeons.Either were originally meant to be dungeons in wow.
Except Undermine was conceived as a neutral Goblin city in WoW. Both Dire Maul and Grim Batol were designed to be dungeons in WoW from the beginning.there is none, there original concepts aren’t what we got in wow which holds true for undermine which will be added in who knows what state.
No comment for the Undermine clam chowder mysteriously sold in the Azure Span, and added in 10.0.7? It’s the first Undermine referenced item added into the game since Cataclysm.Tanaris/shredders =\= undermine in any way.
Last edited by Teriz; 2023-10-25 at 09:52 PM.
Can we go back to speculating on potential answers to the SoA acronym?
Has "Sword of Azeroth" been suggested yet? Or what about "Sargeras or Anduin"?
I'd really love them to restore Kezan, Lost Isles and expand into Undermine - so pointless having that lovely start, never to see it outside the starting experience.
Funny, see lots of requests for Gilneas city to be restored, but almost never see for Kezan.. but then alliance always seem to be requesting stuff - jeez wonder why - level of contentment is much lower on the blue side. The horde requests seem to be mostly Silvermoon revamps