1. #36381
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    If world revamp is true, they won't create tons of new assets for "Avaloren" AND for Azeroth.

  2. #36382
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Not every source, as in-game we’ve seen the entrance to Undermine on Kezan. And other goblin starting zone stuff.

    Still haven’t even seen the whole statue, only one side of it that’s mostly obstructed.

    Not really. As mentioned before, the first screenshot you mentioned doesn’t look really much like Azure Span. I just don’t see any VALID comparisons. Unless “oh no both zones have orange rocks!!” Means they’re both waking shore.

    At most it reminds me of Kul Tiras in a way but I can’t put my finger on it.
    On a more serious note, I think if anything here is going to fit the bill of "Underground" from what people were on about earlier, the First Screenshot would be it. That gives me the vibes. That and the snow zone. Both of those have topography that could lend itself to be partially above-ground and then for example heavy underground/cave stuff in the mountains in the back of the first one.

  3. #36383
    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    I remember when they played the Mists of Pandaria Feature Trailer at Blizzcon and the Pandaren Silos in the background were so unfinished, they were just white textures and that STILL passed for Trailer Shots.
    That happened in DF too, various Tuskarr and Centaur models were just untextured or a solid color, it's not a super big deal to them (nor should it be, really).

  4. #36384
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    I mean the assumption would be they moved up to 18 month cycles (May) for this one and then squeeze out the remaining 6 months for 12.0.
    Charging people for a 6 month long expansion will be received by the playerbase worse than Diablo Immortal's announcement.

  5. #36385
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    I mean, leakers don't really get to pick and choose what to leak, they can only leak what they have access to. If these zone photos are real it's not like a leaker would go, "Better not leak these, they're not sufficiently interesting". If boring zone photos is what Blizzard provides then that's all they can leak.
    That is where these images being high quality comes into play. It gives the impression that they were found in a more curated collection, in which case this is a poor one for Blizzard to make.

    As I said a couple of pages back. These could be part of a press kit of images to be used when making articles. However, if that is the case then it's monumentally bad luck to get the four images that reveal the least amount of info.

    Imagine if this was DF, and none of the pictures showed a new dragon. None showed Waking Shore. None showed Valdrakken. None showed Tyrhold. Or really any other interesting feature. Instead all we got were stuff like Tuskarr in front of a tree, or one of the new eagles on top of a rock.

    Imagine what horrendous luck it would be to only get the press kit pictures that don't show off any of the exciting locations that presumably exist in Avaloren, like Khaz Algar, or the crater where the world tree was.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  6. #36386
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    Okay, this is a sign. You need to take your hopium-d and copium-c, you are slipping into dangerous territory.
    XD hahaha

    I'm almost serious!
    World of dworfcraft is the anti hype for me

    I'm sure the photoshop talent that made this masterpiece will show up soon

    I wonder... Why this specific number of four screenshots were taken if this is a real leak from a video. Also why so low res
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  7. #36387
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    @Demonly and I did some snooping around and found that the tree used in one of the screenshots already exists as an asset in-game.

    It's called 10can_tree_burnt_b01_off.m2 and it's found in the Waking Shores.

    My question is, has Blizzard reused this many assets in the past when going into what's supposed to be a brand new expansion?

    Combining this finding with @Marlamin's earlier analysis, it seems like there's an unusually high amount of assets from Dragonflight. It almost makes it seem like Avaloren (if real) should be 10.3, not 11.0.
    They've reused a lot of assets in the past to the point that when they've reworked some of them, the assets in the old zones were also updated aswell (like coffins).

    But some details just makes me think that this a true leak, like the harpy channeling behind the tree you've shown. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 11.0 if the Storm of Avaloren leak is true as they're probably going to revamp some zones (Gilneas and Silvermoon).

  8. #36388
    High Overlord Ansi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    "Continent" is completely arbitrary and just means "new expansion place".
    In their announcemenets the generally use whatever language they want, depending on whatever marketing they are going for.

    Kul Tiras and Zand were called continents, as was Pandaria and the Broken isles.

    Draenor they refered to as "New World" , for Shadowlands they just used the phrase "Explore the Afterlives" and for DF "Explore The Dragon Isles"

    Thats hard proof, I stand corrected. And disappointed.

