Wait hold on which of the "leaks" (heavy air quotes) are tied to the D4 leak info?
Wait hold on which of the "leaks" (heavy air quotes) are tied to the D4 leak info?
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
For example here: https://www.amazon.com/World-Warcraf.../dp/1956916156
Although I initially spotted it in another store.
- - - Updated - - -
There's no flippin way they'll call an expansion "Secrets of Azeroth". There just isn't.
If SoA is real, it's most likely got something to do with Storms and Azeroth or Avaloren.
So it seems.
I'm not officially part of the cult team, but I can't deny, seeing EK and Kalimdor reimagined with modern assets and narrative design would be the One True Expansion for me.
Northrend and Broken Isles and all those other places are cool and all, but it always goes back to EK and Kalimdor for me. That's where the true heart of Warcraft lies.
Fun fact:
Pach 1.10 of World of Warcraft was called "Storms of Azeroth".
Just move that punctuation mark one step to the right and we've got it.
The patch featured, among other things, new (and rather intense) weather effects across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
Edit: here's a trailer in case you're interested.
Last edited by Worldshaper; 2023-10-25 at 10:14 PM.
Storms or Stormriders of Algar? Not that I believe the whole SoA thing.
Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US
I'm all for Storms of Azeroth. It would make the most sense given the only legitimate piece of evidence we have of the next xpac (Algerian Stormrider) that the S word would be Storms.
Would also be nifty given the rumored Heroes of the STORM revival.
There's also the Royal Nerubian Capsa added in 10.1.
So we have Undermine and Nerubians mentioned randomly in the Dragon Isles, and we got Khaz Algar via datamine. I'm willing to bet that there are other items scattered in other DF zones that could possibly hint at a possible upcoming underground expansion.
As always, could be nothing, could be something.