1. #35281
    I am really excited for 10.2, I think that is the first really good patch cinematic showcasing a villain since maybe...8.2?

  2. #35282
    Quote Originally Posted by J Street View Post
    Fair enough, just looking for something to latch onto and get invested in, trying to join the hype train with y'all
    To that one's credit. Unlike all the others it's at least written like someone who had access to the Blizzcon demo might explain it. Although if they actually have access to the demo idk why they would stick with the abbreviation SoA.

  3. #35283
    Quote Originally Posted by seainma View Post
    Ooh I like this idea. I would love for it to have Skies of Arcadia vibes
    Yeah, that was my thought as well. That game was awesome.

    Flying island chains hidden in storms, maybe the whole place is partially shifted into the elemental air plane?

  4. #35284
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    I am really excited for 10.2, I think that is the first really good patch cinematic showcasing a villain since maybe...8.2?
    Yeah, if the story of 10.2 is anything even close to what that cinematic gave us (in terms of vibe and feel), I am sold! Looking forward to the raid ending and MSQ!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bossmonkey View Post
    Yeah, that was my thought as well. That game was awesome.

    Flying island chains hidden in storms, maybe the whole place is partially shifted into the elemental air plane?
    I certainly would prefer a "sky expansion" over (pun intended) an "underground expansion."

  5. #35285
    Going back to the SoA acronym: how About Seeds of Amirdrassil?

    World revamp where the new world tree causes more change than anticipated, echoing the story of Amanthul ripping Ghanir because it’s “too chaotic”.

    10.2.5/.7 can have story beats which feed this change. This will all be just 11.0 stuff which Iridikron/Xalatath being the main antagonists deeper into the expac.

    Just a thought… seems like bringing a new world tree from a seed of the shadowlands would dictate some larger side effects.

    Then again there’s a giant sword in Silithus still so meh.

    EDIT: guess I should read the thread first lol
    I thought of an SoA finally that makes sense.

    "Surge of Amirdrassil"

    Expansion is about the world tree surging throughout the entire world. Replenishing life & revitalizing the earth, the awakening of the tree has caused an uproar amongst the elementals, which has as well caused much mayhem across all of Azeroth.
    Last edited by Ashapls; 2023-10-26 at 12:12 AM.

  6. #35286
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    World of Warcraft: Still on Azeroth

  7. #35287
    Flying island chain idea amuses me as that was one of the top ideas people had for the Dragon Isles, as I recall.

  8. #35288
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    To that one's credit. Unlike all the others it's at least written like someone who had access to the Blizzcon demo might explain it. Although if they actually have access to the demo idk why they would stick with the abbreviation SoA.
    Does the zone name he gave have any current wow lore relevance? You're right about the abbreviation though, unless the demo doesn't have the title in it, but who knows

  9. #35289
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Shit, Orcs Again
    Better than the old Blizz favorite of troll raids

  10. #35290
    Quote Originally Posted by Grazrug View Post
    That is more zones then every other race has. It's enough to Limit them to northern Kalimdor.
    Yeah, but WoW isn't really balanced on how many zones a race gets, is it? I'd wager more lore-based. Nelves are pretty entrenched on the western side of Kalimdor, and humans in the Eastern Kingdoms. I mean, as it is at the moment, humans have more zones in Eastern Kingdom than Night Elves have in Kalimdor, with Elwynn, Duskwood, Westfall, Redridge, Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands, and perhaps arguably both the Plaguelands (on the Alliance side of stories) Alterac Mountains, and Gilneas having human-dominated lore (although Gilneas is kind of its own Worgen-y stories now I suppose)

    Can't really give away zones to races that don't really have a presence there. Would be kind of odd to be telling Tauren stories in Redridge, or have a Dwarf-focused Feralas. Humans are probably always going to be a bit overrepresented in EK and Elves are going to be a bit overrepresented in Kalimdor

  11. #35291
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Yeah, but WoW isn't really balanced on how many zones a race gets, is it? I'd wager more lore-based. Nelves are pretty entrenched on the western side of Kalimdor, and humans in the Eastern Kingdoms. I mean, as it is at the moment, humans have more zones in Eastern Kingdom than Night Elves have in Kalimdor, with Elwynn, Duskwood, Westfall, Redridge, Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands, and perhaps arguably both the Plaguelands (on the Alliance side of stories) Alterac Mountains, and Gilneas having human-dominated lore (although Gilneas is kind of its own Worgen-y stories now I suppose)

    Can't really give away zones to races that don't really have a presence there. Would be kind of odd to be telling Tauren stories in Redridge, or have a Dwarf-focused Feralas. Humans are probably always going to be a bit overrepresented in EK and Elves are going to be a bit overrepresented in Kalimdor
    Which is bad for a two faction game. You can't Just Lock out 50% of all players out of regional stories. That's why originally Stormwind was the last remaining human nation.

  12. #35292
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashapls View Post
    Going back to the SoA acronym: how About Seeds of Amirdrassil?

    World revamp where the new world tree causes more change than anticipated, echoing the story of Amanthul ripping Ghanir because it’s “too chaotic”.

    10.2.5/.7 can have story beats which feed this change. This will all be just 11.0 stuff which Iridikron/Xalatath being the main antagonists deeper into the expac.

    Just a thought… seems like bringing a new world tree from a seed of the shadowlands would dictate some larger side effects.

    Then again there’s a giant sword in Silithus still so meh.

    EDIT: guess I should read the thread first lol
    I like your title better than mine, but mine has "Surge" in it which is commonly equated as "electricity" which would have something to do with thunder "Storms", finally getting back to "Stormrider" as the mount name. Either or, I personally like yours.

    I agree -- there's a brand new WORLD TREE that has come into existence over the course of.. ??? no time at all? There most definitely needs to be side affects.

  13. #35293
    Quote Originally Posted by Grazrug View Post
    Which is bad for a two faction game. You can't Just Lock out 50% of all players out of regional stories. That's why originally Stormwind was the last remaining human nation.
    You're assuming the factions will still exist.

  14. #35294
    Stories of Azeroth
    Sons of Azeroth
    Shadows over Avaloren

  15. #35295
    All my friends know the storm rider...


  16. #35296
    Quote Originally Posted by PotHockets View Post
    You're assuming the factions will still exist.
    There is a reason most zones are contested

  17. #35297
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtMash View Post
    I am 100% ready for Elune vs Xal'Atath, with Xal being the Godess of Life of primordial Azeroth, and Elune "stealing" her following and role after Xal's death.
    I would love for this to happen. I just don't have that kind of faith in the writers to pull something like that off.

  18. #35298
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostFish View Post
    If it's SoA, what about Shores of Avaloren?
    Well, I'm convinced that's going to be the title. Avaloren is the continent west of Kalimdor and Khaz Algar is one of the zones.

    No world revamp. No Undermine. No Emerald Dream stuff.

  19. #35299
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Shit, Orcs Again
    The Dark Portal begins to glow blue before a whole lot of blue orcs burst through - a horde, if you will - followed by its proud warchief: Gar'nash Hellscream, the son of Zaela and Warchief Garrosh Hellscream from a different timeline. He now leads the Lightbound Horde, from a timeline where the orcs of Draenor more happily embraced the Lightbound's crusade and usurped the Draenei as the Light's primary enforcers.

    They have now come to conquer Azeroth and liberate it from all enemies of the Light in the name of Gar'nash Hellscream, The Light's Hand.

  20. #35300
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    I love Void stuff. Can't wait. I'm really excited for the "features" list.

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