  9. #36389
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dismayxz View Post
    On a more serious note, I think if anything here is going to fit the bill of "Underground" from what people were on about earlier, the First Screenshot would be it. That gives me the vibes. That and the snow zone. Both of those have topography that could lend itself to be partially above-ground and then for example heavy underground/cave stuff in the mountains in the back of the first one.
    I think that the main city (Khaz Algar probably) will be mostly underground in some way. Be it like Ironforge, or maybe a more vertical city in whatever chasm/fissure is there?
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  10. #36390
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocos View Post
    If the leak is real, I bet 10 trader's tendies that the harpies are equivalent to the Ohn'ahran centaur. Race that was previously almost entirely hostile getting a friendlier, more soft variation for a faction.
    And the Agg'orand dudes, the Dwarf-Ogres and their warring factions are literally just the Nokhud split into multiple tribes. You ally with the Harpies, maybe on Tribe of Aggo'dudes and then the others are the zone antagonists.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    XD hahaha

    I'm almost serious!
    World of dworfcraft is the anti hype for me

    I'm sure the photoshop talent that made this masterpiece will show up soon

    I wonder... Why this specific number of four screenshots were taken if this is a real leak from a video. Also why so low res
    To quote Rathwell's wisdom from literally the top of this page were are currently on (1900).
    I mean, leakers don't really get to pick and choose what to leak, they can only leak what they have access to. If these zone photos are real it's not like a leaker would go, "Better not leak these, they're not sufficiently interesting". If boring zone photos is what Blizzard provides then that's all they can leak.
    - Rathwell, being very blatantly logical in a hopium and copium Den.

  11. #36391
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throren View Post
    wait remember that stone-ogre looking race from that other past leak?

    Yep, this and the other screens are the real leaks for me, look way too on point to be fake.

    It can be fake for sure, but it reminds of dragonflight leak, we had the pics and everyone was saying it was fake even bringing ''proof" with photoshop shenanigans, or saying the style of the stone dude wasn't warcraft-ish. This look like the same case.

    Plus those are in line with the other leak that said shaman to all races and a new spec for DH
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2023-10-26 at 03:58 PM.

  12. #36392
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    I mean, leakers don't really get to pick and choose what to leak, they can only leak what they have access to. If these zone photos are real it's not like a leaker would go, "Better not leak these, they're not sufficiently interesting". If boring zone photos is what Blizzard provides then that's all they can leak.
    While I kinda see your point, though I have to point out that the first pic paints these pictures as stills from the feature trailer. Somebody has seen it and made screenshots. Not pictures with a phone, but genuine screenshots on the device they were watching the trailer on.
    Let us operate on the assumption that this is legit.
    The leaker and the one taking the screenshots might not necessarily be the same person. But the one making the shots clearly had a lot of free time and full access to the computer with the trailar on it.
    Yet this is what they decided to share?

  13. #36393
    Blizzard is probably feeling sad right now. They haven’t announced their expansion yet and they’ve already crap it. It's like if your mom showed your photo to a girl you like and she said he's ugly. You haven't met yet and she's already rejected you

  14. #36394
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    But even the Avaloren leak says "new continent".

    I don't think they've ever used "continent" for any patch trailer.
    Argus was a whole new planet

  15. #36395
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    I think that the main city (Khaz Algar probably) will be mostly underground in some way. Be it like Ironforge, or maybe a more vertical city in whatever chasm/fissure is there?
    The thing is, I'm not sure which one Khaz Algar would be here. The Rocky, rainy, greyish Mountain Pine forest zone on Screen one? We don't see dwarf shit on there, at least from the Screenshot's angle and context. But it does seem to be more like a Tol Barad-ish area, probably coastal. You land there, you are greeted by a veil of sharp mountainous terrain with a constant overhang of dark rain clouds, pretty, colorful vegetation in the midst of a darker, grey-ish Pine Forest.

    But on immediate reaction, the second Screenshot just looks like .. "it".

  16. #36396
    This lantern thing from the image with the harpies also an asset from Legion

  17. #36397
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    While I kinda see your point, though I have to point out that the first pic paints these pictures as stills from the feature trailer. Somebody has seen it and made screenshots. Not pictures with a phone, but genuine screenshots on the device they were watching the trailer on.
    Let us operate on the assumption that this is legit.
    The leaker and the one taking the screenshots might not necessarily be the same person. But the one making the shots clearly had a lot of free time and full access to the computer with the trailar on it.
    Yet this is what they decided to share?
    For all we know this is like the only 4-5 second window of the trailer that doesn't have a watermark all over it

  18. #36398
    Blizzard, re-use assets? Never!

  19. #36399
    Mechagnome Draedarr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valysar View Post
    If world revamp is true, they won't create tons of new assets for "Avaloren" AND for Azeroth.
    The ones for Azeroth have been datamined before, but never used on game, so it could be

  20. #36400

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